halfway gone!

Apr 28, 2011 23:48

I've passed 150k words this year, which is half of my yearly goal for getyourwordsout. Obviously this means I'm volunteering to write you commentfic.

Rules:♠I will write for: Inception, Merlin, J2, Generation Kill, JE, Gundam Wing, the odd Jdrama maybe. I mightmightmight be able to be bullied into writing for Hawaii 5-0 ( Read more... )

read at your own risk, commentfic, pairings i never thought i'd write, gywo, this is not my fandom (yet)

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Ariadne/Eames size!kink (2) anamuan June 2 2011, 02:04:14 UTC
Eames loves how tiny Ariadne is. He loves the way he can throw her around if he wants, loves the way he can just lift her up in his arms and toss her onto the bed, or the way he can haul her up and doesn't even need to pin her to a wall to fuck her standing up, because if she wraps her legs around his waist he can easily support them both.

He gets off on prepping her--loves that he has to, has to loosen her up with his fingers before he can even think about putting prick in her tight little cunt because otherwise even though she wants him, he won't fit. He likes the way he always, always has to start slow for her to open up for him, and the way she clamps down tightly once he's inside, like she wants to keep him in her forever. He loves that he can see where the head of his prick rests inside her, the way it presses up against the soft flesh of her stomach from the inside, that she's so full of him there isn't any more room, that she literally has to stretch to take him. Eames loves that he can see where he is inside her, not just where he enters, but all the way in; he loves that he can put his hand there, on the downward slope of her belly and he can feel it, can feel the shape of him moving inside her.

He presses his palm there when they have sex. She always goes crazy when he does that. He asked her once, and she says it feels good, all the pressure, like he's trying to fuck right through her. Eames snaps his hips deeper into her, palm resting heavy on her stomach, feeling like he's finally got something substantial to push against, thrusting up and up and up and in and in and in until she clenches down around him with her orgasm, so tight he thinks he might die from it, that this tiny woman will kill him like this.

He presses down more firmly on the soft skin between her hips, on his own prick deep inside her, and wonders dazedly if he can bruise her from the inside as he comes.

He can't pull out right away, because Ariadne keeps rocking her hips desperately forward as he starts to slide out, desperately reclaiming all the millimeters of him she'd lost. Eventually she's relaxed enough for him to pull out, so he does, careful of the condom. He presses a kiss to her stomach as he ties the condom off, and Ariadne gasps and shakes all over--and suddenly Eames wants to do it all over again, wants to fuck her with his fingers until she's begging for something bigger, something that will fill her up like he does. Then he'll fuck her with a toy, mouthing along all the soft curves of her stomach until she comes again.


Re: Ariadne/Eames size!kink (2) neomeruru June 2 2011, 03:26:17 UTC
Hnngh, oh my god. Both of these were just fucking delicious, in a way that het porn almost never is for me. I love the description of him pressing down, especially from Ariadne's POV -- actually, I love everything from Ariadne's POV. Just, everything.


Re: Ariadne/Eames size!kink (2) anamuan June 2 2011, 04:03:18 UTC
i almost never write het, and it seemed like such a good opportunity to get ariadne POV so i wrote it twice XD

incidentally, why do you think het porn is so seldom hot for you? I almost never read it--i'll almost avoid it--but I'm not entirely sure why I don't enjoy it


Re: Ariadne/Eames size!kink (2) neomeruru June 2 2011, 04:22:31 UTC
I was thinking that myself as I was writing the comment, trying to suss out exactly why I don't. I've rarely been wowed, stunned, turned on or otherwise by het fic -- there might be any number of reasons, here's a few I thought of and they may or may not apply to either me or you, or they might apply to varying degrees, just ideas:

- uncomfortable to have a female POV
- uncomfortable with female pleasure in general
- bored/uninterested by descriptions of female pleasure
- unwillingness to identify with the characters
- uncomfortable to read porn with women in it (objectification worries)
- no need to read about it, I can go experience it
- lack of good fic/good writers of het
- tendency for kinky fic to "read" like a porno, not an exporation of character
- writers who write het porn are able to rely on a pantheon of mainstream phrases and plots to describe female pleasure; slash feels more novel
- lack of adequate, sexy words in English to describe women's bodies
- in my experience, less rough-and-tumble sex/tendency to more loving, vanilla sex
- writer tendency to gloss over what it really feels like in favour of flowery, obtuse, cliche, or terse language

Interestingly enough, I don't read femmeslash either. I like cocks, I like reading about cocks. I'm really simple that way.


