Growing Up Is Overrated Chapter Four

Nov 15, 2006 11:18

As promised, here is chapter four.

Title: Growing Up Is Overrated
Author: Craig (patchy4vam)
Rating: Mild
Pairing: Vam
Summary: Ville's family died in a devastating car crash, and he's been sent to live with the only family he has apparently got left. His first shock comes when he's told they live in America. His second shock is when he finds out that his two cousins are his age, one of whom is openly homosexual. The other however, Ville comes to think is insane. He is due to attend their high school, where he will meet some rather... unusual... friends. Ville's life is about to change, a lot. Especially when he meets a skater boy with cerulean eyes...

Previous Chapters
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3

Chapter Four: Morbid Art And A Race

"Right, if you remember, we were working on landscape. I know that although some of you are excellent at portraits and people, you are unsure of your background. Well, we're going to be working on painting a landscape today." Ville was only half-listening to the art teacher, he was more interested in Bam's sketchbook. Bam seemed to focus more on animals than anything, and there were several sketches of two cats, which Ville made a note to ask Bam about. The next page held a sketch of a flaming pentagram, beside a heart with tribal wings added to it. Bam reached across him to grab the pencil he had accidentally flicked across the desk, and as he did so Ville noticed that there was a heart on the underside of his right wrist. He grabbed Bam's arm and inspected it.

"Tattoo." Bam explained when Ville gave him a questioning glance. "My mom said I could get it, so she said I was eighteen and... well, there it is. I wanted to add tribal wings to it, but my mom won't let me until I'm old enough." Ville smiled, and noticed that the teacher was now handing out A3 size cartridge paper to everyone. Someone sat down at a right angle to Bam, and Ville glanced up to see Carter scowling. "She move you again?" Bam asked him with a slight grin.

"Yeah. Said I didn't work well near Joey." He grinned back. "So I'm gonna scare her again with something morbid." Ville was beginning to think that this guy was going to be a future psychopath... just like Alex. The table fell silent as the teacher gave them all a sheet of A3 paper, and Bam grinned as he picked up his pencil.

"I should draw a skate park with like, a band stage behind it." He laughed. Carter smirked.

"I have a feeling mine is going to be based on torture..." He picked up a pencil and began to sketch out a faint outline of what appeared to be a holding cell. Ville drew his attention to his own piece of paper, and pondered what he could draw. Bam was already sketching the outline of a half pipe, the tip of his tongue poking out the side of his mouth in concentration. Ville smiled as an idea came to him. Slowly, he drew the outline of the vampires' cave from The Lost Boys.

"Okay class, please stop drawing. I'd like to see what you have done so far." Ville obediently put his pencil down and looked over his drawing. He had - hopefully - successfully drawn the Lost Boys cave, complete with the tunnel to the 'coffin'. He glanced over at Bam's work and smiled. A whole skate park lay out in front of him, in the background was a large stage where a drum kit sat, waiting for it's drummer to come onto the stage to play it. Although he thought he would regret it, he glanced at Carter's. He had definitely gone for the torture theme. On one wall of the cell there were chains hanging from four spots, where someone would be chained up, and on the floor there was a large knife, beside a bowl of what looked like blood. Hanging on the main wall were several items of torture - two hatchets, a katana, a chainsaw and a lethal whip with a spiked tip. A bundle of rags lay in one corner, bloodstained and slashed to pieces. He felt eyes on his back, and he looked up to see the teacher looking at his work.

"Good work Ville, I think you'll be a good student." She moved on to Bam, and frowned slightly at his work. "Hmm, need some work Brandon. I'm not sure I like this landscape." Bam scowled at the desk, fists clenching under the table. "Oh, well, this is certainly different Carter." She paused to examine Carter's torture cell. "I... think I might need to have a conversation with your parents." With that she walked off.

"Hah, done it again." He smirked. "Every time I draw something morbid she gets freaked and says she needs to talk to my mom and dad." Bam tried to laugh, but it came out sounding forced. "Hey man, don't take what she says to heart. Look what she says about my stuff, yet it's my portrait of Manson outside." Bam smiled slightly.

"He's right, y'know. High school art teachers don't know anything. I think it's awesome." Ville agreed, smiling at him. Bam gave him a grin.

