Hidden - Chapter 18

Apr 11, 2007 16:30

Rating : PG 13 - NC 17 (Locked when needed.)
Disclaimer : To my knowlage, Bam has never killed a soul, and Ville so far in life, is childless, and so this would mean that this tale is pure fiction.
Summary : Bam is a mass murderer who has been able to avoid the law for some time.
Ville is a proud father to a teenage daughter, whos mother died during her birth.
When the law starts to catch up to Bam, he flees to Finland and takes refugee in the singers home.
By holding his daughter hostage, Bam is able to convince Ville to lead a normal life. But Ville is able to wear the man down, and soon discovers the kind hearted man behind the hardened image and just why he turned to a life of crime. But will he allow himself to fall for the man threatening his daughters life? And what happens when the police close in on Bam?
P.O.V. - Alters between chapters until characters meet. (Odd - Ville / Even - Bam)
This story is dedicated to those murdered recently by the Ipswich Ripper, for it is that tragic tale, that inspired this work of fiction.

Chapter 1 (Ville) - http://community.livejournal.com/__vam/2670091.html#cutid1

Chapter 2 (Bam) - http://community.livejournal.com/__vam/2672987.html#cutid1

Chapter 3 (Ville) -  http://community.livejournal.com/__vam/2676471.html#cutid1

Chapter 4 (Bam) - http://community.livejournal.com/__vam/2680946.html#cutid1

Chapter 5 (Ville) - http://community.livejournal.com/__vam/2683666.html#cutid1

Chapter 6 (Bam) - http://community.livejournal.com/__vam/2685893.html#cutid1

Chapter 7 (Ville) - http://community.livejournal.com/__vam/2688306.html

Chapter 8 (Bam) - http://community.livejournal.com/__vam/2689371.html

Chapter 9 (Ville) - http://community.livejournal.com/__vam/2698464.html#cutid1

Chapter 10 (Bam) - http://community.livejournal.com/__vam/2702731.html#cutid1

Chapter 11 (Ville) - http://community.livejournal.com/__vam/2704501.html#cutid1

Chapter 12 (Bam) - http://community.livejournal.com/__vam/2720522.html#cutid1

Chapter 13 (Ville) - http://community.livejournal.com/__vam/2723122.html#cutid1

Chapter 14 (Bam) - http://community.livejournal.com/__vam/2730786.html

Chapter 15 (Ville) - http://community.livejournal.com/__vam/2732969.html

Chapter 16 (Bam) - http://community.livejournal.com/__vam/2738257.html#cutid1

Chapter 17 (Ville)- http://community.livejournal.com/__vam/2745295.html#cutid1

IMPORTANT NOTE - Anyone going to 'Give It a Name' in London, on the 27th of this month, click the link -  http://bonevalo.livejournal.com/3113.html

Also, the preview page has been updated!

The next few years went by so quickly, and before I knew it thirteen years had gone by since my mother had died. After giving up Elle, I began to get depressed, I drank away my worries and regrets and even dabbled in drugs. Suddenly my life wasn't about revenge, it was...nothing.... I had nothing, no one.... Dunn realized I missed baby Elle, and named me god father, as well as Ville Valo. Another thing that changed about my life after Elle, I almost didn't care about HIM anymore...

One day, early 2007, there was a knock at my door. Who ever it was, was determined to get in. They wouldn't stop knocking.

"Alright, Alright, Jeez....I'm coming..." I groan as I stand up, stumble, and make my way though seemingly endless empty bottles, they crash and rattle at my touch, but I ignore them, let them shatter, and open the door....

"Brandon?" A fat man, wearing an Elvis shirt asks. He has an American accent, that sounds slightly French. Next to him, stood a man just a few years older than me. He looked just like me..... "Brandon Cole Margera?" The man asks again, and I force myself to stop staring at the couple enough to nod. "I'm your father, this is your brother, Jess...is your mother around?" And suddenly, I go numb. My mother....he's asking for my mother, the bastard! After all these years! He doesn't know.....

"My mother, you bastard, is dead....murdered, 13 years ago, and if it wasn't for you, leaving her, leaving me, leaving US, she might still be here!" I growl, my voiced low and deep, not just 13, but 30 years of anger and resentment pouring from my every word. The man gulps, Jess looks at his feet, plays with his hands, unsure of what to do.

