drabble drabble drabble

Jan 10, 2010 14:35

come on guys, not reading your flist is no excuse not to give me drabble prompts :((

you make me feel like i'm crawling out of my skin, pikame.
pretty lady, be my lady, jin/horikita maki
death or cake, j2 (buno puntos for anyone who gets the reference)
she's a bad girl, i know, kuroki meisa/kame
the epic battle between good (jpop) and evil (Read more... )

commentfic, pairings i never thought i'd write, i can't believe i wrote this, this is not my fandom (yet), porn is my new new hobby

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myxstorie January 10 2010, 22:07:29 UTC
j2; death or cake?


anamuan January 11 2010, 01:33:28 UTC
roflrofl i half wish it was a spn request...


anamuan January 11 2010, 04:22:16 UTC
The cake is a lie is scrawled on the wall of the cell and suddenly Jared isn't feeling one hundred percent happy with the choice he was presented. The odds just don't seem good. "What's that supposed to mean?" Jared says to himself, frowning ( ... )


myxstorie January 11 2010, 20:56:33 UTC
laksjalksjdlsakdjf THIS IS AWESOME XDDD 'the cake is a lie' ♥


anamuan January 12 2010, 03:21:52 UTC
hahaha i'm really glad you liked it!!


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