"So Ville, you're from Finland?" Ville directed his attention to Carter, who was now looking directly at him. He couldn't help but notice that Carter's eyes were the same colour as Bam's.

"Yeah, until very recently, that is." He shrugged, and Carter grinned.

"Well you'll be seeing more of me. I'm the guitarist-slash-vocalist in Patch's band." He told Ville, still grinning.

"Oh, awesome. I heard about your drummer..." Ville began, but Carter cut him off.

"Oh, Joey? Yeah, such a shame. He was an awesome drummer. He's a bit annoyed that he can't even play guitar or anything, but I guess maybe he could play keyboards in a band... he'd have to be good at it though, having to play one handed." Oh god, another Craig. He won't shut up... "So, do you play anything?"

"Uh I used to play bass, but I had to give up my bass guitar when I moved here."

"Oh, cool. I can play bass. Craig always asks me if there's anything I can't play, and the weird thing is, I can never answer him." Great, he's talented. "I've been playing drums since I was three, and guitar since I was seven, so I guess I should be good at them. I mean, I'm coming up to seventeen now, that's a lot of years."

"Carter, you've only just turned sixteen. It's another year until you're seventeen." Bam said with amusement. Carter grinned.

"Your point?"

"Never mind." Ville found himself laughing quietly. This Carter character was actually very interesting, and he was obviously a joker like Bam. His grin said it all, an exact copy of Bam's.

"So how old are you Ville?"

"Fifteen, but I'm sixteen in November." He told Carter, and Bam smiled.

"What day?" He asked him.

"The twenty-second." Ville was about to ask why he had wanted to know, but the shrill ring of a bell cut him off.

"Come on Ville, second period... ah crap, sports. You any good?" Bam asked Ville, who shook his head. "Don't worry, half the class aint. 'Cept Carter here. He's like, good at everything."

"Don't lie. I'm no good at English or Math and you damn well know it, Bam Margera." Carter laughed. "I'm dyslexic, y'see." He explained to Ville.

"But you wouldn't think it." Bam added, slinging his messenger bag onto his shoulder. Craig came running over.

"Bam-Bam, we've got that damn race today." The frustration on Bam's face was clear, and he sighed.

"Great. Racing against the likes of Carter. If there is a God, he'll let me get through it without dying." He scowled, making his way towards the door. Ville followed with Craig, knowing that this was going to be one long hour.

"Okay, first up to race is Craig Hudson and Pete Slothkey."

"What? First? That just sucks man." The boy Pete complained, replacing the bottle of vodka back in his bag having taken a couple of swigs from it. Craig sighed.

"Wish me luck guys, Pete's a fast runner." He walked towards the starting point, smiling nervously at Pete. Carter was instantly beside Bam, grinning.

"Pete's probably going to win. He always does, unless he's against the tall people." He stated, watching the two get ready.

"What, you mean us two?" The guy Brandy laughed, joining Carter. Ville noted that both were considerably tall.

"I'm way taller than you Brandy." Carter smirked.

"Oh shut it. You're just still annoyed that since I came here you're not the oldest anymore." Brandy grinned, slinging his arm around Carter's waist. Bam turned to Ville and rolled his eyes.

"They do this a lot. Brandy is two days older than Carter, and he didn't always go to this school, but Carter knew him outside of school. When he came here, Carter was the oldest in the grade, and now Brandy is." He explained. "But Carter's right, if you're running against the five tall people in this class then you've got no hope of winning."

"I've raced against someone almost twice my height and won." Ville told him, one eyebrow raised.

"Then you've got to prove that guy wrong," Bam pointed to what Ville assumed was the teacher, who was about to blow the whistle to start the first race. "He seems to think that the tall people always win." Further conversation was stopped as the whistle was blown. Ville crossed his fingers and hoped Craig would win, but even before they'd got halfway round the track, Pete was ahead. He kept ahead until the very last corner, when Craig began to catch up, but it was still Pete that crossed the finish line first. Craig jogged over to Ville and Bam, very out of breath.

"Knew I wouldn't win." He panted. "It's a shame Pete can't go up for track. He'd be great."

"Why can't he?" Ville questioned, confused. Bam sighed.

