To Love And Be Loved

Sep 28, 2007 16:04

Title: To Love And Be Loved
Summary: Flying Frozen Chickens, Paint Fumes, Lip Gloss, Booze.......Oh, yeah, and man sex!----Ville's old friend helps Bam and Ville discover the passion between them....But not without many mistakes along the way......

Pairing: VAM
Rating: R-Language and Adult Situations
Genre: Romance/Comedy/Angst
Disclaimer: I wish I owned them....And their bodys...But I don't, so don't sue.

Hey all! I wanted to thank you all for the FanFUCKINGTastic reviews and after you get done reading this chappie I have a surprise for you!!! Once again I love you all and your writing, so THANK YOU for being here, you make me so happy!

Ville made his way out through the paint littered lawn and squeaked when the greenest person he had ever seen jumped out at him from behind the pool house. Ville pinched the bridge of his nose and sighed. He loved Bam, he really did, but sometimes when the one you want to hold the most is covered in paint fumes and actually a little high on them, then, cuddling was not an option.

“Bammie, sweetie, you smell.”

War cry sounded, Bam grinned and ran about five feet to the swimming pool and jumped in, cannon ball and all, effectively showering the now cursing Ville in water droplets. Bam gave him an innocent look and shook his hair.  Bam so so cute sometimes, you had to love him.

Ville grumbled and walked to where a spare towel was lying on a nearby chair. Ville turned around and gasped to see Bam shirtless in the murky green water washing his hair, while droplets of water ran down his toned chest and arms.

Ville closed his eyes and focused on not letting Mr. Pointy make an appearance until a splash was heard and Bam was standing so close to Ville he could hear him breathing.  Bam’s eyebrows creased as he looked into Ville’s eyes, he was encompassed by the glowing now hazel-emerald eyes, like molten lava.

Bam shivered and blinked, and the moment was lost and both were levitated five feet in the air by a scream. Bam saw the fear in his friends eyes and immediately ran towards his castle with Ville close at his heels.

Bam and Ville stopped in the living room just seconds before the blurred figure of Fallon rushed past them and ducked behind the large sofa. Running was heard and Bam groaned and grabbed the nearest hard object, which happened to be a large and insanely heavy cookbook that his mother had left on the coffee table, and walked briskly into the hallway which led upstairs to his bathroom and personal room. Ville jogged over to the wide eyed woman now cowering behind the purple velvet couch.


A holler was heard and a pair of running feet.

“Goddamnit Bam! Nothin doin! I swear!” Novak squeaked and ran to the opposite side of the room in all his naked glory. Fallon squeaked again and Bam stood in the doorway, with the cookbook held high, an angry look on his face, willing his friend to explode in flames.

All was quiet except for the harsh breathing of Novak. Ville did the worst possible thing he could do, he laughed. It was a giggle to a chuckle and then outright laughing until his mascara was smudging. Fallon jumped up and ran up to Bam tugging on his arm and whispering furiously into his ear with her eyes wide. Bam’s eyes turned into a variety of emotions until anger again clouded his vision.

Novak cowered and pleaded for his innocents.

“I fucking swear I didn’t know they were here or else I would have…er……put on underwear…Yeah that’s it! I would have put on underwear!”

“What just happend?” Ville inquired.

“Well…..” Bam looked at Fallon with a grin on his face.

“What happened was I had to pee!” Fallon stated. Bam nodded when Ville raised an eyebrow.

“So I asked Mrs. Margera where the bathroom was. And she said I would have to use the one upstairs. So I went up there and open the door and I found him--” She pointed to Novak. Bam motioned for her to continue.

“He-…He- He was er……He was....” Fallon whimpered and made a vulgar motion, Ville blinked. Once. Twice. Bam and Ville looked into each others eyes and burst out laughing. Fallon’s mouth dropped open and she walked over to Ville, balled a fist and whacked him on the back of the head.

“It was NOT funny! My poor virgin eyes are forever burned!” Fallon looked at Novak who was trying to blend in and laugh with the rest of them.

Ville put his arm around her in consolation.

“If it makes you feel any better I'll run around naked…” Fallon wiggled her eyebrows.

“I’ve already seen yours….” Fallon smirked, bit her bottom lip, and looked up at Ville.

It was enough to put Bam into a bad mood and storm off without saying a word. Fallon walked over to Novak and pecked him on his cheek and pulled a twenty out of her pocket and handed it to him with a sweet smile. He walked off laughing about how Finnish chicks were fucking awesome. Ville sighed and sank to the couch.

“This is never going to work…..”

Fallon came over and patted his head.

Ok, so I know that his is a short chapter….But……I have good news…..if you all review I will post  the next one tonight, and you all know what that means…….VAM. Hint for next episode: Finnish people have the weirdest ideas……….And the best control over all their body parts……

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