Queer as Folk fic recs

Mar 17, 2005 23:30

I promised nairie a more detailed list of fic recs (instead of the "Just read these authors" list I made a few weeks ago) and I figured others might benefit from it as well. Most of you fandom people will likely know all of those, but maybe it helps some newcomers, or you find something you'd like to re-read. The list is in no way complete, it's mostly stuff I had in my LJ memories or bookmarked and it will probably be added to over time. Also, no long descriptions or praise, because I could wildly fangirl them, but am no good with sensible comments - sorry. :"> (I might not even have left feedback on several of those - I'm so sorry! :"> )

In alphabetical order - some of my favorite Queer as Folk US fanfics:

A Diversion by soundczech -
(B/J, PG) Sweet little Brian-says-ILY ficlet that always makes me smile.

A Thousand Feet and Climbing by rhiannonhero -
(B/J, NC-17) Lovely and very hot post-308 fic.

Blissed by valereix -
(B/J, PG) Brian is acting slightly... weird. Absolutely hilarious fic that makes me laugh no matter what.

Boys of Melody by sweetestdrain -
(B/J, B/Ethan, PG-13, deathfic) Justin dies, Brian tries not to break. I can't even skim this fic without crying - Brian is so crushed and everything just has this sadness and hopelessness about it; it's absolutely horrible, but SO good.

Busy Week on the Fridge by julad -
Uhm, not really a fic, but awesome.

Discovery Channel by soundczech -
(B/J, PG-13?) Brian and Justin from Michael's point of view - which is hard to do well, in my opinion, but here it's really good.

Divergence by ragingpixie -
(B/J, NC-17, post season 4) Justin goes to L.A. The angst! It kills me so very, very much, but I love it. Absolutely beautiful. (I linked to the last part, since it has links to all parts.)

Entwined by windtossed -
(B/J, PG, deathfic) I hate deathfic and this one I hate the most. It's just so quiet, despite the drama, and beautiful and sad and it never fails to make me cry.

Figs and Leaves by rhiannonhero -
(B/J, NC-17) Brian and Jennifer bond - awesome.

From a Safe Distance" by bigboobedcanuck -
(B/J, NC-17, nine parts) Post-season 4 fic with absolutely delicious angst. Also features some wonderful Brian/Hunter interaction (no, not like *this*! ;) )

Forever Changes Everything by rhiannonhero -
(B/J, NC-17) Futurefic, Brian owns an agency in New York, Justin owns a Hollywood firm and is in a relationship, they meet again... you can guess the rest. I'm not that much into futurefics, but this one is lovely.

Inside Spaces by sweetestdrain -
(B/J, NC-17) Wonderfully hot toppy!Justin porn in the beginning, lovely, sweet, but completely believable schmoop afterwards.

International Brian Kinney Day by eleveninches -
(B/J, PG) The B/J marriage fic to end all B/J marriage fics. Absolutely hilarious, it makes me giggle no matter how often I read it.

I sing the body electric by reinabelle -
(B/J, NC-17) Very hot little first-time-in-the-backroom fic.

I stop somewhere waiting for you by reinabelle -
(B/J, NC-17) Lovely hot and schmoopy post-414 fic.

Let's hear it for the boy! by lennongirl -
(B/J, NC-17) Hot toppy!Justin PWP - set in season one. And it works.

Like That by soundczech -
(Brian, Michael, PG) Wonderful post-prom fic, following the thoughts of Brian and Michael as they sit in the hospital after the bashing.

Lonely Offices by windtossed -
(B/J, PG-13) Gorgeous little fic, Justin's POV after getting back together with Brian. She writes in such a wonderfully understated way that's still very romantic - I love it.

Love or something like it by ragingpixie -
(B/J, NC17) Brian muses, nice schmoopyness (in the not-too-sweet-to-be-good way) ensues.

Maps and Legends by Rachel Anton and Laura Blaurosen -
(B/J, NC-17) Brian and Justin go on a roadtrip that brings up all kinds of emotions. Awesomeness ensues. Really, I love this fic to pieces.