"He's an alcoholic." Ville glanced over to where Pete was drinking from the bottle again. "Oh great, I think I'm up next."

"Bam Margera and Joey Blunt."

"Ah, should be a good race." Bam grinned, before jogging over to the start line.

"Is Joey a good runner?" Ville asked Craig, watching Joey join Bam at the starting line.

"Um, sort of. I mean, with only half an arm on one side it does decrease how much extra push he can get into his speed, but he's still half decent. He can still beat me, in any case." Craig told him, his eyes on Bam.

"Will I have to race anyone?" He couldn't keep the nervous tone from his voice, and Craig smiled reassuringly.

"If you do, he won't give you someone hard to beat. He's one of the nice teachers here." He said, but Ville wasn't convinced. His attention went back to Bam, who was just about to start running. The whistle was blown and Bam took off at lightning speed, Joey close on his heels. Ville had never seen him move so fast - it was as if he was on wings. It was a close race the whole way round the track, but Bam finished first - just about. Joey was only a second behind him. The lesson passed quickly for Ville, watching each member of the class race against someone else. The best race so far had been the one between Carter and Brandy. Both tall, both fast… both competitive show offs. But, as good as Brandy could be... Carter won.

"Oh yeah, yeah, I won, oh yeah..." Carter sang, doing a little happy dance in the middle of the track whilst Brandy sat cross-legged, arms folded across his chest, sulking.

"Alright, that's enough celebrating Carter. Brandy, shift yourself off the track lad, we've got one race left." Ville panicked. "Carter, since you won the last one... you're up against our newest addition, Ville." Oh. Fuck.

"Ah, easy!" Carter laughed. "Come on then Finland, get your ass over here." Ville turned to Bam, who was smiling.

"Don't worry Ville, just race him. No one expects you to win against Carter, just have fun." He said, pushing him in the direction of the track, where Carter was already ready to run. He prepared himself to run, and to lose the race, and waited for the whistle to signify the start. Once he heard it, he started running at full speed, and was - amazingly - keeping up with Carter, who seemed to be rather shocked. But the moment they both passed the first corner, Carter sped up. Ville knew he had lost now, and was about to give up, when...

"YOU CAN DO IT VILLE!" Bam's voice rang through his eardrums, bringing a smile to his face. "DON'T GIVE UP! KEEP RUNNING!" And run he did. In seconds he was back up beside Carter, who was becoming even more surprised by the second. Only Brandy, who was around his height and build, could keep up with him. And here was this smaller, lighter Finnish kid close to beating him! Ville knew that if he didn't put some space between them, Carter would probably end up winning, and so, closing his eyes tightly, he willed his legs to move faster. He didn't dare open his eyes - if he was losing he didn't want to know. So when he heard the cheers he thought Carter had done it, he thought that Carter had shot past him and won. So when he slowed down and opened his eyes, he was shocked to find that Carter was sitting the other side of the track, scowling. And people were starting to crowd him, all grinning. Someone pushed their way right to the front of the crowd, and Bam threw his arms around Ville. "I knew you could do it." He whispered in his ear.


"You won, Ville. You shot past Carter like a damn rocket! What did they feed you in Finland? You were like a damn cheetah!" He grinned, ruffling his hair. "And now Carter's sulking cause there's someone who can actually beat him." He added with a laugh.

"Oh, er..."

"Don't worry. He'll laugh it off in a while, he's not gonna hold it against you or anything, he is really a good sport. The sulking is just for show." Ville sighed with relief. The last thing he wanted was a 6ftsomething angry sixteen year old trying to kill him. Another pair of arms wrapped around him from behind and lifted him clear off the ground, causing Ville to squeak in surprise.

"New champion people! Fastest kid in the grade!" Carter's voice yelled from behind him, telling Ville just who exactly his captor was. "Nice job Finland." Carter said to him more quietly. "You did well." Ville sighed, thankful that Carter was a good sport, after all. He was set back on the floor and Bam hugged him again.

"See, told you it'd be okay." He smiled. "I'm usually right, too." He added with a bigger grin. Ville laughed and ruffled Bam's hair, like Bam had done to him moments earlier.

"Yeah, and I trust you, so you better be right in future!"

A/N: another filler, I promise there'll be more "action" soon!
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