Growing Up Is Overrated Chapter Eight

Nov 22, 2006 15:13

Okay, first of all: HAPPY BIRTHDAY VILLE =D *cough* Moving on... I thought I'd post this because it's his birthday, shame it's still only September in the fic...

Title: Growing Up Is Overrated
Author: Craig (patchy4vam)
Rating: Mild
Pairing: Vam
Summary: Ville's family died in a devastating car crash, and he's been sent to live with the only family he has apparently got left. His first shock comes when he's told they live in America. His second shock is when he finds out that his two cousins are his age, one of whom is openly homosexual. The other however, Ville comes to think is insane. He is due to attend their high school, where he will meet some rather... unusual... friends. Ville's life is about to change, a lot. Especially when he meets a skater boy with cerulean eyes...

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7

Part 8: Shopping With Craig

The end of the day came quickly for Ville. He'd met briefly with his possible English and Math teachers, and Gavin had been nowhere in sight for the entire day, of which Ville was thankful. He didn't think he'd have been able to put up with Gavin and his friends once again. Bam had kept his affection to a friendship level, just like he had agreed to, and so Ville was in a good mood. He'd spent the last class with Craig, which had been Science - Bam had mentioned that he wasn't terribly good at it, and so Craig suggested Ville sit in with him - and he would have been lying if he had said he wasn't looking forward to seeing Bam again. They were two of the first to get out of school, but Alex, and then Jess shortly joined them. It was the sound of wheels that first told them Bam was approaching. Ville turned and grinned at him as he came closer.

"God I swear my teacher hates me." He laughed as he kicked up his skateboard.

"A lot of them do, Bam." Jess grinned, messing up Bam's unruly hair.

"Aww shut up Jess. Just cause you're 'the better brother' at this school." Bam responded, shoving his older brother away from him. He then turned to Ville and gave him a hug, which lasted a little longer than it should have, but hey Ville wasn't complaining. "How was Science?" He grinned. Ville shrugged.

"It was okay, nothing much happened." He told Bam, who laughed.

"That's what happens when you go to the smart kid classes. People actually want to learn!" Craig swiftly punched Bam in the arm playfully.

"Some of us don't have our future careers set out already, Brandon Cole Margera. I know you're set on being a skateboarder, but some of us aren't as skilled." He smiled.

"I have my future career set out. I only pay attention in class cause the more you learn about chemistry and all that jazz, the harder it is to get caught." Alex added, leaning against the school fence. Her gaze wasn't fixed upon the three lads, but staring straight ahead. Her eyes slowly closed and she smirked. "I'll be well known for the most gruesome slaughters the world has ever seen, and they'll never be able to catch me." Bam raised his eyebrows and made a silent gesture to Ville and Craig that Alex was insane. "Not insane Bam, merely... unique."

"How the hell?" Bam hid behind Ville as she opened her eyes.

"Not everything is as it seems, Bam." She laughed. "At least, not with me."

"Craig, make the scary lady go away." Bam whimpered from behind Ville. Craig laughed.

"Sorry Jess, you heard the man."

"HEY!" Jess shoved Craig away from him, and Craig nearly fell over from laughing.

"I apologize Jess, but that was too good an opportunity to miss." He quickly gave Jess a hug. He pulled away when a car pulled up beside them.

"Ah, there's my ride home." Jess grinned. "Kelly's new car." He told Bam, who grinned.

"Tell her hey!" When Jess had disappeared in the car, Bam turned to Ville. "Kelly is Jess's girlfriend."

"Oh, Bam - here comes Carter and Brandy." Ville looked around, but couldn't see either of the two tall blondes among the sea of kids emerging from the school. The roar of an engine drew his attention to the road alongside the school, and shortly after a flash black sports car shot past them like a rocket. Craig smirked. "He'll get bored of that in about a week and ask for a new one."

"I want his parents." Bam said, in all seriousness. Craig spotted Ville's confused expression and laughed.

"Carter's parents get him whatever he wants. He's their only son, so his dad spoils him rotten. But he doesn't brag about it... except when he gets a new car." Craig told him.

"He's only just learnt to drive that thing!" Bam exclaimed.

"Yeah but he's got two more kicking about in his garage." Craig grinned. "And if you think HE gets spoiled, you should see what his sister - their only daughter - gets."

"Yeah but Sarah is the sweetest girl I've ever known, seriously. If she gets spoilt, she doesn't show it." Bam grinned.

"Sarah's too nice for my liking. I'll have to teach her how to be mean." Alex piped up, making Ville jump. He'd temporarily forgotten she was there. She lifted her eyes to Craig. "Where's lover boy? Haven't seen him all day."

"He's not well today." The disappointment in Craig's voice was very defined, as was the pout on his face. "BUT this gives me a reason to go shopping!" They all fell silent, it even seemed as if the entire world had stopped going round. Craig gave them all a nervous grin. "What?"

