More Random Drabble Part 5

Oct 05, 2007 07:44

Title: Utitled For now [Title suggestions are nice :D]
Pairing: Vam
Disclaimer: I own NOTHING! I tells ya, nothing!
Summary: Something's wrong with Ville, but what?
Warning: Angst and stuff 'cos I was depressed

Authors Note: Sorry this one's a bit late and short, but i was rushed and i couldn't get as much as i wanted to give you.
But i'm off to Center Parcs today for the weekend, and i'll miss out on this community   :(
Sorry again that it's horrendously bad.
Blame parents making me do homework and not going on the computer untill 15 minuites before Bedtime (yes i still have a bed time -_-' )

And i've had my hair cut :D

Anywhoo, Enjoy now

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4

I cursed mentally as I regained consciousness. Without opening my eyes, I sat up and rubbed my head slightly, resting my elbows on my knees.

“Urgh,” I muttered “I feel horrible”

“Ville!” Cried a voice from somewhere beside me, I lifted my head from my hand and looked in the general direction of where the voice came from. I smiled slightly seeing Bam getting up from a chair. His hair was a mess, his clothes were creased, and his skin was pale. His eyes were bloodshot and dark.

He almost ran over to me and threw his arms around me, pulling me in to a tight hug.

“You’re Alright” He whispered as he pulled back, smiling at me.

“Why wouldn’t I be?” I asked scratching my head slightly. Instantly I knew something wasn’t right. I turned to look at Bam, but he was, once again, avoiding my eye contact

“Bam.” I said slowly “What happened?” Again he opened and closed his mouth a few times, not really finding the words. “Just tell me” I sighed and so did he.

“Well, you passed out again” He said, pausing slightly before mumbling “But you were out for a day”

“What!?” I cried “A day?!” I rested my head in my hand again. Good god, I thought to myself. “That’s not good is it?” I asked. Bam gently shook his head.

I pulled a slight face as I felt a horrible tickling in my throat. I coughed slightly, trying to rid my throat of the horrible tickle, but it wouldn’t vanish. I began to cough a bit harder, feeling something begin to work its way up my throat. The feeling was horrible so once more violent cough brought it up into my mouth. I was pretty sure what it was, wasn’t normal. I continued to cough, bringing the substance out onto the white blankets of the hospital bed. It was only when I had finished my violent fit of coughs did I realize that it was blood I have been coughing up and a small pool of crimson liquid was sitting on my lap. Instantly, Bam was next to me.

I reached out and took his hand, looking at the blood that had just come out of my mouth made me feel sick and scared. I didn’t like what was happening to me and I wished for it to stop, but I knew that wasn’t possible right now.

“Bam” I whispered “I’m scared” I clutched his hand tightly. “I’m getting worse aren’t I?” I heard him sigh next to me. He knew there was no way around it, I was getting worse and no lie on earth could stop people from seeing that.

I promise My next update (most likely on Monday) will contain a Picture (drawn by me) of some sort :D

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