Re: Ariadne/Eames size!kink (2) anamuan June 2 2011, 04:43:27 UTC
hmmmm i'll have to think about these sometime when I'm not supposed to be sleeping. I can see how a lot of these could come into play. just to clarify, how do you mean 'uncomfortable to have a female POV'?

see, i do read femmeslash (and write it), and often enjoy it quite a bit--though what I like still tends towards the rough-and-tumble sex and away from sex that could be called 'lovemaking'.

I think I feel about het fic like I feel about certain pairings that I used to read and almost consistently found boring--eventually, I just don't want to read it because so many past experiences have disappointed. but i couldn't tell you why i so often find het boring.


Re: Ariadne/Eames size!kink (2) neomeruru June 2 2011, 05:22:26 UTC
Oh, by that I mean, one of the common explanations for 'why do women like gay porn so much?!' is that they feel safer and less objectified if there are no women present. And then there's also being uncomfortable exploring new sexual kinks (or even just porn itself) through a woman's eyes, which might be overwhelming for the reader whereas there's more of a disconnect if it's through a man's eyes.


Re: Ariadne/Eames size!kink (2) eternalsojourn June 2 2011, 03:35:49 UTC
wonders dazedly if he can bruise her from the inside as he comes

I caaasdfuiowjkl.
He's jgui


Re: Ariadne/Eames size!kink (2) anamuan June 2 2011, 04:03:59 UTC
<3333 best kind of comment.


Re: Ariadne/Eames size!kink (2) lezzerlee June 2 2011, 04:03:05 UTC
jalksjdflkasdjflakjsdfj!!!1 This is better than I imagined! I love it from both points of view! I just can't even. God, I rarely read het in this fandom so IDEK why this prompt seized my mind. I'm so thrilled that you filled it!

It's wonderful!

Just. Yes. Hnnng!


Re: Ariadne/Eames size!kink (2) anamuan June 2 2011, 04:11:13 UTC
it just seemed like such a good opportunity to write ariadne pov, but the prompt was kind of eames pov-y...so i wrote both. XD

I'd probably never write het in this fandom if it weren't for prompts like this, so I'm so glad you left it--it's fun to get to play around a little bit. so thank you for the opportunity, and i'm so glad you liked the result!


Re: Ariadne/Eames size!kink (2) krytella June 2 2011, 05:35:29 UTC
WOW that was delicious. Great to see someone taking advantage of the het-ness, if that makes any sense (the physical position of the vagina and all).


Re: Ariadne/Eames size!kink (2) anamuan June 3 2011, 03:53:14 UTC
taking advantage of the het-ness, if that makes any sense (the physical position of the vagina and all).
i am actually not entirely sure I understand--probably because i'm so tired right now, but could you run it by me again?

but thank you so much! it is one of my personal goals in life to wow you with porn, actually.


Re: Ariadne/Eames size!kink (2) krytella June 5 2011, 07:06:53 UTC
Re: "het-ness," I was thinking of some discussions I'd had with people about deep penetration as a kink in slash, and the idea of feeling from the outside. Because the vagina is closer to the front of the body, it's easier to feel vaginal penetration than anal penetration from outside. Basically, I find this more anatomically plausible than if it had been written with a m/m pairing and anal penetration. Am I making any sense?


Re: Ariadne/Eames size!kink (2) anamuan June 5 2011, 17:13:29 UTC
oh, oh oh! i see what you mean!


Re: Ariadne/Eames size!kink (2) seraphinhunter June 5 2011, 08:36:29 UTC
X__________x Wow, that's a way to start my morning. I read both POVs and they were both really fucking hot. Thank you for hitting a very special kink of mine SO DAMN HARD.



Re: Ariadne/Eames size!kink (2) anamuan June 5 2011, 17:21:42 UTC
I'm very glad you liked it! Thank you so much!


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