My Fanfic & Etc

Oct 01, 2007 21:38

I stole this idea from Xie, who can't sue me, because if she does, I will reveal our torrid love affair to Vamphile, whom Xie cannot sue, even though she stole this idea from her, because they are illegal polygamous same-sex internet wives. Yes.

This is an index of my fic and sundry other fandom projects.

Going back and re-assembling my stuff reminded me just how much I love this fandom! You people are seriously the best. ♥♥

Cabbers's Fanfic & Etc.


I'm well aware that many of these are, well . . . bad! But I wrote them, I posted them, I should own up to them. And as the wise vamphile once said about writing less-than-stellar fanfic: "hey, no apologies, no regrets, right?" Amen.
Scenes From Our Epiphany // Dec 2005 // Written for scrooged

Wheel in the Sky // Dec 2005 // Written for scrooged

Lyrics Dabbles // Oct 2004 // There was a song lyric drabble meme going around a while ago, and I wrote a few. They're all there on my webpage for easy access. Just like Justin in a skirt. ;)

All in the Family // Oct 2004 // Intentional Bad!fic (And don't miss its sequel by Junie)

Hot in Drag // Dec 2004// Porny porny porn.

Presidential (Unfinished) // Sept 2005 // My perpetually-unfinished West Wing crossover fic. Someday! I swear! don't hurt me . . .


Business Ethics // Jan 2006

What it Takes // May 2005

Insurance // Feb 2004

The Talk // Mar 2004

Sometimes // Feb 2004

Apartment Hunting // Feb 2004

Works-In-Progress Posts (because they're fun!)

WIP Post #1 // Feb 2005

WIP Post #2 // Nov 2005


Fanfiction compressed for your convenience. These were a fun project! :D
Fanfic Briefs


From the dark recesses of my brain and A Softer World came this project.
A Softer Queer as Folk
(Also on my website here.)

QAF Fic Rec List

Fanfic Theater

My LJ Community: getithere (Founded by me, now run by the awesome seanmegansean)

2005 Calendar (to be re-uploaded soon)

Written for me, by various awesome people:
Jess's Insane Halloween Drabble
Lucky's "Halloween" Drabble
Plum's Haloween Ficlet
Yes, Gus, There is a Santa Claus (my scrooged gift)

Uh, I just realized, looking over all this, that some people might get the idea that I'm obsessed with Justin in drag. I did write a drabble about it, a fic about it, and make a comic about it. To anyone who might get the wrong idea I just want to say this: clearly the best way to cure me of this obsession is for you to . . . write me a fic about it. *nods*
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