More Random Drabble

Sep 25, 2007 21:26

|Sleepwalking Past Hope- HIM
Title: Untitled as of now
Pairing: Vam
Disclaimer: I own NOTHING! i tells ya, nothing!
Summary: Something's wrong with Ville, but what?
Warning: Angst and stuff 'cos i was depressed

Authors note:
I know i said the next story i poseted would be a funny/happy one, but i can't do that right now, i've had a horrible few days, On sunday my parents had a huge argument and i though they'd split up, Monday I stressed out and almost injured myself in the process (not self harming, just an accidental injury) and today i Went to get some contact lenses fitted and i couldn't even put the damned thing in my eye, so i'm stressed that i may not have contacts in time for my holiday. and My dad had a go at me Over dinner, I screamed (very lost prophets - rooftops video-ish) and ran up to my room and bawled my eyes out for the 5th time in 3 days, In all i've had very Emo week

I may put a second part up later or something, dunno yet

My eyes ached as once again I refused to let my body rest.

My arms and legs tingled with the cold.

I sat, wrapped tightly in my long black coat.

I hugged my knees gently, rocking back and forth out of boredom.

I knew Bam would be back soon, but how soon? I wasn’t sure of the answer to that one

I curled up under the bed covers, attempting to warm myself up a bit. I shivered slightly, which was odd... It’s much colder in Finland and my body knew that, so why did I still shiver?

Again, I fought off sleep as the soreness of my eyes returned to lure me into the warmth that called out to me.

I could not fall sleep, I had to be awake for when Bam returned otherwise he’d worry. He did that recently. I’m not actually sure why. Maybe he was worried I wasn’t getting enough sleep. He hadn’t noticed my shivering. Nor had he noticed my tears. Odd how he spots the less obvious things isn’t it?

Before I knew it, I’d been enveloped by sleep. I lay there, curled up in bed, sleeping peacefully, blissfully unaware of Bam walking in the door at that moment.

I woke. Violent shakes being sent through my body. Whether they were from Bam, or my body doing it by itself, I’m not sure. Bam was back now, shaking me violently to wake me from the deep sleep that wrapped itself around me.

“Ville? Good you’re awake,” Bam said, almost emotionlessly, as he wrapped a blanket round my shaking form. I looked up at him from my sitting position on the bed. Tears that I had cried during the night were drying slowly on my cheeks. I saw no emotions in his eyes, they were dull and nothing seemed to spark the shine anymore.

I hung my head slightly, feeling ashamed again, I really don’t know why. I began to think over in my head what might cause him to act this way. One question lodged itself in my brain. Does he still love me?

I shook my head slightly and rose from the bed, throwing off the blanket he’d just wrapped round my shoulders. I walked to the door.

“Where are you going?” He called after me. I detected a small emotion in his voice, but I could not work out what it was

“Away,” I said in a voice barely louder than a whisper. With that I walked out of the door, and towards the front door as fast as I could without running, I could feel the tears prick at my eyes again as my bare feet felt the cooling sensation of the frosty ground I was approaching.

“Ville?!” I heard Bam yell as he saw me head for the door

“Good-bye” I whispered as I stepped out of the door and into the cold breeze that blew outside. I heard Bam make a move run after me, so I ran. I ran as far and as fast as I could. The tears that threatened to fall earlier sliding their way over my cheeks that had turned pink from the nip of the slight frost outside.

I glanced behind me as I neared the cover of trees; he was after me, running, just like I had. Fear and adrenalin pulsed through my body. I ducked behind the closest tree and weaved my way through them, I had to get away from him, but of course I couldn’t, my weak slender body was no match for his. He would find me if I didn’t hide soon, I knew that.

Suddenly I felt my head get light, and my vision blurred. The world was swimming before my eyes and darkness crept through my line of sight, I fell forward, but I never hit the ground, I felt nothing after my vision went completely black, but the last thing I remember hearing, was Bam shouting my name as he waved through the trees as he tried to reach me before I hit the ground…
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