Title: My Former Lovers and Her Daughter ~Chapter 9~
Author: Ha-chan and her recent craziness (akinoyama)
Rating: PG-15
Genre: Family Life, Romance, bit angst later…
Warnings: Unbetaed, AU, Hikaru and Yamada’re girl, Terrible English
Pairing: Yabu x Hikaru, Yabu x OC, Yabu x Yamada, Yamada x Yuuto, Yabu x Yuuto
Disclaimer: The plot
Synopsis: Yabu and Hikaru met after long years. And each other’s past connected them in somehow a way of sadness.
Summary: The real reason
A/N: It’s a request from
stevenica . She wants a fic with Hikaru’s daughter. But somehow I don’t know why I make it into a multi-chapter one instead of a one-shot. Not to forget, thank you to my friend Hara-chan (
blozzom_zone ) for giving her permission to use her name as Hikaru’s daughter. I hope you like your role here.
Chapter 1 Meeting You Once Again Chapter 2 Hurting without You Here Chapter 3 Spending Time with You
Chapter 4 Wishing with You Again Chapter 5 Making You Cry and Hurt Chapter 6 Loving, Hurting, Protecting, and Sacrificing Chapter 7 Staying and Leaving Chapter 8 Losing People Dear to You ~Chapter 9 Getting One Last Chance~
Part 1
Yabu looked up and saw Hikaru stood not far from him.
“Can I sit beside you?” She asked, giving her small smile. After receiving a nod, Hikaru placed herself beside Yabu then pulled his head on her shoulder. “Want to say something?” Hikaru softly asked, stroking his hair gently.
Yabu gulped, mustering all his strength to begin the whole sad story that connected the four of them. “I’m sorry… Hikaru… It’s my entire fault… I shouldn’t have come here.” He slowly mumbled.
“Yabu?” Hikaru stared at the weak man next to her in a confusion way. She remembered Yabu said the similar thing when the doctors told them they could save neither of the lattes.
Yabu sat up and looked away. “I come to this place, looking for a peaceful life but in the end I only give misfortunate to the people near me.” He started. “Yamada Ryou’s a lovely girl at first. She had lost her parents when she’s still on elementary school. She then was raised by her grandmother who pampered her all the time. Somehow I can understand her lonely feelings. It might be because I already lost otou-san too. But she then changed. She got so possessive after she’s being my girlfriend. She had to know what I did every single second and got jealous every time I talked to other woman. She even stalked and scared every girl or woman that she thought too close to me. She ever hurt some of them.” He paused, taking a breath. “And then… okaa-san passed away.”
Hikaru gasped, covering her mouth with her hand. “Oba-chan passed away? How come?” She asked, unbelieving. She really did not know about that. When Yabu went to the other city to enter university, his mother also went with him. Yabu said he could not leave his mother alone there. He also had promised to his late father for always protecting his mother in his place.
Yabu weakly nodded. “It’s like a sudden death. She got heart-attack. I think that’s because of me. She must be got tired and stressed with all of the trouble Yama-chan made for me. You know for the best how she cares about me after otou-san passed away.”
Hikaru’s eyes softened and she felt her tears already rolled down on her cheeks. She knew Yabu’s mother very well. She was a great and tough woman and of course loved Yabu so dearly. She also loved Hikaru just like her own daughter already. Hikaru still remembered she ever asked her to take good care of her son if she had to leave the world someday. She believed Hikaru was the perfect woman to stand by her only son. But the fact was not as beautiful as the imagination since the two of them should get apart from each other. “I’m sorry…” She apologetically muttered. Hikaru also never thought that Yabu had hard times after they did not see each other for 6 years. She simply imagined Yabu always happily lived with Yamada and she obviously should do the same thing.
Yabu turned to look and give her a faint smile a moment. He then looked away to continue his story. “After okaa-san’s died, I lost a place to lean on… Hika… and Yama-chan made me scarier and scarier day by day by her outburst when she found me talked to a woman. And one day… I felt it’s enough… so enough… I don’t want to be under pressured anymore. I don’t want someone gets hurt simply because she just says ‘Hi’ to me. I yearn for a peaceful life like…” Yabu took a deep breath. “Like the life I had when I was with you. I missed for having many friends near to me… laughing and crying together…” He bitterly mumbled in a very sad tone Hikaru ever heard.
Hikaru bit her lips but said nothing.
