Growing Up Is Overrated Chapter Two

Nov 13, 2006 16:58

Okay, here's part 2 for you all. Enjoy!

Title: Growing Up Is Overrated
Author: Craig (patchy4vam)
Rating: Mild still
Pairing: Vam
Disclaimer: If I owned them I wouldn't be here

Previous Chapters
Chapter 1

Chapter 2: Arachnophobia

After putting the disc into the DVD player, Jude switched off the lights and sat down on the couch in front of the TV. Craig instantly sat beside him, swinging his legs over Jude's, and draping an arm over his waist. Jude put one arm around Craig's shoulders, the other resting on Craig's legs, and Craig leant his head on Jude's shoulder. Ville sat on the other end of the couch, with Bam beside him. The film began playing, and the menu screen came up, at which point Craig went a shade paler.

"No Jude, please not this!" He whined, but Jude just smiled and planted a kiss on his forehead.

"It'll be okay Craig, it's not even real." Ville looked at the title of the film and his heart sped up. Eight Legged Freaks. A film about mutated spiders, ten times their normal size.

And he was scared of spiders.

"Yeah Craig, just hide in Jude's jacket if you get scared." Bam grinned, getting comfortable on the couch. I wish I had a boyfriend's jacket I could hide in. Ville thought as Jude selected 'Play'. As the film began playing, Ville felt himself becoming more and more nervous. He began fidgeting a lot, which of course Bam noticed, and he turned to look at Ville. Even in the dim light, Bam's eyes shone like stars.

"You okay?"

"Uh yeah." He glanced nervously at the screen. Bam shrugged.

"Kay. If you're not okay, just tell me." Ville nodded and continued to watch the film, trying not to concentrate on the fact that there were giant spiders attacking people on the screen in front of him. More than once Craig had whimpered aloud, and hid his face in Jude's jacket, like Bam had suggested. Ville was doing rather well... until the giant tarantula came onto the screen. Without thinking, his hand shot out and grabbed Bam's, who turned to him in surprise.

"Not okay." He whispered. Bam nodded and did something unexpected. He took Ville's hand from his, holding it in his other, and slid his arm around his shoulders, pulling him closer.

"You're scared of spiders aren't you?" He asked in a whisper. Ville just nodded, his eyes wide as he watched the film. Bam smiled. "That's okay, I'm scared of snakes. But don't tell anyone, you're the only one who knows."

For the remainder of the film, Ville found himself shifting closer to Bam, often hiding his face in Bam's chest as the spiders attacked the people in the mines. Bam would grip his hand tighter and whisper soft comforting words, often reminding Ville that the spiders weren't real. As the film drew to an end, Bam found his eyelids closing, and the next thing he knew Craig was shaking him awake.

"Bam-Bam, you and Ville fell asleep." He told him with a smile. "Don't move too much. I want you to see how you fell asleep." Bam looked down at Ville, who was cuddled up to his chest, still asleep. His eyes travelled down to their linked hands and he smiled.

"You like him, don't you?" Jude asked him, and Bam sighed.

"I don't know... he fascinates me. I'd love to get to know him better." Craig grinned.

"Then why don't you? He's not going anywhere, is he?" Bam grinned back at him, and looked down again at the sleeping boy latched to him. "You can stay there for a bit, if you want. Jude and I are going to sleep for a bit ourselves." Bam nodded and managed to shift into a more comfortable position - stretched across the sofa with Ville lying beside him against the back of the sofa. Bam smiled down at him and gently laid a kiss on Ville's forehead.

Ville awoke to a brilliantly lit room, but the light was red instead of the normal yellow-white glare of electric sunlight. He shifted slightly against the back of the sofa, and realized that someone was lying beside him. He smiled when he saw Bam's sleeping form lying next to him, one arm draped across his waist. Ville saw, with slight shock, that their hands were still linked. This of course meant that they were effectively lying on their linked hands, and Ville's right arm had gone dead, which had probably happened to Bam's left.
"Hey Jude look, lovebird number one is awake." Craig's voice sounded from beside him, and on looking up found Craig perched on the end of his bed, reading one of his books. There was movement from the bed behind him, and an arm snaked around his waist. Jude sat up properly and smiled tiredly at Ville.

"Good evening. Have a nice nap with Bam?" Ville couldn't stop himself from nodding, which made Jude grin.

"Bam moved you to a more comfortable position about two hours ago. I think he wore himself out earlier at the S-P, he's still completely out." Craig chuckled, looking up from his book. "If you wanna get up, you may have to wake the beast." Ville watched Bam sleeping for a moment with a smile on his face, before he gently shook him. Bam grumbled and opened his eyes slightly, still obviously half asleep.

"Bam, come on get up." Ville smiled. "Get your lazy ass up." Bam grinned and opened his eyes properly, fixing his blue gaze upon Ville's.

"That's the first time I've heard you speak like that. It's funny." He giggled. Yes, that's right. He giggled. Like a little girl.

"You laugh like a girl." Ville grinned. "And don't you dare say I look like one." This caused Bam to burst out with laughter - so much that he fell off the sofa. But he didn't seem to care, he just continued laughing. His laughter soon got Craig and Jude laughing, and eventually Ville joined in.

"Now I know Craig isn't that funny, so what has Bam done?" Alex asked from the doorway. Bam recovered enough to be able to speak.

"That was so random! Why would I say you looked like a girl?" He asked Ville, who shrugged.

"When I told my old friend Aki that he laughed like a girl, he said I looked like one." He explained, with a faint smile. "Just a natural reaction I guess."

