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thinking_lotus April 2 2008, 01:32:25 UTC
hi bb! My thoughts on fic: I don't really like it all THAT much, moslty because the writing quality is uneven, and I'm sensitive that way. Though I have seem some good examples which I've enjoyed. I am OK with any pairing, really, unless it's utterly creepy in some way. I have liked Pin, pretty much every time, because it's funny. I haven't liked Akame as much because it's generally so emo and angsty and I just can't buy it.

I mean, I just can't see these guys as fictional characters, and most Akame fics I've read (admittedly fewer than 10) have been more like paper dolls or kagebunshin than real people (I can't remember how to write shadow puppet play -- bunraku?) (thinks "kagebunshin" is probably a Naruto jutsu).

Maybe the whole shadow puppet thing is actually Balinese, come to think of it. Oops.

So, um, although I am only fic light, believable characterization is important to me. ANd I find Akame difficult to believe in general. But then, I am widely known as "the anti-romantic" amongst my peers ;-)

I would also ignore anybody who tried to pick me up on the street. This could mean I've missed out on a lot, but I somehow doubt it.


anamuan April 2 2008, 02:43:24 UTC
thank you for putting in your thoughts, even though you're not a huge fic fan. i like hearing about these kinds of things. i kind of ridiculously love your shadow puppets thinking out loud thing.

i think this question for the flist will be harder to summarize that the :| v :\ one, though.

hahaha, yeah. i ignore them, but usually they're not so determined. usually i don't have to say anything to make them go away.


thinking_lotus April 2 2008, 14:16:02 UTC
i kind of ridiculously love your shadow puppets thinking out loud thing.

hahahaha. I actually do that a lot but usually I edit it out, thinking "who really needs to know what a ridiculously self-centered and tangential person I truly am?" But I knew you would like it ;-) so I left it in.


anamuan April 3 2008, 02:11:27 UTC
thank you! i appreciate your pandering to my strange preferences ♥


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