"I'm sorry...." 'Dad' tells me, and I laugh. Not just a chuckle, but full blown, rolling on the floor laughter.

"Sorry...SORRY? She was all I fucking had, you know that. And she had to put up with all the shit I did, shit that I only did 'cause I didn't have a dad, shit I did 'cause It made me forget I was different from the other kids. Where were you? In France or some other random fucking country, humping some skinny ass biatch that you left my mother for. Where the fuck is she then? Did you fucking crush her to death? Get the fuck away from me you jerk, I want nothing to do with you, or my 'brother'" I cry out, not realizing that I've started to cry, but I can't help it, this man is the root of all my troubles. Jess bits his lip, still looks at his feet, he's not to blame, and I know it, he was just a kid, but I'm to anger to care...

"Brandon, please, you don't understand...." 'Dad' says, reaching out a hand of comfort, I swat it away, spit on the floor.

"All my life all I wanted was for you to come back, then mom got murdered and my life fell apart. I had a kid and couldn't cope with being a dad 'cause I never had one myself. Then what happens when I finally decide your not worth my time? You came back....after all this time...why, why now? Why not then...?" I ask. Theres no answer, just silence. I shake my head, go to shut the door. "Just go...." I whisper, and I slam the door in their faces.

The second I know they are gone, I scream, scream so loud and hard I can feel it in the back of my throat. I've snapped, all the anger and resentment towards everything in my life resurfacing. Elle, mom, the drinking, Melinda.... Still screaming, I pick up bottles, kick them, throw them, anything to hear the satisfying sound of them shattering, breaking into a million tiny pieces, just like he broken remains of my so called life. Suddenly, something under the sea of broken glass catches my eye, this weeks local paper, but it's not the main article I'm interested in, its a small one in the top corner...

So The lead of the gang that murdered my mother is on bail in Finland...Looks like I'm taking a little trip... I pack as much shit as possible, and head for the door. I don't bother to tell anyone where I'm going, whats the point. I stumble over something as I lock up. A bag. There's a tag attached to it that has a French address on it, so I guess it belongs to Jess or Dad. I'm right. I inside are Jess's clothes, wallet, and passport. Suddenly, I have an Idea. I swap my passport, with Jess's. We look so much a like I could easily pass for him. It'll help cover my tracks... no one will realize who I am. I drain my account on the way to the airport, realising to late that I may not have enough to fly to Finland, after spending almost of of the money my mother left me on booze. But the money covers it...just. During the flight, I realize just how big HIM are out in Finland. Valo is on every album cover, his music plays on every channel. Despite everything, I still managed to get a hold of the next 3 albums that the band produced, and they were still my favorite band. One article said that Valo and his daughter were living in a tower on the outskirts on Helsinki, not far from the airport.... My mind raced, I had no money for hotels, I needed somewhere to stay....but Valo isn't gonna let some stranger into his house, I'm gonna have to be forceful...

It doesn't take me long to get hold of a gun - when you've worked in gangs, you know who to go to - and I set of for the Valo household. After searching for hours, working on the directions of many different people, I find the home I'm looking for. Its mid-morning, Finnish time, and so luckily, Ville and his daughter are awake. I see them arguing through a window. Damn...he was, hot. I mean, wow. My pants were getting tight at the mere site of him. He glances out of the window, and I duck from view, hoping he doesn't see me, or my plan will be ruined. Suddenly, Lily storms from the room, heads for the front door. I lurk beside it, gun in hand, ready to put my plan into action.

"Vittu! Stupid...errr...who does he think he is....can't even fucking talk....bloody overprotective...." Lily mumbles as she throws the front door opens, then she sees me, sees the gun, and screams. Quickly, I grab her round the neck, hold her tight, she struggles, but I have a firm hold. She calls out for her father, and he appears in seconds. Pointing my gun right at him, I ask, no, tell him,

"Let. Me. In." And he does. His eyes are full of terror, fear....and I can't help but feel bad....but I need to get vengeance for my mother.
So things are finally falling into place....what did you think?
Answer this question. If Bam or Ville read this fic, what would they say? Winner gets included in a chapter as a character of their choosing. Funnest entry wins!

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