All good things must come to an end, and this time it's LeapGate. Big thanks to everyone who participated! It's closed to new fic, but you can still go read and comment. And if anyone has suggestions for what to do with the giant list of awesome prompts - so many of which were unused - I'm all ears.
Here's a masterlist of all the fic, separated by gen/het/slash labels based on the author's labeling.
Comment!fic labeled as character, character (probably gen)
The Empty Road Ahead [Daniel Jackson; driving] G -
maychorian Seeking Shelter [Aiden Ford, Jonas Quinn; rain] (PG) -
maychorian Sins Which Aren't Ours, [Jolinar, Qetesh; burn] (PG-13) -
abyssinia4077 Bittersweet [Daniel, Skaara; regret] (PG) -
sg_fignewton Language Lesson [Radek Zelenka, Vala Mal Doran; surprise] (G) -
wildcat88 Are Better Than One, [Jack O'Neill, Siler; double] (PG) -
mentalguy Shadows of the Past, [Carolyn Lam, Daniel Jackson; darkness] (PG) -
abyssinia4077 Ganging Up, [Daniel Jackson, Jack O'Neill, Sam Carter, Teal'c; reunite] (G) -
pepper_field Loyalty [Paul Davis; loyalty] -
vipersweb Trophy, [Evan Lorne, Sam Carter, Negotiation] PG -
shutthef_up Still Alive [Daniel Jackson, Sam Carter; science] PG-13 -
ultranos_fic Space Between, [Jack O'Neill, Sam Carter, Teal'c; navigate] (G) -
holdouttrout Saga, [Bra'tac, Daniel Jackson; underestimate] (G) -
holdouttrout Buttons, No Bows [Daniel Jackson, Vala Mal Doran]; buttons - PG -
randomfreshink Understanding, [Sam Carter, Thor; cat] (G) -
holdouttrout Multiple Uses [Daniel Jackson, Jack O'Neill; glasses] -
sg_fignewton Patches, [Team; Westminster Dog Show] G -
holdouttrout Castling on the Sand [Daniel Jackson, Sam Carter, Teal'c]; beach - PG -
randomfreshink Aggravated Destruction of Property, [Jonas Quinn, Vala Mal Doran; misplace] (G) -
kalquessa Perform Your Duty [Daniel Jackson, Ianto Jones (Torchwood); duty] (g) -
vipersweb Freedom [Dave Sheppard, John Sheppard; wings] (PG) (Spoilers for Outcast) -
wildcat88 In sure and certain hope [Sam, Teal'c - Ashes] (PG-13) -
rigel_7 Comment!fic labeled as m/f (some reads like ship, some reads like gen)
Getaway, [Sam Carter/MacGyver (MacGyver); sand] (G) -
pepper_field Pick-Me-Up, [Sam Carter/MacGyver (MacGyver); coffee] (PG) -
pepper_field Freefall, [Sam Carter/MacGyver (MacGyver); campfire] (PG) -
pepper_field Interrupt, [Sam Carter/MacGyver (MacGyver); top secret] (PG) -
pepper_field We've Only Just Begun, [Sam Carter/MacGyver (MacGyver); missing] (PG) -
pepper_field Warm, [Sam Carter/MacGyver (MacGyver); flirt] (PG) -
pepper_field And Then They Dun Sex [Sam Carter/Daniel Jackson; coffee] (PG) -
surreallis Surrender, [Daniel Jackson/Sam Carter; surrender] (PG) -
pepper_field Batteries Not Required [Sam Carter/Daniel Jackson, Batteries] Adult -
shutthef_up After the Beep, [Daniel Jackson/Janet Fraiser; things unsaid] (G) -
izzildor The Early Morning View [Daniel Jackson/Janet Fraiser; watching] (PG-13 for adult situation) -
dm_lunsford Too late [Daniel Jackson/Janet Fraiser, things unsaid] (PG) -
crazedturkey Promotion Presents [Jack/Sam -firing range] G -
beanpot Whoa, [Jack O'Neill/Sam Carter; horse] (PG) -
holdouttrout Strange, [Jack O'Neill/Sam Carter; tattoos] (PG) -
holdouttrout Break It Down [Cameron/Vala; thief] (NC-17) -
amidalashari Protect And Serve [Barrett/Sam; sidearm] PG-13 -
amidalashari Apology, [Jack O'Neill/Sara O'Neill; expertise] (PG) -
holdouttrout Like Prayers To Broken Stone [Tomin/Vala; prostrate] NC-17 -
amidalashari Memoranda, [Catherine Langford/Ernest Littlefield; notes] (PG) -
mrspollifax Comment!fic labeled as m/m (some reads like ship, some reads like gen)
The Leaving [Daniel/Jack, departure] (PG) -
jd_junkie 'On Second Thought', [Daniel Jackson, Jack O'Neill OR Daniel/Jack; prophecy] (G) -
sidlj The Darkness Around Us Is Deep [Teal’c/Cameron; burn, R/NC-17] -