drabble drabble drabble

Jan 10, 2010 14:35

come on guys, not reading your flist is no excuse not to give me drabble prompts :((

you make me feel like i'm crawling out of my skin, pikame.
pretty lady, be my lady, jin/horikita maki
death or cake, j2 (buno puntos for anyone who gets the reference)
she's a bad girl, i know, kuroki meisa/kame
the epic battle between good (jpop) and evil (Read more... )

commentfic, pairings i never thought i'd write, i can't believe i wrote this, this is not my fandom (yet), porn is my new new hobby

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shenron118 January 10 2010, 20:54:23 UTC
Have you written my JE/FFVII crossover fic yet, or am I going to have to stalk and remind you every time you post?


anamuan January 10 2010, 21:00:24 UTC
lololololol you are such a smart person!


sinonymity January 11 2010, 00:57:14 UTC

...i didn't know you were an ff fan, nikki?!


anamuan January 11 2010, 01:23:27 UTC
ahahahahahaha it's the boobs, isn't it? BUT YOU'LL JUST HAVE TO WAIT AND FIND OUT, WON'T YOU.

i'm not in the fandom, per se, but i've played all the games from 7 onward, excluding X-2, because we haven't quite finished X yet, and I don't get home as often/for as long as i used to when i was a carefree (<--lies) student.


sinonymity January 11 2010, 01:51:18 UTC
yes. there's no one else. if you're taking suggestions, though, i'm going to say yuffie = tego. cause she's annoying. i mean. :D

oh i wish you had played 6. :X but...expect drabble prompts! *__*


anamuan January 11 2010, 01:57:32 UTC
ok, but know i don't know how well i'll be able to write in the fandom. i don't remember all the plotpoints that well anymore XD


sinonymity January 11 2010, 01:03:27 UTC
also. sorry for the comment hijack. i am creepy. :(


anamuan January 11 2010, 01:20:42 UTC
no worries XD when have i ever disapproved of commenting to total strangers on my journal?


sinonymity January 11 2010, 01:51:36 UTC
i was apologizing to your friend. omg i am so creepy to your friends i'll bet. :X


anamuan January 12 2010, 22:39:24 UTC
Cloud is- flicker -no Jin. His name is Jin. Jin is facing forward, looking at his reflection in the dark glass of the train window across from him for lack of anything else to look at. He's SOLDIER; he knows how to wait. Jin's reflection flickers with the lights outside the car as they move through the tunnel, dark-reflection, light-none, dark-reflection, dark-reflection, light-none. Flicker, flickerflicker, flicker, flicker ( ... )


anamuan January 12 2010, 22:39:33 UTC
The next mission Jin is sent on is smaller--and more ambitious--than the last one. It's just him, that guy Pi, and a huge black guy named Barrett who has, no joke, a gatling gun in place of a lost hand. If Jin were allowed to have a sense of humour after all his SOLDIER training, he'd think snide things about how a good way from keeping revolutionaries from working against your totalitarian regime would include not allowing citizens to get heavy artillery installed on their persons, but he's not, so he doesn't think those things. Instead he stands in silence through the briefing and nods occasionally to show he's not animatronic ( ... )


shenron118 January 12 2010, 22:50:35 UTC
Yay! I can has JE/FFVII crossover fic!


anamuan January 12 2010, 23:05:12 UTC


sinonymity January 13 2010, 03:06:14 UTC
HAHAHA I LOVE HOW THERE IS NO JE BARRETT EQUIVALENT. (who was that guy who would do that oni thingy on yah3? bobby?)

i can actually buy jin as emo cloud...especially since...oh my gosh. the eternal love triangle tifa/cloud/aerith = pi/jin/kame. (i'm guessing)


anamuan January 13 2010, 03:23:23 UTC
well, they have some back-up dancers, maybe, but idk their names. and like, only kimutaku has kids (or do others??) but i don't know the sempai groups well at all, plus no one in je seems as hot-headed as barrett was.
so, barrett is this big black guy, yeah? in XIII there's another big black guy. they both have children they're really fond of. is this a japanese stereotype about black guys? are there other black guys in FF that i'm missing, and thus drawing conclusions from an incomplete data set?

yes. actually, i picked them all for their charas because of the epic love triangle, rather than yamapi's moobs. idk what that says about kamepi fans.


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