“Then… I decided to start my new life here after trying in few other little towns. Out of my expectation, I met my old friend, Yuuto whom you call by Nakajima-sensei. And to my surprise, I met you as well and Hara-chan. Those give me strength to carry on and forget about Yama-chan, to get back my normal life. But… eventually… she found me and asked me to come back to her and leave this town. I refused by trying to leave this town alone and that made her angry. She’s the one who grazed you and shot Hara-chan.” Yabu felt his heart clenched as he told Hikaru about Yamada… that Yamada had grazed Hikaru and hurt her daughter. He thought he was not like a man because he failed to protect them. He had a feeling some things like that could be happened anytime but… He did not do anything but running away in a mask of protecting and he scolded himself for that. Why did he not tell Hikaru every thing when he met Yamada that night? Why he just too scared that Hikaru would not want to see him anymore? Frightened that he could not get close to her and Chihara? Yabu, himself, hardly to find the answers.
Hikaru gasped, startling. She nearly overcame with anger but she already knew Yamada had passed away. She could not slap her or dragged her to the police for hurting her only daughter. She did not really mind to get hurt by Yamada as long as she did not touch Chihara. For Hikaru, Chihara was the only one who made her could stand until this day.
“I’m sorry for her place, Hikaru…” Yabu softly apologized from the bottom of his heart.
Hikaru said nothing as she did not know what the best to respond. She wanted to get mad and shouted at someone but Yabu was not the right person. He was not the one hurt her daughter anyway.
“And another thing surprised me… Yuuto actually loves Yama-chan. He was the one who told her where I was. He even has been asked to shoot you.” Yabu slowly continued with shaky voice. The truth was so hard for him. His ex lover asked his best friend to kill the woman he loved. Could a fate become crueler than it?
Hikaru covered her face then leaned her back to the bench. She also never knew Yamada could ask a kind person like Nakajima to do something evil. Nakajima often helped her since she lived there.
“But… Yuuto… he… instead of killing you… he came to where Yama-chan and me met. And then…” Yabu honestly did not want to continue. The memory when Nakajima fell down and gave his last words hurt him so much. “They… sh-..” His heart cried out for a help to stop him.
Hikaru abruptly pulled Yabu to her laps, softly and in rhyme stroking his head. “It’s okay… you don’t have to continue.” She answered Yabu’s cries. She knew it was not something easy and pleasant to be told, to be remembered. Although she ever said she hated Yabu, she was not so serious about that. She could not leave him alone in sadness like that. Besides, hate does not always mean not to care at all.
Sensing the sincerity from Hikaru’s taps on his head, Yabu drowned on his tears again. “I’m so sorry… Hikaru… I’m…” But he could not deny the fact he felt his burden was being lightened.
“SSHHH…. SHHHH… Calm down…. It’s over now…” Hikaru tried to reassure while fighting her own tears. Seeing Yabu so desperate and sad like that, forced Hikaru to felt the same way too. She still cared about him more than she thought.
After a long time, Yabu eventually pulled away and stopped crying. He gave Yuuto’s letter to Hikaru.
“What’s this?” Hikaru asked as Yabu gave a letter to her.
“It’s from Yuuto. He asked me to say his apology to you and Hara-chan.” Yabu honestly replied.
Hikaru read the letter and cried. She felt pity for Nakajima. He was really a kind person. He did not let Yamada suffer all alone and he let her to live on for Chihara’s sake. How great and considerate a Nakajima Yuuto is!
“I never expected the woman whom made you leave me will end up like that, Yabu-kun.” Hikaru muttered softly after reading and giving the letter back to Yabu. She seemed to wondering.
“Leave you?” Yabu, on the other hand, dumfounded asked. LEAVE? He was not mishearing something, was he?
Hikaru nodded. “You leave me because of her, darou?” She stared sadly at Yabu.
“I never leave you, Hikaru! You’re the one left me without telling anything.” Yabu firmly countered and accused. He was 100 % sure that he NEVER did what Hikaru had just said. He NEVER left her for other woman.
“Huh?” It was Hikaru’s turn to bewildered. She was the one who left Yabu?
Yabu firmly nodded. “Yes. When I came to your graduation… I didn’t find you. Your friends said they never saw you after the national test. There’s also a rumor that you got another boyfriend and runaway.” He explained. “And when I went to your residence, I found no one.” He added.
“WHAT???” Hikaru shouted in confusion about the spreading rumour back then.
“Is that true???” Yabu carefully and hesitantly asked. He actually did not want to believe Hikaru could do something like that behind his back.
“NO!” Hikaru immediately denied. “What’s true is only the fact I didn’t attend to school after national test and to my graduation.” She could not believe there was such rumour back then. About… she got another boyfriend then ran away… She wondered who spread the rumour at the first place actually was.
“What makes you?” Yabu was curious why Hikaru did not attend her graduation ceremony. “We’ve promised to meet at your graduation! You didn’t forget about that, did you?” He urged.
“I… I…” Hikaru did not find a perfect word to start when Yabu demanded an answer for the reason.
