To Love And Be Loved

Sep 29, 2007 18:11

 Title: To Love And Be Loved
Summary: Flying Frozen Chickens, Paint Fumes, Lip Gloss, Booze.......Oh, yeah, and man sex!----Ville's old friend helps Bam and Ville discover the passion between them....But not without many mistakes along the way......

Pairing: VAM
Rating: R-Language and Adult Situations
Genre: Romance/Comedy/Angst
Disclaimer: I wish I owned them....And their bodys...But I don't, so don't sue.

HEY!!!!!!!! I'm so excited over this chapter!!!!! You guys are really going to like it! *SQUEEE*  So yeah there a VERY devious Ville in this chapter not to mention some...wait for it..........wait for it.......wait for it.....VAM!!!! So enjoy!!!!! I HEART YOU ALL!!!!

Bam stepped out of the shower with a Q-tip in his ear and his hair neo-Billy Idol like. He still wasn’t sure that he had got all of the green paint out of his ears, not to mention his nose. He sauntered down the hall with a slow and easy gait.

The skateboarder wandered into his room for some fresh cloths and, was once again assaulted by the sight of the man that he could not have, hung on various places of the wall.

His shoulders slumped and a sigh was heard as Bam walked over to his closet and ruffled through it. He finally decided on an old Iggy Pop shirt and a pair of black slightly baggy jeans.

That done he put on some fresh deodorant and shook his hair so that it was tamed somewhat. His head shifted as he heard his mom yelling to him from downstairs.

“Bam, get down here and rescue your guests from the inevitable potato fight!”

Bam smirked and jogged his way down the wooden steps of Castle Bam. Burton, Gas and the rest of HIM’s crew, minus Ville, were already seated at the table and languidly discussing the next upcoming tour whilst sipping beer. When Mige’s eyes landed on Bam he stood up and shuffled over to him and put an arm of a tree trunk around his friend. Bam welcomed the gesture of friendliness and sniffed the air.

“Dude you have gotta change your cologne it reeks!” Bam said this playfully whilst scanning the halls for Ville and Fallon. Mige stood away from Bam and sniffed himself and shrugged.

“What’s the matter you don’t like……Sweet Pea…?” Mige said this seriously and Bam turned around to stare Mige in the face with a dumbfounded expression. Burton chuckled and took off his cowboy hat. Linde turned around in his chair and smirked.

“That’s MY Sweet Pea lotion..” Linde laughed as Bam sighed and realized it was just a joke. Mige pushed Bam down the hallway and told him in cave man talk that if there are no women at the table then eating cannot commence. Bam laughed at the jibe intended for Ville since Fallon indeed was the only woman besides April who was going to be eating with them. Bam heard a deep throated groan and picked up his pace and peeked into the doorway of the living room.

“Ya know I prolly shouldn’t be calming you down considering that what we want is the exact opposite to happen.” Fallon teased as she massaged the tension out of Ville’s tatooed shoulders. Bam’s mouth was slightly agape as he saw the man whom was giving him such provocative dreams arch into the touch of the lady with a look that was one of ecstasy on his face.

Bam gritted his teeth and waited for the hate and anger to consume him and drive all emotions away. He was sad when he realized that it was never going to come. He couldn’t hate either one of them, they had done nothing. Instead of the hate, the self loathing consumed Bam, his shoulders slumped as he came to the conclusion that he was never meant to be with Ville. He deserved far better than a dick. Bam chuckled at his own pun.

Ville’s eyes flew open as he heard deep laughter, that was somehow not happy at all. He turned his head to the door and found Bam casually leaning against it. Ville and Fallon made to speak but Bam raised his hands.

“Nope, you don’t have to explain Mom, I know what goes on between a man and a woman behind closed doors.” Bam tried to find humor in the situation and brought himself to make an oath. As long as Ville and Fallon were together he would try and be happy for them.

Bam walked away from them yelling something about the food being ready. Fallon smiled. And damn it was an evil one. Ville sighed. He was suddenly grabbed by the arm and dragged to the door that Bam was leaning against moments ago.  Fallon gave Ville his shirt and he shrugged it on in a slow praticed motion.   Ville could still smell him there. A scent that was all that encompassed Bam, Axe, and something else.

“No getting cold feet now…” Fallon snickered at her own joke. Ville looked as if he was going to be sick and looked down at his black, furry socks, they were silky and made for optimum comfort. Fallon pushed him towards the kitchen and slowly followed Ville down the hall. He was stopped right before the entry to the dining room.

“Hey, Ville, you don’t have to do this…” Fallon looked like a puppy that had left an unknown present on the carpet. Ville smiled and shrugged and continued into the room where all of the people inside talked amongst themselves. Ville sat himself beside Mige with Fallon on his other side and directly across the table from Bam, Linde, Burton, and Dunn who had also just joined them. Phil and Ape sat and the two ends of the long table close to Fallon.

