(no subject)

Oct 16, 2007 17:30

Title: Love On The Rocks
Author: myforgottenpain
Pairing: Vam
Rating: PG-13 Foul Language, Crude Humor, and adult situation.
Summary: Bam's new found friendship with Ville had made him question parts of his life he has long since repressed. Through an unexpected visit from the Finnish rock star, many bottles of beer, and a special tattoo; Bam must decide if he wants to embrace a side of himself that he has always longed to explore.
Disclaimer: I don't own anything connected to HIM, Ville Valo, or Bam Margera. Nor do I imply that in reality they are anything but friends. I, however, could not pass up a great idea for a fan fiction! **In addition I do not own Jackass, Steve-O, or Johnny Knoxville. Nor would I want to own Don Vito.**
Authors Notes: I don't know if I'm actually covering any real life time lines/events correctly. I was just going with what I thought would be an interesting fan fic.

It had been a long journey for the pair, with many good times and bad ones. Bam had soon rid himself of one Jenn and gained a beautiful home in Castle Bam. But Ville had soon found Bam in the arms of a new female companion in one Missy. Ville had to admit he liked Missy much more then he liked Jenn, with that said, Ville wasn't above a little jealousy. Missy had her own secrets and was completely comfortable with keeping Bam's. They had a mutual understanding that on camera and in front of family and friends, they were lovers. In reality they were nothing but really good friends.

Ville could put aside Missy and the lies surrounding her, it was something else that was really bothering him. He didn't want to say anything, because he didn't want to hurt his lover. But he had a feeling Bam was still lying to himself. That was what really bothered Ville. It was a dangerous game they were playing and Ville could tell that Bam himself wasn't completely comfortable with them. Until Bam could be completely free with him, they were dangling on the edge of a cliff that could destroy them both and everyone around them. As much as Ville loved Bam dearly and couldn't resist him, there were still nights when Ville woke with the dreadful realization that he might always be Bam's dirty little secret.

He pulled into the drive way of Bam's home and strolled up to the front door. He finished his cigarette and was about to knock when the door popped open. He smiled at Ape and stepped into the house as she moved to the side.

"Its always nice to see you Ville." Ape replied, after their hellos and hugs. "Bam is out doing stuff with his brother. They should be back any time now. If you want to go upstairs and freshen up, go right ahead. You know your way around this place better then anyone." Ape replied, closing the door, going back to the kitchen.

Ville smiled, how true was that? He thanked Ape and started dragging his stuff upstairs. Without thinking much about it, he walked right into Bam's room. A sense of relief settled over him when he realized that Missy's stuff had all but vanished into the guest room. When the cameras weren't rolling, thats where she slept. This after all, was his and Bam's love nest. He tossed his stuff on the floor and kicked the door shut, heading into the bathroom to wash up.

This wasn't just any weekend get away. This was their anniversary and one that Ville couldn't wait to celebrate. He turned away from the mirror when he heard loud music and the roar of Bam's hummer. He shivered with glee at the thought of Bam's arrival. He wanted to run downstairs and embrace his boyfriend and kiss him. But he knew he had to resist the urge. Sadness threatened to steal over his heart, but he pushed it aside. Time now to put on his mask and pretend nothing big was happening. Just two friends getting together for a weekend of fun.

Bam slammed on the brakes and jumped out of his hummer, racing for the front door. He had spotted Ville's rent-a-car the instant he had pulled into the driveway. His lover was here and he couldn't wait to see him. Ape, Phil and everyone else, were used to seeing Bam glow with happiness at the thought of seeing his Willa. Not to say that everyone around them was as blind as Bam liked to pretend they were.

"He just went upstairs." Ape replied, kissing her easily excited son on the cheek.

Bam started heading for the stairs and stopped in his tracks. Ville was just descending the stairs. The older man paused and smiled at Bam. Bam was stunned into silence, that man just got better looking with age. Ville was wearing a dark red, silk by the looks of it, button down shirt that contrasted beautifully with the other mans pale skin. Just the right amount of black make up around Ville's penetrating gaze made his green eyes pop out and smack Bam in the face. His hair seemed to get shorter and shorter with each passing year. And while Bam missed the long lovely locks, Valo use to sport, he adored the new look too. It made Ville look so mature and sophisticated.

Ville slowly finished coming down the stairs, reaching out for Bam. Bam slipped ever so naturally into Ville's arms, taking in a deep breath of the other mans scent. "Five years love." Ville whispered into Bam's ear.

Bam felt his heart skip a beat. "Five amazing years." They quickly parted, so Ville could give everyone else hugs. Bam tried to keep his eyes off Ville and the low riding leather pants he was wearing. Damn, did they ever look good on him.

Missy stole Ville for a moment and congratulated him herself about the anniversary. She promised that she would do everything in her power to get everyone out of the house so they could have some time alone. As always, Ville thanked Missy. "I don't know what we would do with out you." Ville replied.

Missy drew in a breath, looking somewhat serious for a moment. "What Bam would do without me you mean?" Ville nodded, understanding what she meant. "Some day it wont have to be like this." Missy quickly added, when she noticed how sad Ville looked.

Ville nodded, faking a smile. It fooled her, but would never trick Bam. "I keep telling myself that every day." he replied softly, turning his eyes to the living room area where Bam was laughing and goofing around with his friends.

"You want him all to yourself don't you?" Missy asked, watching Ville carefully.

"I should get a drink." Ville replied, starting to walk away. Ahh... booze, the answer to everything.

