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Comments 352

procreational April 2 2008, 00:53:27 UTC
I think akame fans won't read other pairings because they really believe in it. it's all very psychological, I think. most akame fans are probably slightly more romantic, thus tending to lean towards the idea of 'one true love' instead of the 'friends with benefits' idea, which more or less rules out pin, ryopi, ryojin, jinda, etc. etc. basically, they are most likely/mostly the ones who are stuck on okinawa and those other akame incidents and see that as proof for the most legitimate relationship in je. which isn't really saying a lot, but akame also appeals to the younger audiences because it's so ~romantic~ and whatnot. think about it: childhood friends, formerly suspiciously close, once upon a time bffls, protective!jin/vulnerable!kame, jealous!jin over shuuji to akira; hell, I'd totally ship them again ( ... )


ginzarhapsody April 2 2008, 00:56:46 UTC
*ponder* i really like what you have to say on your ideas of akame fans. it's very interesting and i can't say i've ever looked at it like that.

I ship anything and everything as long as junno or massu's not in it, which apparently has caused some ill feelings between me and some of my f-list, who then promptly to defriend me because their friends were based on my ship preferences. but I'm just bitter, so.

i'm sorry. that sucks. i'm not anamuan, but yeah. i could never imagine doing something like that to anyone on my friends' list. D:


procreational April 2 2008, 01:03:00 UTC
dead, your icon is so adorably fitting!! I kind of fell into the pin crowd for a bit so for a while I had this deep, unrealistic hatred towards kame for like no reason but now I've seen the light and now I love dear, sweet kame again.

I SPEND A RIDICULOUS AMOUNT OF TIME THINKING ABOUT THIS CAN YOU TELL. but either way, I think akame(pi) makes for some of the most amazing and controversial meta in fandom, shippy or not. :( I can't believe I dork over fandom.

thank you. I'm just slightly bitter over it, it's not really something that totally bothers me. thanks, though.


ginzarhapsody April 2 2008, 01:43:28 UTC
I SPEND A RIDICULOUS AMOUNT OF TIME THINKING ABOUT THIS CAN YOU TELL. but either way, I think akame(pi) makes for some of the most amazing and controversial meta in fandom, shippy or not. :( I can't believe I dork over fandom.

Fandom is a fascinating place, particular JE's. I think it's definitely worthy to dork out over. :) Especially when anamuan is encouraging it here.


thinking_lotus April 2 2008, 01:32:25 UTC
hi bb! My thoughts on fic: I don't really like it all THAT much, moslty because the writing quality is uneven, and I'm sensitive that way. Though I have seem some good examples which I've enjoyed. I am OK with any pairing, really, unless it's utterly creepy in some way. I have liked Pin, pretty much every time, because it's funny. I haven't liked Akame as much because it's generally so emo and angsty and I just can't buy it ( ... )


anamuan April 2 2008, 02:43:24 UTC
thank you for putting in your thoughts, even though you're not a huge fic fan. i like hearing about these kinds of things. i kind of ridiculously love your shadow puppets thinking out loud thing.

i think this question for the flist will be harder to summarize that the :| v :\ one, though.

hahaha, yeah. i ignore them, but usually they're not so determined. usually i don't have to say anything to make them go away.


thinking_lotus April 2 2008, 14:16:02 UTC
i kind of ridiculously love your shadow puppets thinking out loud thing.

hahahaha. I actually do that a lot but usually I edit it out, thinking "who really needs to know what a ridiculously self-centered and tangential person I truly am?" But I knew you would like it ;-) so I left it in.


anamuan April 3 2008, 02:11:27 UTC
thank you! i appreciate your pandering to my strange preferences ♥


For you, I suppose I can bring myself to meta *cranks up brain* mycroftnext April 2 2008, 04:33:06 UTC
how do you do the fic thing personally? do you have ships? are they, like, hardcore, or just vague preferences? would you/do you read other pairings? Why or why not?Sorry, I just wanted to paste the question here so I didn't have to keep scrolling up and down and up and down. I am lazy liek woah ( ... )


