More Random Drabble Part 6

Oct 12, 2007 21:05

Title: Utitled For now [Title suggestions are nice :D]
Pairing: Vam
Disclaimer: I own NOTHING! I tells ya, nothing!
Summary: Something's wrong with Ville, but what?
Warning: Angst and stuff 'cos I was depressed

Authors Note: sorry this one took so long guys, i've been swamped with school and stuff, I had Center Parcs last weekend (as most of you know) Then I had the run-away fair here for monday and tuesday, Then I had parent's evening, Then i had a doctor's appointment so... Hectic week for me, and along with that, i had homework to do and i've aquired a stalker, as i call her.

She's really annoying me... She keeps talking to me about how cool HIM is and how hot Ville is, and she says she's a huge him fan, but not as big as me (slight flattery of me there...) when a few days ago i found out she's only actually heard 3 HIM songs! Made me twitch slightly. (btw, they were B.A.B.L., The Kiss of Dawn and W.O.A.B.)

Anywhoo, story now yes? (oh and about the lack of picture, My scanner has decided it won't work for me so i can't get the picture on my PC for you guys)

Chapter 1    Chapter 2    Chapter 3    Chapter 4    Chapter 5

I groaned, my head throbbed gently, alerting me to the fact I needed something to drink. I sat up, the horrible hospital gown clinging to the reducing size of my body. I shivered slightly as I felt the faintly familiar tickle at the back of my throat. I grabbed the sides of the bed, bracing myself for the violent coughs that were bound to work their way up my throat any moment now.

I tried to hold them in a best as I could, but the feeling worked its way up my throat and burned my mouth, and soon I couldn’t help but begin to cough.

I held my hand to my throat and coughed violently, as Bam began to wake from his seat next to me. He shook his head slightly and was then stood next to me, his hand rested sympathetically on my back.

My coughing stopped, and my breaths were left short and heavy.

“I’m sorry” I managed to choke out between heavy pants, as I tried to focus my gaze on anything but the puddle of blood in front of me, today, larger than it was before.

“Sorry?” Bam asked, confused “Sorry for what?”

“I feel like such a burden, you’re always here, and I- I guess I just feel,” I paused, and waved my hand in a general circle “you know”

“You’re not a burden Ville, I’m here because I want to be, I need to know if you’re ok or not.” He said kissing my head gently “You don’t remember how close we were, but I’m not going to just forget about you”

I smiled, why I’m not quite sure, maybe it was because someone cared, someone was here, no matter what happened, whether I coughed up blood that was slowly staining the white sheets in front of me, or whether I screamed so loudly from the stabbing pains that violently shot through my stomach.

“Bam?” I asked “When can I get better?” I sounded like a child, but at this point in time I didn’t care, as I took hold of his arm and pulled him closer to me. I was scared and Bam was the only person I felt I could trust at this point in time.

The pain, I hadn’t felt it for a few days now. Until then, I’d forgotten about it. I say until then because a sudden pain struck my lower abdomen, causing me to twist violently in the bed. The blood I’d coughed up slowly began to run over the clear white sheets as I twisted.

I clung to Bam’s arm as I cried in pain. His other arm wrapped gently round my body and I shook slightly in the aftermath of the pain. I was throbbing softly all over as I gasped softly from the surprising pains.

I whimpered quietly into Bam’s chest as I felt another shock of pain bolt through my thinning form. He stroked my hair gently as I gripped tightly to his top. Tears threatened to fall from my eyes, screwed shut and pressed firmly into Bam’s chest. I jerked slightly, not as violently as before, as another surge of pain flooded through me. Tears spilled from my tightly closed eyes and a horrible feeling in the pit of my stomach began to become known to my senses.

“Bam,” I muttered “I need to get to the bathroom” I looked up at him, my face pale and my eyes dark and dull. My lips were tinted blue and my body was shaking slightly. I watched his eyes widen as he understood.

He helped my weak, stick-like body out of the hospital bed, supporting me on my fragile legs. He let go of me momentarily to see how weak I was. My legs gave way after a matter of seconds, but his strong arms caught me before I could hit the ground.

He practically carried me to the bathroom and set me gently on the floor in front of the toilet, just in time for me to empty the little contents of my stomach into the bowl, tinting the bile red with blood.

I sank down next to the toilet and began to feel rather warm. My vision began to blur and Bam was becoming harder and harder to focus on. I panted softly, falling backwards to lie on the floor, trying to focus my gaze on something, but I was failing miserably. I felt delirious. I was sweating whilst lying on the cold tiles of a hospital bathroom, my vision wasn’t focusing properly, pain was starting to sear through my thin, sweaty body. Blood was smeared round my lips and a horrible taste lingered in the corners of my mouth. I could faintly see Bam hovering worriedly above me, as my eyes darted about trying to find some point of focus, but nothing worked, my vision was getting blurrier and blurrier by the second. I began to panic. I was ill and my vision was blurring, I was coughing up blood and vomiting, all whilst pain was still pulsing through my body.

“Ville? Ville? Talk to me!” Bam’s far away voice drifted through my head

“Ville! Ville! Please! Talk to me! Let me know you can hear me!” He was pleading with me, pleading even though there was only half a chance I could hear him and reply.

Suddenly, a wave of realization washed over me, I remembered who Bam was. I remembered running out of his house, into the forest, I remember thinking he no longer loved me.

“Bammie?” I whispered, using my name for him. I saw him look up, even though he was still blurred through my vision, I saw his bright blue eyes look up at me. He realized I’d used my special name for him, he realized I remembered him.

“Ville,” He said in a very dreamy, far off voice. Or maybe that was my head making his voice sound like that.

“Bammie, Help me, please” I managed to whisper, my breaths becoming short again as a warning surge of pain let me know I was close to pass-out-point.

And just like that, my blurred vision faded to darkness, a darkness that scared my sub-conscious mind, I knew I wasn’t healthy anymore.

My mind went blank and I passed out, I felt like I was asleep. The only thing was, that the wave of darkness that halted the pain for the hours I was out of it, took with it my memories, and I went back to my previous state, of knowing very little about who Bam was.

I've decided, I'm going to Draw a Vammy picture (Their ideas on poses for Ville and Bam if they wish) for whoever finds me a good title for this!
Longest Update EVAR!
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