
Oct 12, 2007 13:19

Okay, this started out as a dream I had (thus the reason for the involvement of my friend and I...I normally hate these kinds of fics) It's short, and I personally think it's not good, but due to my friend talking me into it, I'm posting it here....hope you find it funny.

And does anyone have any idea how to get out of attending a wedding you think is a waste of time without hurting anyone's feelings. My friend is getting married today and I personally think they will not stay together...she's not a good person to her and  wont even let her hang out with her friends....I've told her to break up with him btu she thinks that he's the best she'll get and doesn't want to leave him....should I just go and plaster a false smile on my face, and congratulate her, or should I boycot? (I really wanna boycot but I wanna be there for her so I'm sooooooooo confused)

Anyway....on to the story

Title : Skate-Fest
Author : ZikiHekai
Rating : PG
Pairing : duh...
Warnings : Language, and over-all craptasticness


It was a great day for a concert. The sun was shining and this day found Cassie and Bethany at Skatefest, the largest concert held at Germain Amphitheater since the Warped Tour. As the two made their way through all the half-pipes and vert-ramps they commented on their excitement.

“Dude! I can’t believe we’re here!” Cassie almost squealed.

“I know! I mean nine great bands in one day. It’s like heaven! I’m so excited I could pee!” Bethany said.

“Don’t do that!” Cassie joked. “Come on, we’ve got to hurry! The 69 Eyes perform soon, don’t want to miss them!”

“Oh we’ve got to hurry! I have to see them come on stage!” Bethany said excitedly, grabbing Cassie’s arm and pulling her along.

“You just wanna see Jussi before he’s hidden by his drums.” Cassie laughed.

“Can you really blame me? I mean, come on, how can someone resist something as sexy as that? I just want to see for myself that he’s poured himself in those leather pants to tight they look painted on. I have to see in person those pants that are so low riding that they would make a male prostitute blush.” Bethany said. Before Cassie could reply, someone had called to them.

“Ladies…” That voice. That voice was so familiar, so humorous. The girls turned around and were staring at an extremely cute guy. “Ladies, want to buy a Skatefest shirt?” The vendor asked as he approached the girls.

“Sure, how much are they?” Bethany asked, trying to place how she knew the man who looked extremely familiar. She couldn’t, so she asked. “And, why do you look so familiar.”

“They’re ten bucks each, and if you’re lucky then you might get a backstage pass to the second stage. And my name’s Raab.”

“That’s it…wait. Did you say second stage? I thought there was only one.
Bethany said. She looked around trying to glimpse over the fence to the theater, but couldn’t. Her gaze landed once again on Raab, who was standing there patiently, holding the shirts. “Oh yeah, shirts, we’ll both take one.” She pulled out the money and gave it to him.

“Yeah, I said second stage. You see the bands are split today; there is a stage in the lawn and the main stage. They decided to play a little switcheroo on the fans and give the ones with lawn tickets the better advantage for the ‘better’ bands.” Raab told them.

“Better bands?” Cassie asked.

“Yeah, the bands that the guys like better out of this group.” Raab said.

“Well, I’m not going to lie; I’m here because I’m in love with Ville Valo. And when I heard HIM was playing I had to come. Don’t get me wrong, I really like AFI The Rasmus, Turbonegro, Slayer, Billy Idol, CKY, and The 69 Eyes, but HIM is the main reason I bought tickets. Even though we do have lawn seats, it’ll still be great.” Bethany said.

“Well, HIM, The Rasmus, Billy Idol, and The 69 Eyes are all going to be on the lawn stage. But you did forget a band.” Raab told her.

“She didn’t forget,” Cassie said. “It’s just that Gnarkill’s greatness is so vast that she believes uttering the name will make them disappear.” Cassie said trying to keep a straight face.

“You honestly believe that?” Raab asked disbelievingly.

“Honestly, no. It’s just they’re such a kickass band that it’s almost sacred to speak their name.” Bethany said laughing. Raab and Cassie laughed too.