"You. Are such. A girl." Bam said slowly.

"I think I resent that, Brandon." Alex growled. "Do not put him in ranks with me."

"Just because I like to shop?" Craig raised an eyebrow. "Like, oh my god, that is so stereotypical!" He added in a stereotypical high-pitched voice. Add a very girly pose and he had them all laughing. "So who's coming with me?"

"Uh, I think Lash wanted me to teach her this trick..." Bam said quickly.

"I have some poor defenceless idiot to disembowel." Alex shrugged. Craig shot her a nervous glance.

"I'm scared because I know she's not lying." Shrugging off his sister's odd ways, he turned at last to Ville. "You'll come shopping with me, won't you Ville, darling?" He was still using a very girly tone of voice.

"If you promise to never use that tone when talking to me again, yes." Ville laughed, and Craig hugged him. Suddenly Bam was at Ville's side.

"Hey, you know, I think Lash already knows that trick..." He smiled slyly, and Alex rolled her eyes.

"Okay, make that two idiots to disembowel." She glanced at Craig was bouncing up and down like a kid at Christmas, and sighed. "Alright, three."

"Oh shut it Lexi, you're just jealous because... because..." Alex raised an eyebrow and folded her arms across her chest.

"Please, do continue."

"Uhm... because... uh... oh alright I give up." Craig sighed dramatically. "Now if you're going to... disembowel things... we're going to town. Tell Mom we won't be back til late!" Nodding her response, Alex took the board from Bam's hand and dropped it to the floor. She was already half way down the street before Bam realized she'd taken his board.

"Hey! I need that!" Needless to say, he received a middle finger in response. "It's at times like these that I wish I had the guts to hate your sister Craig."

"We're wasting time! Come on, let's go!" Craig laughed, dragging Bam down the street by his shirt, Ville in tow.

Ville sighed as he stood outside yet another store, wishing that Craig would either hurry up or give him a cigarette. As the last wish was highly unlikely to come true, he settled for wishing he would hurry up. Of course that one wouldn't come true either - Craig was more like a girl than anyone gave him credit for.

"I swear if he asks me how something looks on him one more time I'm going to hang myself." Bam groaned, joining Ville outside the store. Ville chuckled.

"Why do you think I'm stood out here?"

"Because you're smarter than me, obviously." Bam laughed, brushing the hair out of his eyes and leaning against Ville. Craig joined them a minute later, a new bag in his hand, to match the other seven.

"Isn't this fun?" He grinned, obviously enjoying himself.

"Yeah, fun. I actually think Lash doesn't know that trick after all..." Bam started to walk towards the direction of the doors out of the mall, but Craig quickly dragged him back.

"Don't think you're getting out of it that way, Bam. I know you're lying." Craig then attempted to pull a sad face. "What's wrong, don't you like shopping with me?" Bam laughed.

"If we go to the skate shop next, I'll reconsider my answer." And so the three of them ended up inside the skate shop just around the corner. While Craig was not so slyly checking out the skaters inside, Bam was checking out the skateboards. Ville found no interest in skateboards - he could only just about ride one so he didn't know much about them - and so he merely stood beside Craig and spoke only when Craig turned to him and said,

"What about that one, you think he's cute?" And every time Ville just shrugged and said,

"I've seen better." Bam finally pulled himself away from the skateboards long enough to attract the attention of Craig, who effectively skipped over to him, Ville following in a more masculine way.

"Hey Craig, check out this board man..." Ville's mind instantly shut off the moment Bam started talking about the board. He didn't know what any of the fancy names Bam was saying were, all he knew was it was a plank of wood with wheels. His eyes wandered around the store, taking in everything that was on sale. It was only when Craig punched his shoulder did he realize that the two boys were talking to him.

"Sorry, what?"

"I asked you if you thought this would be a good present for Jude." Craig grinned.

"And I was saying how stupid it is to buy something for him just because he's sick." Bam sighed, rolling his eyes.

"That's not the reason I want to buy it!"

"Whatever Craig."

"For your information, it's his birthday soon."

"Yeah, in like three months."

"No harm in buying early."

"Can you believe this Ville? Dude you seriously have too much money." Bam laughed, as Craig scowled.

"Well I don't care what you think, I'm buying it." He took the board off the rack and turned towards the counter, and then he turned back to Bam. "And no, you can't try it out."

"Damn it." Bam cursed, but grinned at Ville. "He does have too much money. Seriously, he'll spend like, 300 dollars just because he's got it in his pocket."

"I'd kill to spend like that for no reason." Ville sighed. His family hadn't been the richest family ever. In fact, Ville had been working since he was twelve to try and bring some extra money into the family.

"Well Ville," Bam grinned again, slinging his arm around Ville's shoulders and watching as Craig paid for the $150 board. "You're one of the Hudson's now. Be prepared to get lots of cash."

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