More Random Drabble part 2

Sep 28, 2007 19:27

Title: Untitles for now (any name suggestions, muchly appreciated)
Pairing: Vam
Disclaimer: I own NOTHING! i tells ya, nothing!
Summary: Something's wrong with Ville, but what?
Warning: Angst and stuff 'cos i was depressed

Authors note:
Hiya it's me, back with the second part of my Drabble story (And fueled on an Oreo McFlurry :D), this one's a little shorter than i would have liked but it's ended where I wanted it to
Title suggestions would be nice, 'cos i'm stumped on what to call this...
And this has ended up being longer than i thought it would be, I was gonna make it a 2 part oneshot type thing, but now i've gotten into it and a plot-line developed in my head overnight :D
Enjoy, even if it is short...

Chapter 1 (if you can call it that)

I opened my eyes, frightened. Where was I? What had happened? I couldn’t remember at all! I looked around; I was in an unfamiliar place. Large black velvet curtains fell either side of grand windows. Deep purple walls looked soft to touch, and a charcoal grey carpet was soft underneath me.

I sat up, but a sharp, stabbing pain in my lower abdomen told me that it was a bad idea, so I fell backward to the floor, a small groan escaping my mouth as pain shot up towards my ribcage. A small thud, muted by the carpet, echoed in the large, empty, purple room. I writhed in agony, as the stabbing, twisting pain drove deeper into my stomach. I bit my lip, hard, in an attempt to both take my mind off the pain and prevent me from screaming out loud.

I grasped desperately at my stomach, hoping that it would vanish if I wished hard enough. But it was all useless. The pain seared through me, each wave of pain bringing with it, another bite to my lip.

Soon the familiar taste of blood filled my mouth and my lips became swollen and sore, but still the pain did not die. Tears came to my eyes as an extremely painful surge washed through my body and a loud, piercing scream flew from my mouth.

My eyes widened as I head movements from elsewhere in the house. I knew I had alerted them. It wasn’t that hard to hear my scream, I know that from past experiences.

A man with long-ish brown hair flew into the room and fell to his knees next to me, worry shone clearly in his crystal blue eyes. His clothes were dry, but his hair dripped water onto me and the surrounding carpet. Water soon began to flow from his eyes too, seeing me look up at him, with a soft, weak expression; a tiny smile curled the corners of his mouth.

“Ville, you’re awake! You’re alive!” He whispered as I curled slightly from another wave of pain. His slight smile faded fast as he saw me in pain.

“Ville?” He asked, looking worried. “Ville? Say something.” He pleaded with me with his eyes. I turned my head to look directly in his deep blue eyes, a somewhat distant expression on my face as I lay on the floor looking at him.

“Who are you?”
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