QaF RPS: Five 1/8 - September

Mar 01, 2005 22:46

Title: Five: September
Pairing: Randy/Gale
Rating: PG-13 for this bit, will be NC-17.
Disclaimer: I don't know Randy or Gale. I've never seen filming. Gale's straight, Randy's gay. I'm going to hell. Let's dance!
Summary: "We go back to Toronto in a couple weeks." ... Randy gave a short, nervous chuckle that he knew Gale picked up on. Gale picked up on everything.
A/N:I really should learn to never say never.

I always said I'd never write RPS cause it felt weird and intrusive and really, it still does, but sometimes plot bunnies get into your brain and rot it like syphilis if you don't let them out for a run. I've been sitting on this chapter and a couple others for quite a few months now and have just found the courage to continue and start posting.

Many, MANY thanks to quackaddict for reading this to begin with, for encouraging me, for betaing and for poking me to keep going.

I've found I've relied on music to help me and to relate the fic to and have started to develop a soundtrack around it when I write. These are a few that remind me of this chapter.

Ani DiFranco- Sorry I Am
Guster- Two Points for Honesty
Alanis Morissette- Hands Clean (Acoustic)

It was unusually cool at the start of September for New York. The fact that Randy had to wear a light jacket for his dinner date with Simon attested to that.

He realized as he headed for the door that he forgot his keys and muttered to himself as he looked for them hurriedly. His cell rang and he answered it as he lifted a couch cushion.

"Simon, I told you I might be a few minutes late," he snapped, his boyfriend's impatience adding to his annoyance.

"Then by all means, don't let me keep you," Gale drawled on the other end.

Randy dropped the cushion. "Gale?"

"I can let you go, you're obviously busy."

"No, it's okay. I have to find my keys anyway. What's up?" He sank down onto the couch, abandoning the search for his keys.

"We go back to Toronto in a couple weeks."

"Yeah, I've got to start packing my shit this week. I always take more than I need with me." Randy gave a short, nervous chuckle that he knew Gale picked up on. Gale picked up on everything.

"Yeah," was all Gale said in response, quiet and thoughtful in a way Randy was sure he was the only one who got it.

They were silent for a moment. Randy could feel the weight of almost six months of not talking bearing down on him. It had been his idea, but right now it all seemed like a horrible mistake.

"I heard the premiere went well. I meant to come but-"

"Randy," Gale cut him off quietly. "I wasn't even there."

"Oh. Well, I still could have gone to-"

"Randy," Gale said again. "This is our last season."

"I know," Randy sighed.

"I don't want it to end. At least not this way." Gale sounded tired, weary.

"I-" Randy paused, thinking back to the very moment he had suggested to Gale that they take a break for the summer, back in April. The split-second look of surprise on Gale's face was quickly replaced by nonchalance and casual agreement. To Randy it had been a punch in the gut.

"It won't," Randy finally told him firmly.

"You'd better go. You don't want to keep Simon waiting," Gale replied, seemingly satisfied with the response.

Randy sighed again, heavily. "Gale, I think I made a mistake."

"It happens. See you in a couple weeks," Gale said softly and hung up with an almost silent click.

Randy kept listening until he heard the dial tone.

He was over a half-hour late for dinner.


Bright and early- too bright and early for Randy's tastes- he walked into one of the production offices on the Toronto set. They were going to start filming later that week but the cast and essential crew were meeting for a script run-though and a general start-of-the-season meeting.

He chatted with a few people, always with his eye on the door. He talked about his summer with Thea and listened as Ron and Dan recounted what they hoped for the season and future projects they had lined up.

"Randy! It's so good to see you!" He turned and grinned at the person behind him.

"Hey Peter. It's great to see you. How was your summer?" Randy leaned up to give Peter a hug. As they pulled out of it the door opened again and Randy's eyes darted to the person coming through.

"He'll be here," Peter told him, wrapping an arm around his shoulder. "I talked to him last night after he settled back in."

