Growing Up Is Overrated Chapter Ten

Nov 28, 2006 18:38

DOUBLE FIGURES! So sorry it's taken forever to get this out, but I haven't had the happiest week so far, and last week wasn't too great either. But, here it is, chapter ten.

Title: Growing Up Is Overrated
Author: Craig (patchy4vam)
Rating: Mild
Pairing: Vam
Summary: Ville's family died in a devastating car crash, and he's been sent to live with the only family he has apparently got left. His first shock comes when he's told they live in America. His second shock is when he finds out that his two cousins are his age, one of whom is openly homosexual. The other however, Ville comes to think is insane. He is due to attend their high school, where he will meet some rather... unusual... friends. Ville's life is about to change, a lot. Especially when he meets a skater boy with cerulean eyes...

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9

Chapter 10: Two-Man Soccer

"So who wins the bet?" Craig asked once he realized he'd been making out with Jude. It had taken ten minutes for it to sink in.

"Bet?" Jude questioned.

"Oh, yeah, they bet that I couldn't go five or ten minutes without making out with you, and I kinda proved them right." He told Jude with a nervous grin, and then he turned back to Bam. "How long?"

"Seven minutes." Bam laughed. "I told you, you can't go that long without making out."

"So you win?"

"No!" Bam exclaimed suddenly. "Ville wins."

"But, isn't seven closer to five..."

"Ville. Wins." Bam repeated, more firmly this time. Craig rolled his eyes.

"Right, sure Bam." He reached into his pocket and drew out a Marilyn Manson wallet, and took out a twenty-dollar note. This he handed to Ville. "Congrats on winning the bet Ville." From the tone of Craig's voice, Ville knew he was only agreeing with Bam because... well, you had no other choice when Bam was involved. Ville took the twenty and pocketed it, shooting Bam a smile. As if he had resolved that since the bet was over he could do what he wanted, Craig was once again making out with Jude. Ville shifted closer to Bam on the sofa, causing Bam to grin and drape an arm around Ville's shoulders. Ville glanced sideways at Craig and Jude. Surely they wouldn't see anything... and besides, Craig already knew. Slowly, he leant in towards Bam, who caught on instantly and did the same. Their lips met softly, and Ville smiled into the kiss as Bam deepened it. Ville didn't know how much time had passed before they were interrupted, but it seemed like forever. A forever he didn't want to end. He was actually rather annoyed when someone cleared their throat.

"Oh." Was all Bam said. Craig was watching them with a smirk on his face and Jude looked, to say the least, shocked.

"Were you having fun?" Craig laughed.

"Yes. You didn't have to interrupt." Ville scowled, causing Craig to laugh harder.

"Sorry, I had to." Jude smiled. "I'm ill, remember?"

"... Shut up." Ville mumbled, and Bam laughed slightly.

"Come on, we'll leave the lovebirds alone now. Let's go to the park." Bam stood up and took Ville's hand, never afraid to show affection in public. Ville, however, went a pale shade of pink.

"Seeya later... lovebirds." Craig sniggered with a grin, watching them leave.

"I didn't know that they're..." Jude said to him to moment they'd left. Craig smiled.

"They're not. Well, I don't think they are. They're just friendly." He sat back against the wall and motioned for Jude to come closer. Jude sat on Craig's lap with a grin.

"Friendly, huh? What kind of friendly?" He brought his face down towards Craig's and licked his lips. "Our friendly?" Craig grinned.

"No, no one can get that friendly." He winked.

"So... why are we going to the park again?" Ville asked as they approached the black iron gates that bordered the park.

"Two reasons. One, because I want to be on my own with you and away from those two, cause even being in the same room as them when they're in one of their friendly moods makes me horny as hell. Two, because we can." Bam replied with a laugh, breaking into a run towards a set of swings. Grinning, Ville followed, also running. Bam, being the more athletic of the two and having a head start, made it to the swings first, lifting each one to look at the bottom. Before Ville could question what he was doing, he caught sight of a name marked in thick black ink: BAM.

"You named a swing?" Ville laughed as he reached Bam, who was now sitting on 'his' swing.

"Yeah, course. Two of the others have names too. It's been so long since I've been here to swing, I forgot which one was mine." He explained. Amused, Ville checked the swing to Bam's right. On the bottom was CRAIG in the same black pen. The one to the right of Craig's had a message on the bottom. Alex. Well, before Jude nicked it. Ville laughed.

"Typical Alex." He walked over to the only swing left, on Bam's left. It was blank. He looked up at Bam for an explanation.

"Well when we wrote our names on them, there was just the three of us. If Jude's around, Alex usually uses that one, but she doesn't use it enough for it to be named." Bam paused and laughed. "I just realized how weird we must sound to you."

"Nah, you sound pretty much normal. Me and my two friends did the same. The swings in our park said Mikko 1, Mikko 2, Ville and..." Ville's smile dropped.

"Ville? You okay?" Bam was suddenly concerned.

"Yeah, it's just... the last swing had my brother's name on it." He shook his head slightly and then smiled. "But forget it, I don't want to ruin a great day." Bam smiled back.

"Great? Shopping with the girl-in-disguise then having to watch him make out with his hot boyfriend? Not great." Bam laughed, and Ville sat down on the nameless swing.

"You think Jude's hot?" Ville asked him with a grin.