My Animal by mcpofife -
(B/J, R?) When going to L.A., Justin gives Brian a puppy to keep him company. Yes, seriously. She manages to make awesomeness out of a total badfic plot.

Nearly There by soundczech -
(B/M, B/J, PG) Proof that it is possible to put B/M and B/J in a fic and make it great.

No Risk, No Fun by lennongirl -
(B/J, NC-17) HOT 210 gapfiller for the choking-scene - there is a definite lack of those, but this one is making up for it. Just... guh.

Overtime Supplement by lennongirl -
(B/J, Ted, NC-17) A B/J fuck from Ted's POV - very hot, but what I love most about it is the wonderful description of their connection, their chemistry.

Raw by burnitbackwards -
(B/J, NC-17, barebacking) Quite possibly the hottest QaF fic EVER. I don't have more to say. Go read.

Reaper Boy by wrenlet -
(B/J, AU, DLM crossover, PG-13) Written for NaNoWriMo 2003, this is a novel-length piece of awesomeness - Justin dies in the bashing and becomes a reaper, Brian griefs, the readers cry their eyes out. It's a crossover with "Dead Like Me", but really, I've never seen that show and still had no problem understanding it.

Retrograde (WIP) b< sweetestdrain -
(B/J, PG, at least this part) She is one of those who can take badfic plots and make them awesome - in this case it's Brian getting amnesia and not remembering anything after... university, I think.

Revelations by ragingpixie -
(B/J, NC-17) Brian learns little things about Justin - absolutely adorable.

Their End May Know by bigboobedcanuck -
(B/J, PG) Wonderful, wonderful little cancerfic that breaks my heart, but in a good, non-angsty way.

The Sudden Stop by julad -
(B/J, PG-13) Absolutely beautiful schmoop/angst mix with great imagery - it makes my heart ache so much, but in a good way.

The Twelve Years of Christmas by bigboobedcanuck -
(B/J) Twelve B/J Christmasses (is that even the right plural?), twelve wonderfully schmoopy and funny feelgood-fics. These made my December last year.

To know the difference by burnitbackwards -
(B/J, NC-17) Wonderfully schmoopy, long artist!Justin fic. Love her characterization and she really has a talent for writing good smut.

Untitled B/M friendship ficlet by sweetestdrain -
(highschool!Brian and Michael, PG) That is just like I imagine young Brian and Mikey - Michael concerned and caring, Brian trying to excuse his father and being 'brave', and jut this special connection that they have. *hearts B/M friendship*

Welcome to the Monkey House by mcpofife -
(B/J, PG) Brian and Justin babysitting Gus - incredibly cute and funny, plus she even manages to squeeze an in-character kind of ILY in there. *g* And her Gus *speaks*! ;)

We Two Boys Together Clinging by reinabelle -
(B/J, NC-17) Romantic post-L.A. fic; She has a wonderfully easy, contemplative tone that I love.

What it is about you that closes and opens by burnitbackwards -
(B/J, R) How the prom could have gone differently - a very interesting "what if?" fic.

Your Kingbird by sweetestdrain -
(B/J, AU, R) Another story that could be badfic, but is amazing. An AU in which Justin didn't stay with Brian in season 1, but became a hustler; they meet again when Brian investigates the murder of Jason Kemp.

21 by Erin -
(B/J, NC-17, WIP) This seems to be a fic endlessly in progress, but it's so hot that you shouldn't let that discourage you. 24 hours of birthday sex!

Pretty much all gapfillers by twistinside82 and severina2001 - I can't pick just a few ones.

Also, I really recommend most if not all fics by the mentioned authors (and probably some others as well), anyway. This is just a short (uhm...) selection. :) No, I'm not indecisive at all.

Secondly I'd like to pimp a lovely vid that nairie pointed me to: "Do it again" by Xandra, a very yummy B/J vid that can be found here (scroll down to "new videos").

ETA: And happy St.Patrick's Day, of course! I'd do a music-and-story spam about my love for Ireland, but I'm too tired right now.
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