Yabu watched the exchange of Hikaru’s expression closely and tried to guess. “Come to think it of… you know about Yama-chan. You said you ever saw we kissed.” The older one began to make all of the things in their order. “Nee, Hikaru… do you ever come to my university?” He finally asked. The only way for Hikaru to know about Yamada was by coming to his university. He never talked about Yamada in front of Hikaru. He did not want to make her got worried about their long distance relationship. Moreover, Hikaru was on her third year, she should concentrate at her last exam.
“That’s… that’s…” Hikaru gulped.
“Why did you come? Was something happened?” Yabu asked in concern. He believed something surely happened if Hikaru decided to come to see him at the university. It must be something urgent.
“I-I-I just wanted… to…” Hikaru stuttered.
“About Hara-chan?” Yabu guessed wisely.
Hikaru looked up, startling. It was a giveaway for him.
“Is it true? Is she my daughter?” Yabu desperately asked directly, wanting to know the truth. If Chihara was really his daughter why had Hikaru covered the fact from him?
Hikaru shook her head.
Yabu frowned by Hikaru’s denial. He believed Chihara was his daughter and Hikaru simply got confused. “Hikaru… we ever did that.” He reminded Hikaru that both of them ever got too carried with their feelings due to the lack intense of their meetings.
“It’s only once.” Hikaru retorted, knowing where this conversation would go.
“Even if it’s only once there’s still possibility you can get pregnant.” Yabu argued. “And if I calculate the time… when we did that and Hara-chan’s age now… there’s big possibility that she’s my daughter…” He had enough that knowledge since he had become a doctor. “And there’re also similarities between us. Our eyes are alike, we don’t like tomatoes, and we have same blood type.” He added his arguments.
Hikaru kept shaking her head, denying all what Yabu said. She had not been sure enough. “No… she’s…”
“So… who is her father?” Yabu asked and he knew Hikaru could not tell any name.
“He’s passed away…” Hikaru automatically gave the same answer every time someone asked her about Chihara’s father.
“Hikaru… don’t try to lie to me again…” Yabu hissed as he could detect Hikaru tried to lie. “Yuuto ever said that Hara-chan doesn’t have a birth certificate yet. He also said you never married.” He told the most powerful facts. “Besides… Yuuto also admitted that when he saw Hara-chan he occasionally remembered about him.” Yabu inwardly added, recalling a talk he ever had with Nakajima about Chihara’s father.
Hikaru left speechless hearing Yabu’s argument. He was right. Chihara indeed had not had a birth certificate yet. But Nakajima helped her to make Chihara could still enter the kindergarten. The kind sensei also promised to help Chihara got her proper education at school.
“And… like I stated before… if I calculate the time… you got pregnant when you’re still on high school. And at that time, your boyfriend is only me… unless…” Yabu paused. “You had another one.” He carefully mumbled.
Hikaru glared at Yabu. She did not like Yabu accused her like that.
Yabu smiled, seeing the wide eyes of Hikaru. “I know you didn’t… Hika… You’re not a player… Besides… you’ve stated it…” He then lifted up his hand, stroking Hikaru’s hair so lovingly. “So… was there anyone except me touched you?” He slowly and carefully asked. Yabu thought the left possibility for Hikaru’s pregnancy was someone forcefully touched her. And it was perhaps her reason to leave him. He knew Hikaru would think that was a form of betrayal and he could not face the fact and in the end left her alone.
Hikaru looked away. She did not know how to start explaining it.
“Is it true?” Yabu guessed as Hikaru kept silent. He only looked Hikaru bit her lips.
Hearing nothing from Hikaru, Yabu concluded the last possibility was true. Someone had touched her forcefully. “Who? Who is he? Who dared to touch you?!!!” Yabu raised his voice and clenched his fist due to anger thinking someone else dared to touch his girl when he was not around. He knew his Hikaru was pretty enough to make some men fell in love. He did not mind it but if they dared to touch Hikaru, it would be a problem. He would make sure they got something as the payback. “Hikaru… who is he??? Tell me!!!” Yabu ordered and turned Hikaru’s face to see her.
Indonesia, 2010 May 15
Behind the Story:
Okay... I actually didn't plan to post this chapter so soon... but the comments I received on the last chapter... TRIGGERED me to write and post...
Thank you so much you still love the previous chapter... although I killed YamaJima... and made Yuuto such a bit bad guy...
Since I forget to write it on the previous chapter, ja... I write it here...
In sum...
1. Yuuto is the one who said 'This time you're dead, Yabu Kouta' in the ch.3
2. when he and Yabu had a talk on the school, Yabu looked at the Renge, imagining Hikaru, meanwhile, Yuuto imagining Yama-chan (refer to Ch. 2)
3. In the Ch.7, So... it's YamaJima kissing moment... fufufufufu...