Re: For you, I suppose I can bring myself to meta *cranks up brain* procreational April 2 2008, 05:10:32 UTC


mycroftnext April 2 2008, 05:17:06 UTC
I always knew you had excellent taste!!!


procreational April 2 2008, 05:22:31 UTC
So amazing. :( I still read it every month as part of my 'restoring-faith-in-humanity-and-fandom' ritual.


acchikocchi April 2 2008, 06:01:21 UTC
Well, I love Akame to bits and always have. It was in fact my first JE pairing and I took to it all on my own; Pin I was... indoctrinated into. *cough* Of course I adoooore Pin but that's not really a secret, whereas people seem to refuse to believe that I like Akame, too ( ... )


anamuan April 3 2008, 03:34:59 UTC
I am sorry it's taken my like, years to get back to this comment (or, ok, with less hyperbole, hours). I saw it before i went to school this morning and opened it in a new window so i'd be able to find it later, but. well, it's been a long day. At any rate! thank you so much for the comment ( ... )


acchikocchi April 3 2008, 04:51:33 UTC
I mean, I'm sure that's not what every Akame-only fan thinks, of course. But the unfortunate encounters I've had - where I've been told not to bash Kame or Akame before I even said anything more than "interesting post, I want to comment when I have more time!", or where even though it's known that I've written and enjoyed reading a lot of Akame fic it's been assumed I don't like Kame - have all been with Akame-only fans. asjdlksd I say this like it's a big deal - it's not, just one of those thinigs that's a minor irritation or annoyance at first and starts to get to you after several repetitions.

But then there are wonderful people like winterspel and ina who are most definitely Akame fans but are sooo far from the stereotypes. They're both open to reading other pairings, they're not teenagers, they don't think Akame is "real", they're not into that idealistic one and only true love soulmate thing. So rather than say they're special exceptions that don't count or something, I'll say instead that not all Akame fans are like that. :D ( ... )


anamuan April 3 2008, 05:35:30 UTC
I wonder what their experiences have been like to make them assume something like that right off the bat, and if they're going from times they've personally been burned, or if it's more of a general hearsay kind of thing.

Actually, i've kind of wondered, and it's probably an impossible question for anyone to answer, but. How do people get associated with certain pairings like that. What about winterspel makes her an authentic akame fan, despite the things she does that would normally disqualify someone from that category?

sorry, in my head that was accompanied by totally inappropriate koyama and tegoshi enthusiastic fist pumping motions.

*dies* too awesome, oh god. but he's such a fail!gangsta too.


thawrecka April 2 2008, 07:01:52 UTC
Most of the people on my flist who read Jin/Kame read other pairings but I think they're all Pi/Jin fans, so. I read almost everything so I don't count.

do you have ships? are they, like, hardcore, or just vague preferences? would you/do you read other pairings? Why or why not?

Sort of? I mean, I'm obviously kind of crazy over Koyama/Shige and prefer it to, oh, everything and Tego/Pi is my other favourite NEWS pairing. I don't read them exclusively or anything, though. I would fail at being a proper OTP person. I just read whatever I think might be interesting to me, I guess.


anamuan April 3 2008, 02:19:44 UTC
Thank you for giving your input. I've never really gotten this whole shipwar thing that seems to be in vogue in so many fandoms these days. One of the things I liked most about JE when i came is that, on the whole, we seemed to be so bad at it.


thawrecka April 3 2008, 09:16:49 UTC
What we lack in ship wars we seem to make up for in tinhats, at least. Yay, fandom.

ETA I unfolded all your comments! This is fascinating. I have thoughts about everything! I feel like a lameo for leaving short comments when I have so many thoughts! Also, wondering how someone who is as much of a hopeless romantic as I am manages to not be an OTP person. QUESTION FOR THE AGES.


anamuan April 4 2008, 02:15:12 UTC
but tinhats are so shiny. *___*

Don't be a lameo! Tell me your thoughts on everything~


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