(no subject)

Oct 16, 2007 12:08

Title: L'Acteur
Chapter: Twelve. How Has It Changed?
slasher48 /
Rating: R
Pairing: Vam
Standard Disclaimer Applies
AN: Still 17 and 20

The First Meeting
The Wrong Idea
Gone Too Far
Don't Apologize
Thirteen Is Old Enough
Real Important
Reality's The Nightmare
Go To Dinner With Me?
What The HELL Would He Wear?
Was He Really That Lucky?
So He Wrote On

Ville was long gone by the time Bam woke up, the only evidence of his little jaunt in his friend's room the safely hidden scrap of paper with those beautiful lyrics on it.

He slumped onto the couch with a book and a bottle of wine, ignoring Bam's very presence, even when the boy woke up and slugged his way into the kitchen. Bam gulped half of the orange juice carton down and wiped his mouth sloppily, returning Ville's annoyed glance with a cocky grin.

"Bam. I've told you before not to do that."

Distantly in the back of his mind, Bam noted that nothing had changed. His expression grew that much more glum, just enough that Ville didn't notice.

"But I was thirsty!" Bam's excuse for everything: But I was __.

Ville rolled his eyes. "Don't do it again."

Bam nodded, feeling like a chastised child and hating every second of it. "Alright, Mom. I'll be good." He stomped off, not seeing how Ville's expression changed from mock irritation to realization and guilt.

Before Ville could even go after him, Bam had slammed his way out of the house. Where he was going, he had no idea. He just had to get away from Ville before his heart broke so badly that it didn't function anymore.


Pajamas and all, Bam hopped into the Hummer. He shook his head against the tears threatening to blur his vision; if he was going to drive, he needed to see clearly. For a long minute he just sat there and tried to fight the crushing hurt, staring at the dashboard and willing himself to forget about the confused man upstairs.

The man that was coming up behind Bam, in nothing but a pair of very worn jeans and a beat up pair of Chucks, waving at him in the rearview mirror as though to stop him leaving.

Bam had the vague urge to back up and zoom out of the driveway before Ville could reach him, but one look into those desperate green eyes undid him, like it usually did. His hand dropped from where it was about to turn the key and he melted back into his seat with a long sigh, waiting.

Ville finally made it to the open door of the car and leant against it, panting, "Bam-I'm-sorry."

Bam shook his head. "I'm used to it by now, Vil'. Just break my heart again and we'll move on, the same as we always have."

Ville's whole body ached at the look of resign in Bam's eyes. A corner of his mind screamed at him to let Bam go; to say what he was about to would hurt him irreparably in the long run, no matter how it would make him feel now.

"Everything's changed for me, Bam; I want you to know that." It was what Bam had been waiting to hear.

The spark of hope in Bam's eyes nearly killed Ville. "How has it changed?"

Ville hid everything he was really feeling and bit the bullet. "I love you."

Bam's eyes were back to their bright blue, the blue Ville so loved. "Really?"

Ah, if I'm going to do this, might as well do it fully. "Yeah." He smiled, ignoring the twinge of his own heart telling him he should just walk away right now, that what he was doing by lying like this was unforgivable.

"I love you, too." Bam looked like a child would when given a lifetime supply of his favorite ice cream. He seemed about ready to burst with joy.

The nails had been put in the coffin. Their relationship was as good as dead, or at least, it would be, when all of this came crashing around their ears.

Bam leant up and Ville obliged him, kissing his lips softly and soundly.

As Bam's tongue swiped his lip and he felt those lips smiling against his, Ville couldn't even bring himself to regret saying those powerful words. At least, not now.


*wonders if this one perhaps gave too much away* O.O Leave me some love and definitely let me know if you've got it now! *huggle*
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