"It doesn't make you a bad person." Missy replied quickly, grabbing Ville's hand. Ville half peeked at her, not really believing it. "It doesn't make you selfish... to want to be the one next to Bam. To be in the light." Missy added with a hopeful smile. See, she still believed in it. She hadn't been worn down by years of hiding in the darkness.

Ville gave her hand a gentle squeeze and renewed the fake smile. "It's a nice dream sweetheart." With that said, his hand slipped from hers and Ville went to find himself something strong to drink.

Ville had to give it to her, Missy was a miracle worker. He didn't know how she pulled it off, but she had. Bam waved to everyone as the last car pulled out of his drive way. Ville watched from the staircase as Bam quietly closed the door. Turning on his heel, Bam started walking towards Ville. He raised one eyebrow at Ville as he passed him and started up the stairs. Ville turned and watched Bam as the younger man trailed his fingers along the railing. The corner of his mouth turned up in a grin and he silently followed Bam, his eyes freely watching Bam's ass in his form fitting jeans.

Bam hummed to himself as he walked down the hallway, forcing himself to not look backwards. He knew there would be no controlling himself if he did that. He could feel Ville's heated gaze on his back and it filled him with excitement. He casually pushed his bedroom door open and walked in. He continued to hum as he slowly pulled his shoes off and tossed them to the side. Ville walked through the doorway closing the door behind him. He also took his shoes off, feeling his stomach roll when Bam crawled onto the bed. Was he intentionally sticking his ass out like that?

Bam flopped onto his bed, watching Ville, as he leaned his back against the wall. His eyes meet Ville's, as the taller man strolled over to him. Primal hunger filled Bam as the singer crawled over to him. Ville knelt before Bam, as the skater wrapped his strong legs around Ville's waist.

Ville smiled and ran his hands slowly over Bam's legs, leaning in to kiss the other man. "Happy anniversary." He replied softly, kissing Bam.

Bam smiled and returned the chaste kiss. "Happy anniversary."

Ville grinned foolishly at Bam, "Do you want your present?"

Bam chuckled, "Baby, having you here is enough of a present for me."

Ville grinned even if his heart was swelling from the nice thing Bam just said to him. "Oh, so I can take your present back to the store then?" Ville teased.

"Now I never said that. I always like getting presents." Bam replied.

They basically knew what they were getting, the surprise lay in the custom end of it. Ville sat up and reached under his shirt to pull out of chain with a stunning ring on it. He had carried it around his neck for the last month, waiting to give it to Bam on this specific day. Bam in turn, pulled a chain from under his own shirt, on it was a matching ring to the one Ville had. They smiled at each other as they exchanged necklaces. Bam quickly looked at the inside to see what Ville had chosen to have engraved there. He rocked his hips back and forth, causing Ville to chuckle. Ville moved with Bam since there was no point in resisting it.

"Its Finnish, I can't read it." Bam replied, looking up at Ville, who chuckled. "It looks familiar though." Bam added, with a cute pout.

"It should, its a line from one of my songs." Ville replied, smiling as Bam pouted even more, if that was possible. He peeked at Ville through the tops of his eyes before looking at the ring again. "It says... my home is in your arms." Ville added, after giving him another moment or two to think it over, causing Bam to smile from ear to ear.

"Awww... that's so freaking perfect! Your just too good at this romantic shit." Bam replied, feeling his heart beat faster at the way Ville's eyes danced with happiness.

It was of course, more then just a song to them. It hearkened back to a conversation that they had a long time ago, mostly about whether Ville's home was in West Chester, PA or Helsinki, Finland. Ville had simply said that his home was wherever Bam was. On the other side of things, Ville was almost afraid to look at his own ring. Knowing Bam it would be something weird, random and having nothing to do with the moment at hand.

"Just look..." Bam replied, anxious to see what Ville thought of it. He shook his legs, shaking Ville in the process. Ville laughed and carefully brushed his hair away from his eyes before turning his attention to the inside of the band he was carefully holding.

Ville was confused at first; it was not writing that he found on the inside of the band, but a picture. He looked up at Bam, who was straining against the explosion of joy that threatened to burst from him at any second.

"Its a key?" Ville questioned, causing Bam to nod.

Sitting up, Bam brushed his lips against Ville's neck and ear. It made Ville's nose scrunch up as he smiled, sticking the tip of his tongue out in the process. He brought his shoulder up as he jokingly winced away from the tickling on his neck. Bam smiled as he whisper; "...To my heart."

Ville's jaw dropped, stunned into silence as he gazed at Bam. His reaction of course pleased Bam endlessly. "And you say that I'm too good at being romantic." Ville whispered back, catching Bam's lips in a sweet kiss.

Bam returned the kiss and chuckled, "Its all your fault. I've spent too much time around you." He replied in a playfully dramatic manner.

"I love you so much Bam." Ville replied softly and seriously.

Carefully Ville removed the ring from the chain. Once the necklace was around his neck, he gazed at the ring for a moment. He peeked at Bam, sliding it onto his (left) ring finger. It fit like a dream, as if it had always been meant to sit there.

"Me too." Bam replied, doing the same.

They reached out and laced their hands together, their rings sparkling in the light. Bam leaned in and kissed Ville slowly and deeply, trying to convey in the simple action how much he needed the other man.







I have brought you what I can only describe as: sugary sweet, fluffy, Vam goodness... with the first hint of angst.

**Now Beta Approved**
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