(no subject)

Oct 02, 2007 23:34

Title: L'Acteur
Chapter: Five. Thirteen Is Old Enough.
slasher48  /
Rating: R..Implied schtuff.
Pairing: Oi. You can read.
Disclaimer: Oi. You have common sense.
AN: Ville is now 16, Bam is 13.
Warning: Mentions of bad stuff, and a bit of Missy bashing.

The First Meeting
The Wrong Idea
Gone Too Far
Don't Apologize

~Three Years Later~

Ville was sitting on Bam's bed waiting for him to return from Missy's birthday celebration, idly doodling little bits and bobs of weird art, having already finished sketching everything he could in the room as well as what he could remember about his friend's face.

The sound the door made when it abruptly flew open and banged the wall loudly made Ville nearly jump out of his skin.

He was about to start shouting mock-seriously about consideration and respect when he saw the look on Bam's face. It was a combination of shock, horror, relief, fear and anger and it made his eyes almost purple.

Now was not the time for Ville's usual theatrics.

Bam shakily stumbled into the room and onto the bed, falling face down with his face pressed into Ville's thigh. He could feel Bam take a deep breath and sigh before he slowly sat up and faced him.

Ville smiled warily at Bam. "What's up, Bammie?"

Bam's words came all at once, in a mumble of stuttering and small sounds of frustration.

"Sh-she said I was thirteen, so I was old enough to, you know, do something with a girl, said I could maybe kiss her, or, or something like that, yeah...but Ville, I, I wasn't ready! I wasn't ready, and she, she put her tongue in my mouth and, and she put her body all over my you know, and I, she's older than me, Ville! She's older, and, she, sort of wouldn't let me say no, I kept trying but she kissed me so I would be quiet, and then she, she..." Bam was having a breakdown before his eyes, big blue eyes blurred by tears, speech trembling and barely audible by the end of his little explanation.

Seeing Bam become more and more distressed, Ville abruptly ended his stammering with a sweet, tender kiss. He held Bam's face reverently as he kissed him, closing his eyes to savor the moment.

Bam had definitely stopped talking when Ville pulled away. He stared at Ville with wide eyes, brushing his fingers across his lips with awe.

Ville himself was rather surprised at his own daring, his eyes and mouth wide open.

When Bam started to cry again, however, Ville ignored his own feelings in favor of friendly concern. "Bam, what'd she do? Tell me, please."

Bam swallowed, staring at the ground, body visibly shaking. "I-I think she...raped me, Ville."

Ville's fists clenched and an angry growl came from the back of his throat. He'd kill her.

Bam looked terrified, backing away from a now furious Ville. "I-I'm sorry, Willa, I know I shouldn't have let her, and all, but, but, I-I couldn't stop her!" He became totally incoherent as he started to sob harshly, still backing away slowly.

Bam's tears broke Ville from his thoughts of torturing Missy painfully and, hating himself for letting Bam think it was him that he was mad at, he stood up and gently enveloped Bam into his arms, shushing him quietly. "Hush, now, heila, I'm not angry at you. I'm furious with Missy, but I'm not one bit angry at you."

Bam melted against him, crying uncontrollably into his shirt. Ville held him tighter still, promising himself he'd never again let someone hurt Bam this way.

When Bam was pretty finished with crying, he stepped away from Ville's body, looking up at his friend anxiously. "There's something else, Ville," he said quietly.

Ville moved him back a little, still refusing to let him go completely. "Yeah?"

"I think I might be gay," Bam whispered, biting his lip nervously and shuffling his feet on the floor.

"Oh." What else could he say? Me too?


So say perhaps I wanted comments in exchange for my hard work to make this story? Would you hate me much? 'Cause I wuv you all and your lovely reviews. I only wanna bribe you for more ;).
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