“Well, I don’t want to keep you from missing The 69 Eyes. Here are your shirts,” Raab handed them their purchases. “And, good luck.” He winked at them before walking off.

Cassie and Bethany looked at each other, and opened their shirts up. Inside each was a backstage pass to “The Second Stage”.

“Okay, yay! So we get to go backstage and meet the bands, how rad is that?” Cassie commented.

“DUDE!” Bethany shouted looking back and watching Raab walk away. “That was Raab! Himself! Oh Em Gee! I mean I knew Bammie was putting this all on but I didn’t realize that his friends would actually be vendors.” She said looking around. Only she was wrong. None of the rest of the CKY Crew was anywhere to be seen. “Huh, then I wonder why he sold us shirts?”

“I don’t know” Cassie said, “But right now, I don’t care! We have five minutes to get seated in front of “The Second Stage” and get ready for Jussi’s sexiness! “

She unceremoniously pulled Bethany into the theater and up onto the lawn.

They walked to the back of the lawn, and got right up against the “second stage”. Bethany turned to Cassie.

“I hope he wasn’t just yanking us when he said all that crap about the “second stage”. “

“Yeah, I know what you mean.” Cassie said. “I wonder if these are real passes too.”

“There’s only one way to find out.” Bethany told her and started walking around to the side of the stage. Cassie stopped her before she got too far away.

“Dude, wait until after the Eye’s perform. I seriously wanna see them.”

“You’re right. I do wanna see Jussi in those sinful pants.” Bethany laughed.

As she said those words, The 69 Eyes took the stage and started playing. They had a blast dancing and singing along to “The Lost Boys”, “Christina Death”, “Only You Can Save Me”, and “Feel Berlin”. After about a half and hour, the Eyes wrapped up their set and left the stage. Bethany and Cassie danced and partied through AFI, TurboNegro, Slayer, GnarKill, Slayer, and The Rasmus, before they thought again about the passes around their necks. Billy Idol was taking the stage, when Cassie turned toward Bethany.

“Wanna go try out these passes”

Bethany grinned sheepishly before digging in her bag. “I do, but I totally want to hear “Plastic Jesus” first.” She replied brandishing her very own plastic Jesus. Luckily Billy sang that song after he played “White Wedding” and “Dancing With Myself”. The girls took off toward the side of the stage, where they showed their passes to the big, scary looking guy who was making sure no one got back there without passes. He looked at the passes, then at the girls, and nodded them through. Behind the stage was a group of large tents set up to be used as dressing rooms, and meet and greet and waiting areas. The girls walked into one of the tents, and were held at wooden sword point by Ryan Dunn in an eye patch and pirate hat.

“ARGH, Who goes there?!”

“Argh to you too” Cassie laughed.

“We got these passes from Raab earlier. We only really came back here to see if it was for real or if he was jerking us.” Bethany held up her backstage pass. Dunn turned into the tent.

“Raab, are these the girls?”

Raab came out and greeted the two still being held at sword point. “Hey, you finally decided to come back here!” He turned to Dunn, “Yeah, these are the girls Bam told me to find.” He turned away and went back into the tent.

Bethany and Cassie stared at each other with jaws dropped. “Bam told him to find us?” Cassie asked turning to Dunn.

“Yeah, he said he found out his cousin was supposed to be here and he wanted to meet her. Which one of you is Cassie.”

“She is…” Bethany told him, then turned to Cassie. “You bitch! You never told me you were related to Bam Margera!”

“I didn’t know! I swear!” Cassie said. “I mean come on, if I had known, we would have totally been in West Chester a long time ago.”

Dunn laughed at them and moved so they could come in further. “He’s in back with Ville. I’ll go tell him you’re here.”

Cassie and Bethany took seats at one of the tables lining the tent, next to Raab and Dico. After a few minutes of talking, Bam ran out and jumped onto the table. “You’re here!” He said to Cassie. “ I dunno if you know, but your cousin and my cousin are married and so we’re cousins…” He looked confused for a minute and scratched his head. “I think…anyway, I was told by your cousin that you’re a fan of mine and was gonna be here so I had Raab here find you!” He was rambling the way he always did when he was excited.

