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For you, I suppose I can bring myself to meta *cranks up brain* mycroftnext April 2 2008, 04:33:06 UTC
how do you do the fic thing personally? do you have ships? are they, like, hardcore, or just vague preferences? would you/do you read other pairings? Why or why not?
Sorry, I just wanted to paste the question here so I didn't have to keep scrolling up and down and up and down. I am lazy liek woah.

As far as fic goes, I've written one and a half fic, and I read a decent amount (though less lately) especially ones that you recommend.

I do not have any ships, since I really prefer to think and read about them being straight, but I really love reading friendship fics. I especially like Pin and their special brand of stupidity/dorkery, but I enjoy reading all sorts of pairings that focus on their relationships, preferably platonic. I suppose I gravitate to happier fic, but usually because angsty, non-smut fic are a) rare and b) generally of lesser-quality in their writing (to put it diplomatically).

As far as AU's go, I suppose I tend to stick more with characters I know better (ie written more often) like Pi to Kame to Jin to Ryo, just because it's the personalities I enjoy. It's weird because at first I was going to say that I don't care for them, but then I realized that some of my absolute favorites (my own personal bowdlerized TAY*J and Tightrope) are AU's. And I was all about tinyangl's comment!fic that you pimped yesterday; it was adorable (though I didn't know what was going on for a bit), so I guess that is more dependent on the characters involved. For instance, I totally wouldn't read an AU fic with Tokio or Kinki Kids, but I would willing to look at a gen fic of them.

And, as always, quality of writing gets so much more weight than particular pairing. It's ten billion times more enjoyable when the writing is good.


Re: For you, I suppose I can bring myself to meta *cranks up brain* procreational April 2 2008, 05:10:32 UTC


mycroftnext April 2 2008, 05:17:06 UTC
I always knew you had excellent taste!!!


procreational April 2 2008, 05:22:31 UTC
So amazing. :( I still read it every month as part of my 'restoring-faith-in-humanity-and-fandom' ritual.


mycroftnext April 2 2008, 05:31:00 UTC
Wait a minute! There's a ritual?!?! I missed that in my weekly JE!fandom bulletin! Do explain. *waits with eyes agleam*


procreational April 2 2008, 22:40:10 UTC
ajgdhs it is my own 'life has not been completely overrun by 12 year old fanbrats (thank god for that)' ritual in which I pull out my favorite fics and hope to God that one day they will be back. :(


mycroftnext April 2 2008, 05:57:54 UTC
Oh! I completely forgot! I have a total soft spot for amazing namesquishes. For instance:
KoyamaPi or, even better, Koyamashita (that's for you, nihongofrancais, but seriously, amazing namesquish)
and my current favorite, Akanishikido

Those are the ones I can think of off the top of my head, but I would seriously go through all of JE, just to think up great namesquishes.

...but I wouldn't necessarily read them, so this probably defeats the entire purpose. I should just go to bed.


anamuan April 3 2008, 03:08:29 UTC
I think you should totally go through the whole fandom and think up namesquishes for every single possible pairing. we could make a list. i would totally post it if you did, pimp it out to the world yo. j;klafjlf but there are so many people. even if we just limited it to couples, i can't even think of how many name squishes we'd need.

randomly, a random bit of information: we got 'koyamapi' from a magazine with a pic of koyama and pi, like, i guess right before news went on hiatus (because they had pictures together? mayb eit was right after. at any rate, around that time). the top had 小山P and we thought it was clever.


Re: For you, I suppose I can bring myself to meta *cranks up brain* tinyangl April 2 2008, 15:56:53 UTC
And, as always, quality of writing gets so much more weight than particular pairing. It's ten billion times more enjoyable when the writing is good.

I totally agree. Like 100 percent. If the person's writing is good enough, they can make me read pairings that I regularly don't read. Also, I like what you said about AUs too. Although, I'm in a different spectrum. I do enjoy AUs, but it makes me enjoy them even more when the author pulls in the personalities of the boys that we've become familiar with. The difference being that it's not in a RL situation. And sometimes, that's fascinating in and of itself. Because it tests the boundaries of the imagination. And really, I'm just a sucker for situations outside of the norm.


I wish I had comment!edit capabilities mycroftnext April 2 2008, 21:32:42 UTC
I am also irrationally, violently biased against fic that have their own artwork. I don't know why, but anytime I see a fic with it's own banner or something, I just have this visceral reaction against it. As if the artwork is trying to mask the flaws (if there are any) in the fic. Like I said, it's irrational, but very much so there.


Re: I wish I had comment!edit capabilities anamuan April 3 2008, 02:34:34 UTC
You know. Now that you mention it. I kind of do too. I can't think of a single fic I've ever started reading if it had a banner up. Even if they're exceptionally well-done banners. I mean, sometimes if i'm already reading a fic, and then later it gets a banner or something, i don't stop reading it just because, but. Then again, most of those fic(s? what is the plural for fic? fiction is a mass noun, so...) are write-as-you-go multiparters, and i don't read those anyway, because they're not done yet, so.


Re: I wish I had comment!edit capabilities imwahyou April 4 2008, 21:38:34 UTC
I have the same reaction to fic banners too! DDD: It might be contagious, I don't know. I just don't understand the point of them. Thus far, I've only read fic by one author who uses banners. I already liked her writing, so I was able to ignore the banner, but if I hadn't already been a fan, I probably wouldn't have ever tried. :/

Um, just throwing this out because I'd like to know if I'm the only one... :X
I avoid fics that come up in general band communities without fail. I mean, I scroll clear past them and I think I even subconsciously try not to read them when they come up on jent_fanfics if I happen to recognize them from a band community. It's pretty horrible, but it's really hard for me to even give them a chance. :X


anamuan April 5 2008, 02:02:06 UTC
I'm not sure I know what you're talking about, exactly. So like, if the fic shows up in kattunlove, and then in news_jpop, and then the kanjani8 comm, and then also shows up on jent_fanfics? Or am i mis-understanding the scenario.


imwahyou April 5 2008, 05:04:14 UTC
Sorry! I meant that if a fic shows up in any group community. Just one is enough to make me feel like not reading it. :X And then if I see it later at jent_fanfics, I'll have a horrible prejudice against it and I'll most likely not read it. I'm completely against fics in the group communities, so if you don't feel the same way I do, you might not relate to this. :X


anamuan April 5 2008, 05:30:40 UTC
oh! yeah, i guess i don't really feel the same way. But then I think (erm. i don't remember very well, it was a long time ago) that i found jent_fanfics through someone crossposting on a group comm, so i don't really mind.


thank you. i appreciate it. anamuan April 3 2008, 03:16:54 UTC
though i know you have more meta ideas than i do. don't you have a little filing cabinet full that we're supposed to talk about sometime when we both have time? (;_; we never seem to have time at the same time)

speaking of fic....
how is the half going? you know which one i mean.

...I think you and cynicalism would get along well in terms of fic preference. She says she ships the het, her 'slash' fic tend toward the gen/friendship, and i've never read anything by her that's above an emchan!rating.

Do you think you'd read angsty fic if it were of the same quality as the happeir stuff, and was more you!appropriate? um, as in. how much does genre itself influence your choices?
Speaking of AU, have you read jackoweskla's Casablanca AU? if you haven't, OMG DO IT NOW.


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