Growing Up Is Overrated Chapter Nine

Nov 24, 2006 15:22

Sorry, this one is a bit shorter than usual but I wanted to get an update out today.

Title: Growing Up Is Overrated
Author: Craig (patchy4vam)
Rating: Mild
Pairing: Vam
Summary: Ville's family died in a devastating car crash, and he's been sent to live with the only family he has apparently got left. His first shock comes when he's told they live in America. His second shock is when he finds out that his two cousins are his age, one of whom is openly homosexual. The other however, Ville comes to think is insane. He is due to attend their high school, where he will meet some rather... unusual... friends. Ville's life is about to change, a lot. Especially when he meets a skater boy with cerulean eyes...

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8

Chapter 9: I Am Never Shopping With Craig Again

Craig bounced through the front door with a stupid grin plastered to his face, Ville and Bam following slowly, their arms weighed down by two bags each, a skateboard tucked under Bam's arm. Katri was on her way to the lounge when she spotted Craig.

"Oh Craig, have you been shopping again?" She asked with a laugh.

"Yeah! Sorry mom, couldn't resist. The money, it burns holes in my pockets." He laughed. "Look what I bought Jude!" He placed his own bags on the floor and pulled the skateboard from under Bam's arm, before returning to his mother.

"Oh sweetie it's lovely, I'm sure he'll love it." She glanced over it and sighed. "How much did it cost?"

"Uh well, y'see..."


"Uh oh, that's her warning tone." Bam whispered to Ville as they watched Katri's hands go to her hips. Craig clutched the board to his chest and grinned nervously.

"It wasn't much!" Craig insisted. "Only 150 dollars..." He added in a quieter tone.

"Craig! What have I told you about spending that much money on ONE item!" Katri shrieked. "It's like I have two daughters, instead of one who is more interested in decapitation than anything else. Craig, please stop this."

"But it's his birthday in three months!"

"And I'm sure he'll have three dozen presents to open off you. Craig, it's not like he loves you for your money, sweetie. You don't have to spend all that money on him."

"This is where she gives him a lecture on his love life." Bam giggled, which made Ville grin.

"But I want to!"

"Uh, we'll leave you two to talk, later Craig." Ville said quickly, pushing Bam towards the stairs. Once they were safely on the first floor Ville sighed. "I am never shopping with Craig again."

"It's agonizing, isn't it?" Alex said from her doorway. She had thick black semi-circles around her eyes and her too-pointed canines were showing between her black lips, and she had what appeared to be blood on her hands. When she spotted their nervous stares she rolled her eyes. "It's fake, I was being artistic."

"Again?" Bam asked, one of his eyebrows shooting skywards.

"Hey, Miss Stupid said she wanted something artistic from us for tomorrow, so I am merely filling out her request." Alex shrugged. "However I don't think she would appreciate my work the way I would like her to. She seems to have a fear of my decapitated work."

"I swear, if Carter wasn't with Brandy, I'd tell you to go out with him. You're so alike!" Bam laughed, but abruptly stopped the moment he saw the glare. "What?"

"Even if Carter was the last person on the planet, I would never touch him with a thirty-foot barge pole." She hissed. "He is arrogant, annoying, and a show off. And I swear, if you ever compare me to him again, I will decapitate your penis." Alex turned back into her room and slammed the door. Bam turned to Ville, a shocked expression on his face, but before he could say anything, Craig's voice sounded from behind them.

"So guys, you coming to see Jude with me?" He asked, a huge grin on his face.

"What, and have to watch while you two make out? No thanks." Bam laughed, shrugging off what had just happened.

"I won't be making out with him, he's sick." Craig rolled his eyes. "I don't wanna get sick too."

"Yeah, sure. I give you five minutes before your tongue is down his throat." Bam smirked. "I know you. You just can't keep your hands off him for three seconds."

"Alright, you come with me and if you're right I'll give you twenty dollars." Craig said, holding out his hand.

"Sure thing." Bam agreed, shaking Craig's hand to confirm the bet. "You gonna bet Ville?" Ville smiled.

"I'll give him ten minutes."

Ville found himself lagging behind as Bam and Craig walked ahead, discussing skating tricks that he assumed he would never even attempt. Bam would glance over his shoulder every so often and give Ville a huge grin, but would then go back to the skating talk. He couldn't help but smile every time Craig checked his reflection in a car window, or anything reflective. He had demanded that they gave him an hour to get ready, yet after almost two hours he hadn't emerged from his room. He'd only came out when Bam had threatened to call up Jude and tell him his precious boyfriend was having second thoughts on his sexuality. He'd dressed himself in a dark red silk shirt, slightly baggy black PVC pants, and his steel-fronted boots poking out from beneath them. As usual his hair and make-up had been perfect, not a strand out of place or a smudge to be seen.

"Craig, you look fine. Stop being paranoid." Bam finally told him after the umpteenth time he'd stopped to gaze into a car window.

"I have to be perfect!"

"No, you don't." But it was an argument Bam wasn't going to win. Even with Ville's help, Bam wasn't going to change Craig's mind. About seven blocks away from the Hudson's, Craig finally took a sharp right over a wall, Bam jumping the wall and racing Craig up to the front door, leaving Ville to go through the gate as any normal person would. When he reached them, Craig had already knocked on the door. After a while a kindly looking woman opened the door and smiled instantly when she saw Craig.

"Go on up Craig, he's in bed still." She said to him, standing back to let the three of them in. "But be warned, he's not in the greatest of moods." Craig grinned his thanks and bolted up the stairs, Bam and Ville in tow. He knocked gently on a door and waited.

"I thought I told my mom I didn't want visitors." Came the grumbled response. Craig pouted.

"Fine, I'll just go home then." The door flew open and Jude tackled Craig to the floor, burying his head in his boyfriend's chest.

"I was hoping you'd come, I missed you." He muttered softly. Craig grinned and laced his fingers in Jude's hair.

"I missed you too, that's why I'm here. But um, I'd like to get up, your floor isn't too comfortable." Jude grinned and got up, pulling Craig up with him.

"Sorry, just happy to see you." He then turned to Ville and Bam. "Hey guys, I assume Craig dragged you here."

"Yeah, he did." Bam grinned.

"Well, sort of." Ville smirked, nudging Bam slightly, who smirked back. They followed Jude into his room and Ville closed the door. When he turned back around Craig was already in Jude's arms in his bed. Rolling his eyes, he took a seat with Bam on a blue sofa in the room. The TV was on, and so the two boys were content with watching it. After a while Ville received a nudge in the ribs, and he looked at Bam, who smiled and jerked his head in Jude and Craig's direction. The two boys were in the middle of a heavy make-out session. Ville turned back to Bam, his eyes asking an unspoken question.

"Seven minutes."

Comments? A/N: Sorry it's so short x_x
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