drabble drabble drabble

Jan 10, 2010 14:35

come on guys, not reading your flist is no excuse not to give me drabble prompts :((

you make me feel like i'm crawling out of my skin, pikame.
pretty lady, be my lady, jin/horikita maki
death or cake, j2 (buno puntos for anyone who gets the reference)
she's a bad girl, i know, kuroki meisa/kame
the epic battle between good (jpop) and evil (Read more... )

commentfic, pairings i never thought i'd write, i can't believe i wrote this, this is not my fandom (yet), porn is my new new hobby

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Comments 83

ginzarhapsody January 10 2010, 20:37:44 UTC
broken wineglasses and a world of shame (rarepair?)


anamuan January 13 2010, 13:03:27 UTC
They didn't move in together until they were serious. Like, really serious. Like, no rings, maybe, but no one else hopefully ever serious.

When Ryo told his mother, she'd wailed at him over the phone.

"What about that nice girl you brought home three years ago?" she cried. She paused for a moment, but Ryo doesn't manage to say anything into the space, because she just sounded so upset. "She didn't turn you gay, did she?" she accused ( ... )


anamuan January 13 2010, 13:03:34 UTC
Ryo hadn't quite snapped out of it by the time Junno gets home--another practice let out early. Caught red-handed, so to speak, pile of broken glass in the dust bit at his feet, he can't do anything but fess up.

"Junno, I am so sorry!" Ryo says, upset. "It was just the one glass, but your mother told me how important they wereI. We can't replace it."

"Well," Junno replied, smile crinkling around his eyes, "five is a lucky number. Much better than six, really."

Ryo's voice raises in shock, "What? How can you just say that, like it's not important? Your mother told me how your family had kept them for so long."

Junno breaks out into a laugh then. "Really, Ryo, don't worry about it so much! I am pretty sure I was there when Mom bought them. She picked them up at a discount seller because the set only had six. She kind of likes to make up stories to make things sound more interesting or romantic. You can't believe her all the time."

Ryo throws a dish towel at Junno because he was there.


shenron118 January 10 2010, 20:54:23 UTC
Have you written my JE/FFVII crossover fic yet, or am I going to have to stalk and remind you every time you post?


anamuan January 10 2010, 21:00:24 UTC
lololololol you are such a smart person!


sinonymity January 11 2010, 00:57:14 UTC

...i didn't know you were an ff fan, nikki?!


anamuan January 11 2010, 01:23:27 UTC
ahahahahahaha it's the boobs, isn't it? BUT YOU'LL JUST HAVE TO WAIT AND FIND OUT, WON'T YOU.

i'm not in the fandom, per se, but i've played all the games from 7 onward, excluding X-2, because we haven't quite finished X yet, and I don't get home as often/for as long as i used to when i was a carefree (<--lies) student.


myxstorie January 10 2010, 22:06:54 UTC
akame; tonight's the night


myxstorie January 10 2010, 22:07:29 UTC
j2; death or cake?


anamuan January 11 2010, 01:33:28 UTC
roflrofl i half wish it was a spn request...


anamuan January 11 2010, 04:22:16 UTC
The cake is a lie is scrawled on the wall of the cell and suddenly Jared isn't feeling one hundred percent happy with the choice he was presented. The odds just don't seem good. "What's that supposed to mean?" Jared says to himself, frowning ( ... )


myxstorie January 11 2010, 20:56:33 UTC
laksjalksjdlsakdjf THIS IS AWESOME XDDD 'the cake is a lie' ♥


myxstorie January 10 2010, 22:08:39 UTC
"this is the worst week of my life!"

( go prompt me too? ♥)


anamuan January 19 2010, 22:25:52 UTC
This is the worst week of my life! thinks Shige, or he would, but he can't because he's dead and it isn't true. It was the worst week of his life, up until the point that it stopped. Subsequently it became both the worst and best week of his death, both simultaniously, of course, because it was the only week of his death and he hadn't yet had any others to compare it to. So instead, Shige does the dead equivalent of thinking though, problematically, that part still seems to 'think' he's alive and suffering from a particularly bad, but not fatal week. Really it should have been the other way. No one knows to correct him though, as he's dead, and therefore unable to share his thoughts with others.

When Shige realizes that, two weeks of death later, that officially becomes the worst week of his death and he spends most of it sulking. No one notices, though, as the worms haven't gotten to him yet through the coffin, so he doesn't even have their sympathetic membranes ( ... )


myxstorie January 20 2010, 11:49:26 UTC
Oh God, I LOVE THIS SO MUCH, you have NO idea XDDD You know me and my love of crack-gore far too well XDDDD THANK YOU ♥ The psychic at the end especially made me laugh XDD Poor guy, even dead, Shige still fails.


anamuan January 20 2010, 13:03:38 UTC
♥♥♥ i am glad you liked it XDDD the psychic was one of my favourite bits too


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