Bam was flushed. More so than he should have been from the heat. Bethany leaned to whisper in Cassie’s ear. “He was in back with Willa Walo…watcha think your cousin was doin’?“ Cassie smirked but didn’t reply.

The rest of the concert went by quickly. Near the end of HIM’s set Bam and his crew decided to hang out on the stage. Dunn grabbed Bethany and Novak grabbed Cassie and pulled them onto the stage along with them. They had a blast partying on stage with the guys. As HIM ended their set Bam walked up to Ville and whispered something in his ear. Ville smiled and nodded, then Bam took the mic.

“How’s everyone doin’? He asked the crowd. Deafening screams were the reply. “Wanna hear one more song?” Again he was answered with loud screams. Billy Idol came back out on the stage and walked up next to Ville. “How about ‘Rebel Yell’” Bam asked. The crown went wild yet again, and he turned and gave Ville back his mic. The song started up and the party went on for a few more minutes.

After the concert, Cassie and Bethany were asked by Bam to stay behind for a few minutes. They were standing around talking about the show when they were grabbed from behind and blindfolded. Their arms were tied behind them and they were forced to walk. Whimpering and crying, the did as they were commanded to and were stuffed in an enclosed area. They didn’t know what was going on or what had happened. All they knew was they were in the dark, from the blindfolds, they couldn’t move physically, and that whatever they were in was moving, like they were in a vehicle.

After what seemed like days, but it more than likely was only hours, all movement stopped. The vehicle they were in was stopped and parked. The next thing they knew was they were pulled out and were standing on solid ground. The blindfolds were removed and the girls were found standing in front of Castle Bam.

“What the hell Bam, you could have asked if we wanted to go with you. Jesus, you didn't have to kidnap us!” Cassie screamed at her cousin.

“I could, but where's the fun in that?” Bam asked laughing. “Whatever, come on, lets go take you two on a tour.”

Apparently Bam's idea of a tour was going in the front door of the castle, and out onto the deck where they were greeted by a sight that Bethany, nor Cassie ever wanted to see. Nudie Novak was lounging by the pool, living up to his nickname. Bethany, being the pervert that she really is, looked at everything he was showing the world and smiled hugely. Novak noticed.

“Watcha looking at, sweetheart?” He asked.

“That thing, between your looks like a penis, only smaller.” Bethany told him with a straight face. Bam found this funny and broke out in loud laughter, causing everyone else to join in. Novak jumped up and ran after Bam trying to throw him into the pool. Bam grabbed Ville to keep his balance and they all three toppled into the water.

Ville came up coughing and yelling in a stream of Finnish, that very few there understood. Bam came up shortly after to hear him yelling.

“English, Ville....English.” Bam muttered to the enraged Finnish sex monkey.

“You stupid son of a bitch...what the fuck was that for...well...that's the gist of it anyway...” Ville muttered.

After a few minutes, the guys, not bothered in the least that they were wet, decided they were going to play on the four-wheelers like the little boys they are.

“That was a great tour of the house” Cassie said to Bethany as they were walking.

“That's what later is for” Bam said with a dismissive (and slightly gay) wave of his arm, after sneaking up on the girls.

Ville, Raab, and Dunn reached the shed where the four-wheelers were kept first. They had them out and were riding around when Cassie, Bethany, Bam, and Novak arrived. The four of them were watching and joking around, while Raab, Dunn, and Ville we're trying to do tricks and jumps on the ATVs.

After Ville did an impressively, dangerous jump on the four-wheeler, in which he almost rolled it, Bethany turned to Cassie.

“That is one crazy Finn.” She said.

“Yeah, but he is my crazy Finn.” Bam mumbled, then seeing the look on the girls faces continued. “FRIEND! My crazy Finn friend, friend....yeah...friend...I didn't cover that too well did I.”

“No, Bam, you didn't. But don't worry,” Cassie said. “We're fangirls, we believe in Vam.”

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