Queer as Folk Nostalgia Post #1 (Fan Fiction) Part 2. [Updated: 06/21/11]

Apr 16, 2009 21:26

Greetings all! Back again for part two of revisiting old Queer as Folk fan favorites. Okay, after giving it some thought this is called the Queer as Folk Nostalgia post series, right? Well, to be nostalgic it has to be fan fic of the past so I'm not going to rec anything that's currently happening in fandom. Everything posted here (from this post on) will be from the beginning of the show until the end (2005) and some change (2006 and maybe 2007 but that's stretching it).

Another little story to share. I went to the Book Soup signing in 2004 and standing there in line you have conversations with people, right? One of our first topics of conversation? Queer as Folk fanfiction. I remember one of the girls there, Sandy, told me that she loved Morpheus's fic and it was her favorite. I pretty much read everything that was out at the time and told her some of my favorites. See? Bonding over fanfic can make you great, fantastic friends. A lot of people who were in our fandom will certainly agree with that.

Now we're revisiting the authors that I looked over in the first post but have certainly not forgotten!

Edit (forgot this one). _alantie: I can't even manage to delete her from my flist. I just can't even do it. I refuse to believe she isn't out there in the internet world somewhere. I hope she is. But her contribution to fandom other than really great artistic icons (and her lovely handmade Christmas cards) was fanfic. I think that the most well known of them all and the most curious is the Untitled Straight!Brian Fic. It's exactly what it says it is. But just when you think you can't think of Brian as straight? Think again. You can read that right here here.

cabtastic: Oh, cabbers. You wrote Justin in drag, you did. But! there was more to be had. I don't think that I need to go into a description, do I? No. It's right here.

Circe: With Inspiration is one of my favorite stories. It's Justin taking one of his art classes and obsessing over the new hot nude model. Brian is jealous. Those always end well, right?

concernedlily: Don't Forget Your Toothbrush. Wonderful S1 Justin characterization. I just read this the other day and still made me feel really happy for this Justin and the Brian will absolutely make you smile.

Danny: Did I really not recommend these the first time around? What's wrong with me? Well, Danny's fic has definitely always been memorable. When I read her finished Christmas story I think that I sent an embarrassing e-mail about how much it made my holiday a little brighter. Not only that but there's an entire series about jealous!Brian and who doesn't love those? Though I'm partial to Alterations and Altercations, I love, love, LOVE the "Hollywood Hiatus" series. Oh yeah, I was definitely itching for S5 then. You can find the jealousy series here.

The rest of the fic including the Christmas story can be found here.

DeAnna Zankich: PWP. Justin gives Brian a lap dance. Yes, please. Dirty Dance. Is hot. No words.

Eliza: I'm pretty sure that I cried the first time that I read the Fellatio Quintet. It was just that good. Actually, it is still that good. It's fantastic and I teared up again reading it. I'm just an emotional wimp. It's told from Justin's perspective and backroom insightful observations. She was kind enough to provide a link when I panicked and couldn't find it. Thank you! You can find it here.

josselin: Wow. Can anyone say her name without thinking about aliens? I can't. You know, as long as an author writes well, writes your favorite characters IN CHARACTER and not OOC, then you just don't even question the subject matter. Trust me. Go through all of her fic though. I'm sure you've heard of it. There's one where Brian's on a game show. He must survive! He must be the Queer Survivor. Oh yeah. Go check them out here.

Just Visiting: This was some of the first fic that I read. Season three had just ended by the time that I started watching and I needed fic and plenty of it. Check out the almost alternative S3 universe after the S2 series here.

_mournthewicked: I think Carly has contributed heavily to our little fandom in years past and has an extensive fic list listed on bjfic.net under the name "brandnewloser87". Loser she is not! She wrote a story called Something More which is one of the quintessential Brian and Justin are best friends (and teenagers no less!) stories and fall in love. I promise you'll be riveted every step of the way. Yes, riveted.

marishna: I've never had a problem with RPS. I don't see the harm in imagining two hot guys together (even the real life actors) as long as it's all in good fun. That said, she wrote some great Gale/Randy RPS. The one that I remember most is Randy, King of the Internets. Just trust me on this one. You'll enjoy it. She also has a series RPS called "Five" which you can find here.

msjudi: Sigh. See, I've always loved vampires. I love the idea of vampires, stories, history, etc. So, when this author wrote The Night Walks With Us? Wow. My B/J vampire fic requirement for fandom was fulfilled! You can find that story here. Need to know what it's about? It's Justin turning vamp. That's all I'm going to say. It's wonderful.

I recommend that one but take my word for it that all of her fics are worth reading. I haven't read one that I didn't like. I've liked them all. I know that's kind of general but you should check it out for yourself here in her memories.

myrna1_2_3: Or known otherwise as just Myrna from the Tool Lunatics website and the What Loves Means website. Myrna contributed much to the fanfic community. She's still writing but not for our fandom. Let's take a look back at her stories, shall we?

blind!Justin or Growing Up Kinney was a fantastic story about guess what? Justin going blind! Gus is the narrator of the story so he's an older teenager about to graduate from high school and he ruminates the past with Daddy Brian and Daddy's partner, Justin. Fantastic read from the Gus perspective. You can take a look at it here.

Another fandom favorite has been her If You Needed Me series. Well, there's been fandom like and dislike for the stories. If you haven't read it, it's written from four different perspectives and each one will eventually lead to Justin's story which has only been hinted at in the prior three stories. When I read it, I started with Justin's (on accident) and worked my way backward. So, if you don't want to know all the backstory then I say you can just skip there to Justin's story but I really like the progression of the fic. I like knowing bits and pieces and then everything coming together in the end. So, you can check out the story here archived at paddies site.