Randy didn't even bother to deny he was watching for Gale. Peter knew the score between them, after all. Everyone knew, much to his chagrin.

He let Peter draw him into a conversation with a few other people hanging around, eventually getting into it once the topic turned to theatre and he could talk about his stint on Broadway. After spending the past few years almost exclusively on TV his part in Wicked had revitalized him. He was so engrossed in the discussion that he didn't notice when Gale finally arrived.

Until he felt a tap on his shoulder.

He turned and looked up at Gale, a half-smile of apology and regret forming on his lips. Gale rolled his eyes back and enveloped Randy in a tight hug, his mouth brushing his cheek as he buried his face in the smaller man's neck.

One of them would have tried to speak, to say something to put the past months to rest but there were too many people around, all wanting to say hello and catch up.

"So what's going on here?" Gale asked, pulling away from Randy. He didn't leave his arm around Randy's shoulders though, as he would have done once. He took a step back and folded his arms in front of him, a clear sign to Randy that all was not as well as he had hoped.

"Just trading summer stories, catching up and all. It's been a busy time for all of us, hasn't it?" Thea commented. "I wish I could have made it into New York to see you, Randy, but it was just insane with the theatre this summer."

Randy shook his head. "Not a problem. I probably would have been too nervous anyway."

"Not true! You were great the night we came," Peter spoke up, referring to the date he had brought with him. "I can't say it'll be easy to when the show ends this season but I'm looking forward to seeing you on stage again."

Randy could feel a blush creeping up his neck. Usually could just brush off stuff like this but with Gale standing right there it was hard. He really didn't want to be there right then. Peter started to continue but Ron and Dan asked that the meeting get started and asked everyone to take their seats for the table reading.

Randy breathed a sigh of relief and moved to go to the other side of the room where the table was but Gale wrapped his arm around his shoulders and stopped him.

"I thought you were great up there," Gale whispered in his ear. Randy froze while Gale let him go and continued on to the table.

And so began season five.


Randy found him outside by the back entrance to the studio, smoking. He leaned up against the wall beside Gale and shook his head when he was offered the cigarette.

"I'm actually trying to quit this season," Randy said offhandedly.

"It won't work," Gale returned, thinking back on every other season when Randy "quit".

"I know," Randy said softly. They were quiet, listening to the traffic that sounded farther away than the other side of the building. Gale threw the butt on the ground and stomped it out, played with it with the toe of his boot.

"I thought we weren't going to see each other," Randy started.

"We didn't," Gale replied. "I came to your play and then left. I didn't wait outside the stage door to take your picture or outside your dressing room to ask you for coffee. I didn't call you to say I'd be in town. I came, I saw, I left."

"It hurts to know you were there," Randy told him.

"And you think it wasn't hard as fuck for me to see you and not talk to you? Not to hug you or even just call you up afterward and tell you I was there and how amazing I thought you were? I've been watching it over and over in my head since July. How easy do you think that is?" Gale shot back.

"I made a mistake." Randy looked at the ground.

"So you said."

"I miss you." Randy looked up at Gale finally who just stared back expectantly. "I miss talking to you and hanging out. I miss laughing at your stupid jokes and even you teasing me. I miss your stupid hats."

"Is that all you miss?" Gale asked. Randy held his breath for a moment before blowing it out.


Gale nodded. "Alright then."

"It's that easy?"

"Should it be harder?"

"I thought so."

"I can negotiate more, if you'd like," Gale offered with a raised eyebrow. Randy just smiled and shook his head.

"I just want to be friends again."

"We never stopped."

Randy finally gave Gale one of those smiles. The patented "Sunshine" smiles that were supposedly "Justin's". But they were all Randy. Pure Randy.

Gale finally stood and pushed off the wall. "I have unpacking to do."

"Coffee tomorrow?" Randy asked.

"Call me in the morning and make sure I'm up," Gale gave his standard response.

Randy watched him walk away, then stared down at the squished cigarette butt for awhile, wishing he had taken that drag.

*waits nervously*

Read the next part, October, here.

qaf rps:five

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