"Duh, have you seen him? If he wasn't with Craig, and you weren't here, I'd have him." Bam admitted. Ville's heart fluttered when he'd said 'and you weren't here'.

"He's okay, I suppose. If I wasn't Craig's cousin I'd probably go for Craig." Bam laughed.

"Well I probably would, if he wasn't one of my best friends." He paused. "And if his sister didn't scare the living shit out of me." Ville's head was filled with a song he'd heard on the TV just before he'd gone to see Jess's band.

"Teenagers scare the living shit out of me, they could care less as long as someone'll bleed, so darken your clothes or strike a violent pose, maybe they'll leave you alone but not me." He sang, causing Bam to grin. "What?"

"You have an excellent voice! Where'd you learn to sing like that?"

"Um... I don't know. I just randomly started to sing one day when I was like, five."

"It's awesome, you should sing around Craig, he'll love it." Bam laughed. "Seriously, Ville. You have a killer voice."

"Thanks." Ville blushed slightly and bowed his head to stare at his feet. His brother had always liked hearing him sing, and he'd made his mother cry when he'd first opened his mouth and sang. His friend Linde, or Mikko 1 as he often called him, had also liked his singing voice. Personally, he didn't think much of it.

"Hey, you wanna play soccer?"

"What?" Ville's head snapped up at Bam's random question.

"Do you want to play soccer?" Bam repeated slowly.

"What with?" Bam grinned.

"There's a ball over there." He pointed towards the railings, and Ville saw that there was indeed a soccer ball lying there. As they were the only two in the park it was obviously abandoned.

"But there's only me and you."

"Just the way I like it." Bam winked, jumping up and running over to fetch the ball. Ville smiled, but stood up reluctantly. He wasn't keen on soccer. Bam kicked the ball towards him and he attempted to stop it, but instead he sent it rolling in another direction. Rolling his eyes, he chased after it. There wasn't much grass in the park, as it was mostly just a kid's playground and the grass was in the center, and so Ville wondered just how exactly they were going to play soccer. But still Bam continued on with his odd idea, kicking the ball back to Ville whenever it came near him. Three times he'd ran up and tackled Ville, almost sending him flying.

"Did I mention I'm useless at this game?" Ville sighed when he stood facing Bam at the other end of the grass area, covered in mud, because shortly after they'd started playing, it had started raining. Bam grinned, but Ville couldn't see the glint in his eye that his friends had come to know as a warning sign that he was about to do something stupid, or pull a prank.

"Okay, catch this," He threw the ball at Ville, who missed it the first attempt and caught it as it bounced off his chest. Ville sighed again when he spotted the muddy patch it had left on his shirt. He looked back up to Bam to question why he'd thrown the ball at him, and spotted the cheeky grin. "And we'll ditch soccer..." Bam started walking towards him, quickly. "And we'll play FOOTBALL!" Cue run and full bodily tackle. Ville hit the floor heavily, with Bam on top of him, which made everything more bearable.

"Ow! What was that for?"

"Football. Duh." Bam laughed. "You had the ball." There was silence for a moment as Ville's emerald eyes met Bam's sapphire ones. The rain was still falling, pounding upon Bam's back, and blurring their vision. Slowly Bam leant down and their lips met, a simple brush of lips on lips. Ville decided that for once he'd take control of the situation, and ran his tongue over Bam's bottom lip. Bam instantly opened his mouth to let Ville in, and their tongues danced together as the kiss became more heated. Ville's fingers laced themselves in Bam's hair, pulling his face closer. One of Bam's hands roamed down Ville's side and hitched up his shirt slightly, wanting to find skin. Ville didn't even notice that his hands were cold. It was the screech of brakes that caused them to stop, and look up. Bam smiled as he saw who was getting out of the car.

"That's the last thing I need to see when I'm driving home. Away from my boyfriend." Ville turned his head to get a proper view of who it was, but from the voice he could guess. Carter was leaning on the railings, a cigarette between his lips. Bam got up and helped Ville to his feet, and they walked over to him, hand in hand. "So what's the deal?"


"Oh come on, two guys don't make out - in a very hot way, I must add - in the rain, for no reason. Unless you're me and very drunk." Carter laughed, scowling when the rain put out his cigarette.


"No use lying either, Bam. I'm a master of it."

"Fine. We get friendly sometimes."

"I said no lying!"

"That's the truth... kinda." Bam fell silent, and Ville sighed.

"We're kinda going out, but not properly or publicly." He explained to Carter, who smiled.

"Thought so. Well, it's safe with me, don't worry." He finally gave up with his cigarette and slipped it into his shirt pocket.

"Where you headed?" Bam asked, flicking wet hair out of his eyes.


"Oh, thought you might be going to Ville's." Carter's eyebrow arched upward.


"The Hudson's."

"OH! I totally forgot. No, I aint. I'm going home for food and a shower. I stink of sex." Bam laughed, almost falling over.

"I love how blunt you put things." He managed to choke out.

"Well, I have to go, you know how my hair gets when it's wet. Later Bam, Ville." They watched Carter go back to the driver's seat of his car, and then drive off. Bam sighed.

"We better get back, too." He smiled. "Is it okay if I stay with you again tonight?"

"Sure." Ville grinned. They left the park and began the walk home. Ville wondered how Katri was going to react to the state they were in. Wet, muddy and with stupid grins on their faces... he had a feeling it wasn't going to look good.

A/N: There, you wanted it, you got it. Vam make-outs.=D
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