Hidden - Chapter 3

Feb 26, 2007 23:21

Rating : PG 13 - NC 17 (Locked when needed.)
Disclaimer : To my knowlage, Bam has never killed a soul, and Ville so far in life, is childless, and so this would mean that this tale is pure fiction.
Summary : Bam is a mass murderer who has been able to avoid the law for some time.
Ville is a proud father to a teenage daughter, whos mother died during her birth.
When the law starts to catch up to Bam, he flees to Finland and takes refugee in the singers home.
By holding his daughter hostage, Bam is able to convince Ville to lead a normal life. But Ville is able to wear the man down, and soon discovers the kind hearted man behind the hardened image and just why he turned to a life of crime. But will he allow himself to fall for the man threatening his daughters life? And what happens when the police close in on Bam?
P.O.V. - Alters between chapters until characters meet. (Odd - Ville / Even - Bam)
This story is dedicated to those murdered recently by the Ipswich Ripper, for it is that tragic tale, that inspired this work of fiction

Chapter 1 (Ville) - http://community.livejournal.com/__vam/2670091.html#cutid1

Chapter 2 (Bam) - http://community.livejournal.com/__vam/2672987.html#cutid1

Just to let you know, Jonne is the same age as Ville and the others in this story, just because I love him to much to not have him in this!

I had her cremated, had some of her ashes made into a diamond. Did you know you could do that? I had the diamond put in a ring so shes always close to me... I had another one made, which was put into a locket, for Lily. Inside the locket is a picture of Jules and I...the last picture of us together. And the rest of the ashes...well...I want to spread them round the world, Jules always wanted to travel. She used to tell me, that when I made it (God forbid) as a musician, she'd travel the world with me, keep me from going insane. If only His Infernal Majesty would make it... then we could travel the world together my love, for I'll spread your ashes where ever I go, and no matter where I am, you'll always be with me.

When Lily was eight months old, Manna, Lindes girlfriend, offered to babysit so the boys and I could go out drinking. The first time I've had a night out since her birth... part of me is glad of the night off, yet, a bigger part of me is scared to leave her side. What if Manna can't cope? What is the house catches fire? Or worse?

"Hey Kulta, daddy's going out with Uncle Mizee, Linde and Tinkerbell," I heard Jonne laugh, he insisted on being called Tinkerbell around Lily, said it would mean he was her favorite 'Uncle' Lily reached up and tugged at my hair slightly, and I giggled, gently pulled her fingers away. "No Kulta, bad, daddy loves his hair." I tell her, holding my finger in her fist as a distraction. Slowly, I began to rock her back and forth, like I did every night, no matter what. "No I won't surrender, At any cost, You're something so sweet and tender, From my heart. Yes I've done my evil, I've done my good, Just believe me honey, I won't let go of you. You are the one, And there's no regrets at all, You are the one, And there's no regrets at all..." When she was finally asleep, I tucked her in, before going over, yet again, all the important details of her night, with Manna. "Now this is her cuddle blanket, she has to sleep with it, or she'll get scared. Oh, and if she wakes in the night, you must make sure to give her this duck, it'll calm her down till you can get her bottle ready...OH and when you change her diaper, give her the green rattle, or she'll fidget something terrible, and don't forget..."

"VILLE! Sweetie, we've been over this a hundred times, and a hundred times again, I know what to do! If she can't get to sleep, play Guns'N'Roses, Knockin' on heavens door, that sends her to sleep. If she throws up down her favorite pink sleep suit, put her in the blue one with the duck, because the duck makes her laugh...I know Ville, now go out and have you silly man, you deserve it!" Manna tells me, as she pushes me towards a chuckling Mige, Linde and Jonne. Since Lily's birth, they'd started to call me Mr Over-Protective Daddy. I guess they have good reason. With a sigh, I scramble into the front passenger seat of Linde's car, and we head of to a bar to get wasted.

"What do you want Ville, I'm paying for you, I know you don't have much cash," Mige tells me as we settle into what was our favorite corner. It feels weird to be back here, if not wrong. I should be at home with Lily...she'll be wondering where I am... "YO! Mr Over Protective Daddy! WHAT. DO. YOU. WANT?" Mige asks, waving his hand in front of my face. I jump in shock, and he laughs. "Relax Ville, she'll be fine, I promise you," I smiled. Linde, Mige and Jonne had stuck by me like glue ever since Lily's birth - leading me money, helping me shop and clean, babysitting Lily while I took music classes at the local collage. Linde and Mige even refused to drop me from the band, saying it'd be nothing without me...

"Jack and coke," I say. Mige grins and walks off, just as Linde and Jonne sit down beside me. As the night wore on, I resisted the desire to call home every five minutes, and slowly, but surely, began to enjoy myself... Stumbling home at midnight, I find Lily tucked up safe in bed, looking warm, happy and as perfect as ever. I plant a kiss on her cheek before I crash out in my own bed, falling asleep before I have a chance to change.

I wake the next morning, I find myself with a terrible hangover. I should have expected it - its been so long since I've been drinking, I was bound to be hit hard the next morning. Lily's early morning 'I want food' cries are like a hammer to my head, but I don't care, I fight back the pain and take her downstairs. After she's eaten, I sit her amongst her favorite toys as I lay down on the sofa, keeping a close eye on her. She keeps herself amused as I let my headache drift away... Before I can doze off, I hear a whimper, and my eyes open in a panic. Had she hurt herself? Was she sick? No...she'd thrown her favorite bear out of reach.

"Hey Rakus, don't cry, I'll get it," I say, struggling to sit up. The room spins and I have to hold my head in my hands for a few seconds. When I look up however, I gasp in shock. Lily has grasped the coffee table next to her...she was standing! With a determined look on her little face, she took a few, wobbly misplaced steps towards her bear. I caught her as she lost her footing.

"Kulta you walked! Well done Rukas, your so clever you know that!" I coo as I hold her close, rubbing my nose against hers. She laughs, grabs my nose...

"Isä" She mumbles, and I can't help but let out a satisfied chuckle, her first word, her first steps...all at once...the best hangover cure I've ever had...
(Finnish - Isä = Daddy)
So, why did you think or Mr Over Protective Daddy?

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