"You look like a guy though." A very hot guy... Bam thought to himself, staring up at Ville, who was leaning over the sofa to look at him.

"I've had my hair cut since then. It used to be just past my shoulders." Ville ran his hand through his chin-length curls and sighed.

"That would look so good on you, why'd you chop it off?" Bam asked.

"My mother always liked it this length." He muttered in response. He felt a hand close over his and looked up to see Bam kneeling beside him, his blue eyes full of concern.

"It looks great on you." This brought a smile to Ville's face. "Hey, can I ask you something?"

"You just did." Ville smirked, causing Bam to laugh.

"I mean... oh doesn't matter. Can I see your room? I heard Craig did some painting in there and I haven't seen it yet." Ville was unsure. But at a smile and a nod from Craig, he smiled and stood up, standing over Bam, who had gone back to lying on the floor.

"Sure thing." He held out a hand to Bam, and he took it, standing up with Ville's help. Bam instantly went for the door, pulling Ville along with him. Craig and Jude didn't fail to notice that neither of the boys had let go of each other's hand. Bam let Ville lead the way into his room, and once inside Bam's jaw dropped.

"Craig painted that?" He asked, pointing to the Jack Skellington on the wall. Ville nodded with a grin on his face. "That's awesome. My room is just dark blue with skateboards everywhere. Seriously, my floor is just covered with clothes, shoes and skateboards."

"Fitting for a skateboarder." Ville smiled. "I haven't really unpacked my stuff yet. I had to leave my bass guitar in Finland, but it's in a good place, where it'll be looked after. I gave it to one of my friends Mige, he plays bass and his one broke, so he plays mine now."

"Why don't you get a new one?" Bam asked, and Ville sighed sadly.

"Don't have the money." He sat down on his bed, running one hand over the sheets covered with Jack and Sally.

"Craig plays bass guitar, you can borrow his sometime." Bam told him, sitting beside him and smiling.

"Really? I didn't see a guitar in his room." Ville tried to remember seeing a guitar anywhere in Craig's room, but found he couldn't.

"Yeah he hides it away at the back of his closet. Doesn't want it getting ruined or anything." Bam grinned. He then spotted the bed sheets. "Oh wow, I love these sheets! You really love The Nightmare Before Christmas don't you?"

"Yeah, it's like, my favourite film. After which comes Lost Boys."

"I LOVE THAT FILM!" Ville jumped slightly from the sudden change of tone, but he was grinning. "Sorry," Bam added sheepishly. "I tend to do that a lot."

"It's okay, I just wasn't expecting it."

"No one ever does." He grinned. "No one ever expects anything I do." He placed a hand over one of Ville's and smiled again. "I'd love to get to know you better Ville, we should hang out some time. Are you going to our high school?"

"Yeah, I'm in Craig's grade."

"Then you're in mine too." Bam grinned. "Anyway, I have to go. Tell Craig and Jude I said bye." He stood up. "Seeya Ville." He kissed Ville's cheek and hurried out of the room, leaving Ville with a big smile on his face. He threw himself backwards onto the bed, still smiling. Two slender fingers caressed the spot where Bam's lips had been, and he half wished that he had kissed him properly. He couldn't wait until tomorrow, when he would see Bam again. Craig watched him from the doorway, and smiled.

"Someone's happy." Ville looked up and smiled at Craig, but said nothing. "First day of school tomorrow. How you feeling about it?" He came and sat down on Ville's bed.

"Alright actually. I mean, I'll have you, Alex, Bam… and all the others. I'm not gonna be alone or anything." Craig grinned.

"Exactly! Anyway, school starts at 8:30, so you'll need to be up by about 7ish. You better catch some sleep, it's half ten already." He stood up and made his way to the door. "G'night Ville."

"Night Craig." He himself stood up and pulled off his shirt, dropping it to the floor beside his bed. He was about to remove his jeans when the door opened, and Alex smirked at him from the doorway.

"Going to bed already Ville? It's not even midnight." She walked into the room, her eyebrows slowly creasing into a frown. Ville began to get nervous, had he done something wrong? She approached him and grabbed his wrists in her hands. Ville closed his eyes and bit his lip, knowing she'd seen the cuts. "Tut, tut Ville. You know, if you want to die you could always ask me to help. You could get me started on my career." Despite the situation, Ville chuckled slightly. Alex grinned - again, Ville found it creepy. "Don't kill yourself, Ville. There's at least three people I know that would feel at loss if you did." She looked him straight in the eyes, her ice blue gaze mixing with his emerald one. For a moment her eyes reminded him of Bam's. "Craig for starters, he's already treating you like you've been his brother for years. He'd be so upset if you killed yourself." Ville was about to reply but she silenced him by holding up her hand. "And then there's Bam. He's already quite fond of you. I'm pretty sure he'd kill himself if you did." She turned and went towards the door. Ville noticed that although she had said three people would feel at loss, she only mentioned two.

"Wait, Alex!" She turned to look at him, questioning. "Who's the third?" A smirk crossed her face.

"Why, me of course." And with that, she closed the door and disappeared.

"I am never going to be able to understand her. Never." Ville said to himself in slight amusement. He went back to undressing, and slipped into the warm covers of his bed. He lay there for a few minutes, arms behind his head, watching the ceiling. He let out a sigh of contentment and finally closed his eyes, pictures of Bam filling his dreams.

Author's Note: This is just a sort of filler chapter, rather pointless, but I needed something to go here

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