(no subject)

Sep 29, 2007 00:12

Title: L'Acteur
Chapter: Four.  Don't Apologize.
slasher48  /
Rating: R
Pairing: Ville and Bam...which equals VAM.
Disclaimer: My heart screams at the fact that I don't own them, but it's unheard.
AN: Still ten and twelve.

The First Meeting
The Wrong Idea
Gone Too Far

Not a moment later, Bam turned and hightailed it up the stairs to his room. He made it about halfway before his mother's scream of "Bam! You get your butt back here right now and explain!" Sighing, he swallowed back the regret and focused only on how angry he was at Ville, turning to slowly drag himself down the stairs.

He dropped heavily into a chair and glared half-heartedly at his mother.

"Don't give me that look, young man. What the hell did that poor boy do to you for you to be so mean like that?"

"He brought a snake to prank me, Mom, a snake!

Ryan piped up from the couch. "He said he didn't know, dude, and I believe him." The rest of his friends, Rake, DiCo, Raab, and Novak, all nodded in agreement.

Bam ignored the voice inside his head nagging at him that Ryan was right and stuck his tongue out at his friends. "Well, he should've."

Ryan rolled his eyes. "You're ten now, Bam, grow up a little. Think about it, did you ever tell him?"

Bam thought back over the six years he and Ville had been friends and shook his head; he couldn't remember a single instance where Ville had been told about his fear of snakes.

"God fucking damn it, " he swore, slamming fist on the arm of the chair, ignoring the chastising look from April for his language, and standing quickly, took off out the door and down the street, hoping to fix this before Ville realized he wasn't worth this kind of trouble.

He sprinted as fast as possible, only stopping to catch his breath when he reached Ville's house. He rang the bell, panting for air, half doubled over over his knees.

Ville's mother, Anita, answered. "I need to talk to Ville, ma'am" he pleaded with the little breath he had, in perfect Finnish; Ville and his family normally spoke Finnish, and since Bam was around so much, he'd managed to pick up most of it.

"Ville, Bam is here for you!" Anita yelled up the stairs.

Complete silence greeted her, then a long string of rapid, teary Finnish came from the direction of Ville's room. Bam cringed at some of the harsher swear words he caught.

Anita flushed with embarrassment. "Erm, go on up."

Bam nodded gratefully and slunk up the stairs, his thoughts on what to say to Ville.

He knocked softly on the door, wincing at the sound it made against the Iggy Pop poster sticking there.

Ville was silent, so against his better judgement, Bam pushed open the door and stepped inside the room.

Ville was turned away from him, sitting on his bed with his knees pulled up to his chest, gazing out the window in a faraway fashion. He heard the door open, though, and turning to yell at his mother to go away, stopped cold, staring at Bam with a mixture of anger and desperate sadness.

"Ville, I-," Bam started, stepping closer to his friend, his face a picture of remorseful self-hatred.

Ville stopped what would have been probably one of the only sincere apologies Bam had ever given with one hand held up. "Bammie, I know. Come here."

He held out his arms and Bam ran into them, smiling at the feel of the lean muscle in the limbs wrapping around his back and pushing him closer. He buried his face in Ville's neck and breathed out a sigh of relief that he had his best friend back, chuckling when Ville shivered at the puff of air across his skin.

"I really am sorry, " Bam muttered as he pulled away, his big blue eyes peeking at Ville from under the mop of chocolate curls. Ville smiled and nodded, ruffling Bam's hair affectionately.

"I know, heila, I know. You had every right to be angry, in any case. I am the one who should be apologizing to you. If I'd known, I surely would not have brought the snake."

Bam hugged Ville tighter. "I should have known that, Willa, I'm sorry."

Ville held him for much longer than necessary, only letting go when he looked at his alarm clock and saw they'd been there, sitting in silence, for almost two hours.


So. I love you people. Don't hurt me! ><. I keep forgetting that they're really short chapters. Comment me, because I shall perish if you don't.
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