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procreational April 2 2008, 00:53:27 UTC
I think akame fans won't read other pairings because they really believe in it. it's all very psychological, I think. most akame fans are probably slightly more romantic, thus tending to lean towards the idea of 'one true love' instead of the 'friends with benefits' idea, which more or less rules out pin, ryopi, ryojin, jinda, etc. etc. basically, they are most likely/mostly the ones who are stuck on okinawa and those other akame incidents and see that as proof for the most legitimate relationship in je. which isn't really saying a lot, but akame also appeals to the younger audiences because it's so ~romantic~ and whatnot. think about it: childhood friends, formerly suspiciously close, once upon a time bffls, protective!jin/vulnerable!kame, jealous!jin over shuuji to akira; hell, I'd totally ship them again.

but either way, I ship anything and everything as long as junno or massu's not in it, which apparently has caused some ill feelings between me and some of my f-list, who then promptly to defriend me because their friends were based on my ship preferences. but I'm just bitter, so.


ginzarhapsody April 2 2008, 00:56:46 UTC
*ponder* i really like what you have to say on your ideas of akame fans. it's very interesting and i can't say i've ever looked at it like that.

I ship anything and everything as long as junno or massu's not in it, which apparently has caused some ill feelings between me and some of my f-list, who then promptly to defriend me because their friends were based on my ship preferences. but I'm just bitter, so.

i'm sorry. that sucks. i'm not anamuan, but yeah. i could never imagine doing something like that to anyone on my friends' list. D:


procreational April 2 2008, 01:03:00 UTC
dead, your icon is so adorably fitting!! I kind of fell into the pin crowd for a bit so for a while I had this deep, unrealistic hatred towards kame for like no reason but now I've seen the light and now I love dear, sweet kame again.

I SPEND A RIDICULOUS AMOUNT OF TIME THINKING ABOUT THIS CAN YOU TELL. but either way, I think akame(pi) makes for some of the most amazing and controversial meta in fandom, shippy or not. :( I can't believe I dork over fandom.

thank you. I'm just slightly bitter over it, it's not really something that totally bothers me. thanks, though.


ginzarhapsody April 2 2008, 01:43:28 UTC
I SPEND A RIDICULOUS AMOUNT OF TIME THINKING ABOUT THIS CAN YOU TELL. but either way, I think akame(pi) makes for some of the most amazing and controversial meta in fandom, shippy or not. :( I can't believe I dork over fandom.

Fandom is a fascinating place, particular JE's. I think it's definitely worthy to dork out over. :) Especially when anamuan is encouraging it here.


anamuan April 2 2008, 02:32:29 UTC
i'm not anamuan, but yeah. i could never imagine doing something like that to anyone on my friends' list. D:
dude, this totally makes it sound like i'm someone who would. :\


ginzarhapsody April 2 2008, 02:33:57 UTC
sorry. those two things aren't related.

i am not you.

i would not do that to my flist.

the end.


anamuan April 2 2008, 02:40:34 UTC
but. obviously you're not me. why did it need to be said?


ginzarhapsody April 2 2008, 05:09:27 UTC
because i commented before you. somehow that seemed odd to me, since its your journal.


anamuan April 2 2008, 02:31:04 UTC
the most legitimate relationship in je
i have my doubts about nino/ohno sometimes >.>

that's an interesting idea. I hadn't thought of that. The most psychological i'd gotten was still most anthro/socio.

*blink* who would defriend you because of that. that's a stupid reason. on the other hand, good riddance? for lack of love for massu or for junno? both? junno/massu shippers?


procreational April 2 2008, 02:38:37 UTC
dead this is true. though I also think nino and ohno are actually just very very good at fanservice too.

adkjhgs what does anthro/socio mean? dead, I totally made that all up okay, so it probably isn't that coherent or whatever.

dead, I mean, not junno/massu. I mean, someone told me that I wasn't "clicking" with her (this a girl with like, 500+ friends okay) because she doesn't like ryo/shige and she just happened to catch me in my ryo/shige phase and then three of her friends defriended me just because she did.


anamuan April 2 2008, 02:47:22 UTC
they are very good at fanservice. i would be disappointed in my idol if he were not. i am not in this fandom for reality ok.

anthropology/sociology. the way i'd thought about it came at it from that angle, rather than more the psych angle. so i was thinking about it in terms of fencing measures and protecting the ingroup and stuff like that.

:\ now i kind of want junno/massu just because. dude. never seen it ever. even though i don't like junno.
erm. ok, so. fine, maybe you didn't 'click' or whatever, and maybe the primary reason for her was the ryo/shige thing, fine whatever, but. Why would anyone friend/defriend based on their friends' friendslists? i mean. ok, so sometimes if someone random friends me, i use my flist as a reference. have i seen them around? are they friends with people i 'know'? but. just out of the blue like that, i don't get it. dude, find friending criteria of your own at least.


procreational April 2 2008, 05:12:32 UTC
This is true. We shun all reality when it comes to Japanese boy bands. Oh Nikki, where has our shame gone.

.......dead what. you lost me at 'fencing measures.' :|

LOL ajdkgs it would be like mutual pity fic...or something. I was totally bitter about it before, but it's cool now. ♥


mycroftnext April 2 2008, 05:28:52 UTC
I'll try and explain since she's trying to be all 'good' and 'study' and weird stuff like that.

She's looking at Akame shippers wanting to only read Akame as their way of shutting out (fencing out, if you will) all the people who aren't into it as much as they are, protecting their turf. If someone doesn't read/write Akame exclusively, clearly they aren't/don't deserve to be a part of the in-group; that's the thinking. Basically, she was looking at the situation as a reaction to other people rather than as a reaction to personal beliefs, which is the angle you came at it from.

...at least, that might be what she meant. She can refute me tomorrow if needs be. :D


procreational April 2 2008, 22:38:43 UTC
Ohh that makes a lot of sense. :| Thank God you understand her is all I can say. That does make sense, though it's supremely silly to get so uptight and angry over fandom ships. >:| People these days.


anamuan April 2 2008, 23:53:47 UTC
she's right, that's exactly what i meant. a lot of people do this kind of thing though, in all kinds of areas of life. it depends on how much you're invested in it, i guess.


anamuan April 2 2008, 04:42:46 UTC
oh! also, i meant to ask you. you said that you fell in with pin people and for a while harbored an intense and unreasonable dislike for kame. Would you say then that pin folks are (or can be) as clannish as my impression of akame folks tend to be? I'm asking because most of the people i know who write pin, at least, tend to also write/read/want several other pairings. But then again, my circle of experience isn't necessarily large or comprehensive, so i want to hear yours.

also, mostly unrelated but. ;ljkafljfa how do you always leave such well-thought-out comments? lkj;af you give me hope for the future (i say like i'm several decades older than i am)


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