The eating then commenced and pizza slices were taken out of the four extra large pizzas and huge bowl of mashed potatoes. Ville himself was nibbling on a piece of cheese-garlic pizza when a foot collided with his calf almost making him lose his grip on his pizza. He could only have guessed who did that. Ville took the hint, sighed, and turned to ask Mige how the recording company took to their absence earlier that day; he listened with a deaf ear and nodded when appropriate. Ville’s black foot slowly wormed its way toward its target. Ville could see Bam visually stiffen when his clothed foot started to do a dance across Bam’s unclothed one.

Bam looked around the room with an upraised eyebrow but resumed eating his portion. Bam stood to grab another piece hoping that the foot would discontinue its current ministrations. Ville almost snickered when he saw Bam shift uncomfortably in his seat when he sat back down, and only returned to his task with renewed vigor, only this time he lifted his foot up to caress Bam’s calf and thigh.

He studied the people sitting across from him. Fallon was talking to his mother about the furnishings of the house and how she could live with a bunch of hooligans. He then looked and Ville who was nibbling on his second piece of pizza and talking with Mige about earlier events. He came to the conclusion that it was no one from his side of the table who was doing it, that was impossible unless they were sitting sideways. His eyes studied Mige and found that the man with the bandanna on was not at all unattractive. In fact Bam could have seen himself with the bass player if he wasn’t already obsessed with the vocalist.

Bam then turned his head to Mige’s left and looked upon Gas and there was no way in hell Gas could have reached his leg over to Bam without sliding himself halfway under the table. Besides Gas was about as strait as they came, and the thought of him doing that, was just damn creepy. Bam resigned himself that it was one of the three in front of him. He lifted his fork to his lips and almost knocked his teeth out when he bit down on the fork. The unknown foot was making a swirling path on his crotch! And what was worse was that he was responding to it!

Bam almost let loose a moan as the fluffy foot found the head of his penis by sheer luck. Fluffy? Something registered in Bam’s mind just when he noticed Ville staring at him. When their eyes locked the foot pushed much harder and caused Bam to grip his fork hard enough that his knuckles turned white. Bam was about to say something when Ville winked and turned to talk to Fallon with a most devious smile on his face.

Bam growled low in his throat, out of anger that Ville would do this, play with him as he was. But another part shouting in the back of his mind was ecstatic and longed to give into the pleasure of Ville’s touch; not taken into consideration just what body part it was.

Bam grinned. Fine he would participate in Ville’s little “game”. Just the thought of how scandalous the situation was and who was causing it made him fully erect. Bam thanked the gods that he went commando under his pants, because the coarse feel of the black jeans was making excellent friction. His name being called to him made him look up from his constant stare at his potatoes.

“Bam, honey you look a little flushed are you feeling ok?” April looked at her son with a mothers frown.

“Im.Fine.” Bam grounded out with clenched teeth. The foot was now making short stabbing motions and Bam could feel himself getting close.

“You sure dude?” Dunn asked looking to steal Bam’s potatoes.

Bam nodded and gripped the table leg hard. The man across him seemed to sense that his end was coming soon because the movements to his cock were becoming frenzied. Bam quickly picked up his beer with one hand and put it to his lips to try and hide his face as he came. He could feel himself spazaming inside his pants and the hot liquid that came after. He brought his beer back down and sighed, wondering how in the sam hell he was going to get up with cum stains leaking through his pants. Bam would have laughed at the situation if he had not been staring into the eyes of the very person that gave him an orgasm with his foot.

*Yeah that’s REAL attractive* Bam thought.

He wanted to have a temper tantrum, but the way that Ville was looking at him had his body at a standstill. He looked as if he wanted to throw Bam over his shoulder and have his way with him on the coffee table.

“Oh shit!” Fallon had everyone’s attention as she dropped her fork under the table. She rose to get it but Ville told her that he would get it. Bam watched as Ville slid under the table in horror. The only thing worse for Bam than seeing Ville sitting at the table is not seeing him sitting at the table. Who knew what he would do now that prying eyes were not looking.

Bam almost jumped out of his skin when he felt a cool hand reach into he pants and wipe him clean.

*Well at least he knows how to clean up after himself* Bam thought wryly.

Ville retuned a second later with the retrieved fork in hand, and a smug smile. He stood and looked Bam strait in the face.

“Well, I’m done.” Ville stated as he took his plate and walked slowly to the kitchen. Bam stood and stated playfully that he was too.

Soft laughter could be heard from Ville as he laughed at the pun.

Welllllll? Review please!!!Hint for Next episode: A very flustered Bam, and a seductive Ville??????? Oooooooooo!!!

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