Adrift: Lyrical Healing.

Feb 18, 2006 00:39

Title: Adrift: Lyrical Healing.
Author: Amaroqwolf
Rating: pg-13 to NC-17
Pairings: Charon VAM and Jussi/Bam (shrugs)
Synopsis: Ville meets Bam, but its not the Bam we know and love. Something is seriously wrong here, can Ville catch on before its to late.
A/N: Yet another serious AU. Previous Chapter’s behind cut.















Bam was scared, Bam was confused, Bam’s face hurt and this annoyed him. Bam was completely and utterly in the dark about what Ville and this other man was saying. Bam knew where he was, Bam had woken up in hospitals before, Bam had Jess threaten to kill him if he said anything. Bam kept quite waiting to see what Ville would say to him when the doctor left. Bam was scared, Bam was in pain. Bam just wanted to cry.

When the doctor finally left Ville turned to him and smiled softly. “Hey Bammie,” He said.

Bam watched him nervously keeping his mouth shut. Not really remembering or even knowing what happened. He remembered someone shoving his head under water and then blackness and pain lots of pain. Pain that had burned everywhere. He realized that a lot of his pain seemed to be. He jerked his head up a whimper escaped his lips as he realized where the pain was. He shuddered and tried to curl up into a ball. Jess had promised that one time that was it, he’d been punished cause he’d gotten out of line. He sobbed tears leaking from his eyes soaking the blanket.

Ville stared at him in confusion, he couldn’t understand how fast his brain was going. He couldn’t understand what Jess had done. Jess had fucked him again. Jess had made him into a dog again. Made him be a dog a dirty dog who got what he deserved because he’d misbehaved. He’d talked and Jess had taught him a lesson. What was he thinking he could never be happy. No Never be happy because Jess said people like him couldn’t be happy ever. He sobbed harshly he noticed the needle in his hand and grabbed it yanking it free he swung his feet from the bed ignoring Ville’s pleading to stop he flung himself to his feet and stumbled across the room. He reached the door and slammed into it. He pulled tugging screaming nonsensical.

“Bam!” He heard someone behind him calling but he couldn’t let them get to him. No, he thought whimpering he continued tugging trying to get the door open.

“Bam,” Someone said closer now and before he could run the other way hands wrapped around him pulling him against them. “Shhh, bam its okay.”

He shook his head hard his hair whipping in his face as the arms pulled him away from the door. He focused on the splotch of red on the door and sobbed weakly slumping back against the arms shaking and sobbing. Ville unable to support both there weights slumped to the floor his back in the crook of the corner. He held Bam close rocking him gently.

“Shhh, its okay.” He whispered holding him rocking him rubbing his back.

Bam turned away from the blood on the door burying his face in Ville’s shirt sobbing harshly. uncontrollably clinging to Ville he held a hand to the back of his neck soothingly. He sobbed softly again choking on his snot which he had snuffled up into his sinuses.

The door opened and the doctor appeared looking concerned Ville waved him away quickly rocking the younger man gently. “Shhh, Bammie its okay, its okay.” He whispered.

Bam couldn’t seem to gather himself every few moments an almost animalistic growl would escape his throat and he would scrabble his finger’s against Ville’s chest painfully pinching.

“Shhh,” He said rubbing Bam’s hair gently. “Its okay.” He whispered.

Bam just continued sobbing and grumbling darkly. Nothing Ville was doing was soothing the boy. Ville closed his eyes rocking Bam gently he slowly began to sing.

“The kiss sweetest
And touch so warm
The smile kindest
In this world so cold and strong

So close to the flame
Burning brightly
It won't fade away
And leave us lonely

The arms safest
And words all good
The faith deepest
In this world so cold and cruel

So close to the flame
Burning brightly
It won't fade away And leave us lonely”

He finished softly holding bam close. The soft hitching of his ribs was the only sign of the boy’s hysterical fit only moments again. “Bammie?”

Bam just grunted softly not moving, his finger’s twined in Ville shirt he gazed blankly silently at the wall beyond Ville’s shoulder. He didn’t want to come back from the darkness anymore. He was safe here he wanted to stay here. Where Jess couldn’t get to him. Where no one could get to him. No one could hurt him, he would be safe and content forever. And ever then end. He closed his eyes listening to Ville humming softly right by his ear.

Ville held the dark haired boy till he could tell sleep had one out then gently picked him up carrying him to the bed he lay him down. Bam curled onto his side wrapping his arms around himself. Ville sighed and drew the blanket up over Bam’s shoulders tucking him in softly gently. He straightened up and slowly slipped from the room making sure the door was shut tightly.
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