Hidden - Chapter 14

Mar 27, 2007 14:38

Rating : PG 13 - NC 17 (Locked when needed.)
Disclaimer : To my knowlage, Bam has never killed a soul, and Ville so far in life, is childless, and so this would mean that this tale is pure fiction.
Summary : Bam is a mass murderer who has been able to avoid the law for some time.
Ville is a proud father to a teenage daughter, whos mother died during her birth.
When the law starts to catch up to Bam, he flees to Finland and takes refugee in the singers home.
By holding his daughter hostage, Bam is able to convince Ville to lead a normal life. But Ville is able to wear the man down, and soon discovers the kind hearted man behind the hardened image and just why he turned to a life of crime. But will he allow himself to fall for the man threatening his daughters life? And what happens when the police close in on Bam?
P.O.V. - Alters between chapters until characters meet. (Odd - Ville / Even - Bam)
This story is dedicated to those murdered recently by the Ipswich Ripper, for it is that tragic tale, that inspired this work of fiction

First, some news. The preview page in my jounal has been updated!

Also in my journal, are two Ryonne one shots for all of you that are loving that pairing

Theres also a Ryonne community, I am trying to make it more active, so please join and post!

Chapter 1 (Ville) - http://community.livejournal.com/__vam/2670091.html#cutid1

Chapter 2 (Bam) - http://community.livejournal.com/__vam/2672987.html#cutid1

Chapter 3 (Ville) -  http://community.livejournal.com/__vam/2676471.html#cutid1

Chapter 4 (Bam) - http://community.livejournal.com/__vam/2680946.html#cutid1

Chapter 5 (Ville) - http://community.livejournal.com/__vam/2683666.html#cutid1

Chapter 6 (Bam) - http://community.livejournal.com/__vam/2685893.html#cutid1

Chapter 7 (Ville) - http://community.livejournal.com/__vam/2688306.html

Chapter 8 (Bam) - http://community.livejournal.com/__vam/2689371.html

Chapter 9 (Ville) - http://community.livejournal.com/__vam/2698464.html#cutid1

Chapter 10 (Bam) - http://community.livejournal.com/__vam/2702731.html#cutid1

Chapter 11 (Ville) - http://community.livejournal.com/__vam/2704501.html#cutid1

Chapter 12 (Bam) - http://community.livejournal.com/__vam/2720522.html#cutid1

Chapter 13 (Ville) - http://community.livejournal.com/__vam/2723122.html#cutid1

I need to make sure shes safe, need to make sure nothings happened to her. But I'm failing. The guilt is getting to Melinda. Its not even been 3 days since the murders, and she wont come out of our room. I'm worried about her, just because I don't love her, doesn't mean I don't care.

Entering our room on Monday evening with her dinner, I notice something different about her. She's in pain, clutching her stomach, crying, rocking back and forth. Somethings wrong, andI know I have to get her to the hospital.

"Oh god Bam...it hurts...make it stop...ARRGGHHHH!" She cries out, clutching her stomach fearfully. She grips my fingers, almost crushing them. I suddenly realise what could be wrong with her...her appendix. Mine almost burst when I was 5, and I had a similar reaction to this...and I almost died.

"Ok babe, calm down, we're going to the hospital ok?" I tell her, gripping her hand tight as I help her into my car. She cries out again, her face screwed up, red with pain. Tears stream from her eyes, creating a waterfall down her cheeks, her screams re high-pitched, full of fear.

"Ok..ok...are you going to make it stop...please say you're going to make it stop..." She cries. I simply nod, to scared to answer in case I only scare her more. Speeding to the hospital, her pain increases, and much to my disgust, she pisses herself on the way. But I guess its not her fault. I'd probably do the same if I were her...

Upon arrival, she's taken away, examined by a doctor. She tells him shes having stomach pains, and he looks concerned, feels her belly....then gets a startled look on her face. Much to my anger, her examines her...down there...then takes her into another room, with out telling me whats going on. I follow, and see Melinda having her stomach scanned via ultra sound. The doctor smiles to himself, then address both Melinda and I.

"Congratulations, Melinda is pregnant, full term and in labour..." WHAT! I look at Melinda for answers, but its soon clear she knows nothing about this.

"But...I've still had periods...and...and I've not gained weight..." She whispered, looking fearful. The doctor looked at his clipboard, nodded,

"Because of your youth, your weight, and because this is your first pregnancy, its entirely possible for that to happen, and its common to still have periods while pregnant. Now, your almost fully dilated, lets get you to delivery..." And, as shocked as I am, part of me can't wait to be a father... to hold my child in my arms, a life I helped create, a life that I can raise into a little girl or boy. A girl I can spoil rotten, or a boy I can teach to skateboard...

"Ok Melinda, on the count of 3, I want you to push for 5 seconds...then it should all be over..." The doctor instructs as I grasp her hand, wipe the sweat from her forehead. No more that 10 seconds later, a cry pierces the room. "Its a girl..." A doctor tells me, and before I know it, she's in my arms, her perfect blue eyes starting up at me...

Melinda seems uninterested by our daughter...I named her Elle April Margera. Melinda didn't care about the name either, in fact, its like she hates our beautiful baby girl... After 3 days in hospital, Melinda and Elle are allowed home. Melinda says she wants to go home and sleep for a while, so I agree to go and pick up things for Elle, and to take her with me. Dico and the crew had set up her nursery, all that needed to be brought was toys, clothes and diapers. She replies with no more than a 'whatever' and hails a cab home. I frown, why is she acting this way..?

"Come on Elle, lets get you some toys, I'm going to spoil you rotten, yes I am..." I coo, kissing her tiny tummy. She gurgles happily, waves her arms around. I laugh and put her in her car seat, before heading to the mall. The people at the store can't help but chuckle at me as I pick out bears, dolls, clothes...anything that catches my eye. One thing in particular catches my eye. A woolly red blanket, with black hearts sewn on it. It looks old an forgotten, the last in stock it would seem. I grab it and smell it, the stale scent that drifts from it reminding me off my mother... Its the first thing I put on the counter, and straight way I place it with Elle. She snuggles up to it in no time.

Returning home, my car full with bags, I notice that there are no lights on. Odd, Melinda would have a light on, even if she was asleep, shes afraid of the dark...

"Melinda?" I call out as I open the door, Elle snuggling up to my shoulder, bags in my free hand. There's no answer, so I flick on the light, and I scream... Melinda's limp and lifeless form, hangs from the ceiling. Around her neck, which is clearly broken, is a phone cord. She's dead.
OooOoo...that was a chapter filled with twists! hehe, what did you think?
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