What I liked about Myrna is that she had an open dislike for Brian and yet never really wrote that into the stories. I think her last one really made it more clear how she felt but she never showed that for him in her stories. You don't have to keep that in mind and pick at the stories as you read it. It was just refreshing for an author to be honest and yet was able to give Brian a fair shot in her stories.

plumsuede: Can I say "wow" that she's still working on Beyond the Yellow Brick Road and I'm very, very thankful for that? I remember my Bestie (shout out!) started reading the Everything At Once series and she liked it but I think I was originally a little confused about where they were and how things were flowing together. So, I did the unthinkable and STOPPED READING. Shame on me. I picked it up again shortly after and haven't regretted it. I'm thoroughly addicted and you should be too. I think I need a little BYBR read-a-thon!

Basic premise? Where to begin. I starts here with a story called Framed and then that continues on to be Beyond the Yellow Brick Road which is set in the year 2011. It's such a well written story that brings an entirely new perspective on the Brian/Justin relationship. You'll even gain a connection with the additional characters that only add to the story telling and doesn't take away from it. Fantastic.

quinn222: I was just planning on giving Quinn an honorable mention but it looks like now I don't have to! She was generous enough to start sharing her wonderful series Correspondence and Memos again. I'm linking you to her post announcing that she put them back up again. Her graphic work really is fantastic and has heavily benefited this fandom by creating this story in the form of graphics that's completely IC and completely memorable. Go here to her post to find the stories.

ranalore: Some Like It White. Some Like It White, indeed. It's a story about what would've happened had Justin gone to the white party. It will melt you. Warning in advance.

severina2001 & twistinside82: What can I say. Sometimes I still consider them one in the same. I don’t know how long ago they stopped posting their consecutive gapfillers but I miss it. They were really the gapfiller queens. These women went all the way back to S1 and just continued on and on until the series end and we thank them for that. Wonderful job and you guys will never be forgotten in fandom.

Sev’s stories can be found here and twistinside82's stories can be found here. If you're looking for the gapfillers in Sev's they're in the "longer fics" and twistinside82 is in Gapfillerpalooza! Fantastic name. That's really what it's all about, isn't it?

Sue Walsh: Lights! Camera! Action! will forever be one of my favorites. Hot, voyeur!Mikey, embarrassed!Michael, awesome!Brian&Justin.

suzvoy: I almost missed reading her fics because things started to slow down in 2005 and I wasn't as much of an avid reader as I once was. So thankfully! I got all caught up in her stories and much like everyone else I'm reccing here, there isn't one story I don't like to read. One story in particular had me both LOLing and agreeing. Ahem, "Randy Harrison's Guide To Seducing Your Straight Co-Star". RPS FTW. But really I just like it all. Just go in a row. Click through them all and enjoy them in one sitting. Thankfully she still writes a little bit here and there and they're just as great as they always have been. One of my favorites is definitely Identity Crisis. I have that one saved and read it often. You can find her fic here.

sydneyalexis: She wrote this little fic called "Healing". Have you heard of it? I hope you have. I think everyone even post-older fandom heard of it. I got caught up on it only last year and I didn't know what I was missing! I was hooked and read the entire story in a day. I believe that her fic is locked so does anyone know if there's a public link for it or should someone contact her? As for the story itself? Older Gus. Trouble in B/J world. Makes for a great story when put into the hands of a capable writer. Thankfully, she is.

triciaqaf: I remember when I used to see her name on my flist almost every week with some new porny fic just waiting to be read. That doesn't happen anymore but her past fics are in her memories section here. If you're looking for some good m/m, b/j action then look no further.

Trisky: Tracee was one of the first authors that I came across in fandom. Her fandom favorite story is called "Colors" and you can find it here thanks to the way back machine. I think the idea of someone doing a story like this now would be a little cheesy but then? Perfect. The colors described the B/J relationship (as it was then) perfectly. Definitely miss seeing her around LJ.

Valereix: Um, I was gonna rec One Ring To Rule Your Ass but that's also missing. :| Trust me though, it's good. So, I hope someone's stashing her fic somewhere. I have this as a word file but I'll wait to see if anyone has the link to her fic first. Nevermind! Found it. It's right here: One Ring To Rule Your Ass. Yes, it's just as hysterical as the title implies. Let's just say that Brian lost something ... somewhere.

And this post is long, long overdue I realize. Hopefully the next one won't take as long to complete. It's going to be the nostalgia post for vidders! I hope that you guys stick around for that one. The lists that I've compiled are fics and fan fic writers that just add to the Qaf canon. They give the show something extra. Whatever feeling couldn't be satisfied by the show or if something felt disappointing in canon, I always felt that the talented writers of our fandom could alter or bring a more optimistic perspective. I'll never forget the way that I felt reading these fics and I hope that for some new readers you'll have the same great memories.

I know I was kind of signing off there but I'm also linking previous fanfic recs by some past and present people in Qaf fandom. I referenced their lists and attempted to find links to some fic through their links. Take a look through their lists to see if you discover something new that I didn't list:

darksylvia, part i.
darksylvia, part ii.
darksylvia, part iii.

That cancer storyline brought in a hell of a lot of fiction didn't it? Well, thanks to the amazing and wonderful url_girl go ahead and get your cancer fic (hurt/comfort fic) here!

And all the fanfic links on paddies's site are all recommended because she has wonderful taste. You can find those here underneath the fanfic. paddies originally list will be back up at my clone site soon!

Hope you enjoyed this one! Also, please let me know if any link isn't working, if you're an author and you want your fic taken down, and for the Qaf fans and former fans link your favorite fic that wasn't included, comment, discuss, talk about your memories!

Go back to part one!

fandom, fic, nostalgia, qaf

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