Adrift: Stone Words.

Feb 08, 2006 13:20

I need to stop watching Cooking shows! (nods)

Title: Adrift: Stone words.
Author: Amaroqwolf
Rating: pg-13 to NC-17
Synopsis: Ville meets Bam, but its not the Bam we know and love. Something is seriously wrong here, can Ville catch on before its to late.
A/N: Yet another serious AU. Previous Chapter's behind cut



Chapter 1:

Chapter 2:

Chapter 3:

Chapter 4:


“Wake up,” Jess hissed darkly shaking Bam hard.

The boy just whined and curled up more into himself.

“I said get up,” Jess growled yanking at him trying to pull him to his feet. Bam just swung out a hand trying to shove Jess away. This just made Jess angrier he reached down grabbing Bam by his hair.

“Jess!” Deron called coming over. “Hey, go on in.” He said. “Get some sleep man, I’ll get Bam inside.”

Jess blinked then nodded. “Alright, thanks.” He said.

Deron nodded watching Jess go. He looked down at Bam who was shaking uncontrollably. “Hey buddy you okay?” He asked softly.

Bam didn’t move or respond to Deron until he sat down next to him on the bench. “What’s a matter Bam?” He asked soothingly.

Bam slowly lifted his head from his knee’s gazing at Deron silently. He looked up slowly over Deron shoulder silently studying the now empty bus. He slowly got up opening the door to the back of the bus to confirm something to himself Deron watched all this silently. He walked to the front of the bus and slowly pulled the door shut. He then finally came back to him and sat down slowly.

Deron waited something important was up and he wasn’t going to disrupt Bam now. Jess would of Jess got impatient with Bam’s obvious rituals. The boy licked his lips again then looked around the bus a final time then slowly he looked up meeting his eyes which sent a chill down his spin.

“J-J-Jess,” Bam stammered out.

Deron was sure his eyes were going to pop out of his skull, Bam was talking. He’d spoke, he held his tongue though it was obvious Bam wanted to tell him something.

Bam studied him silently then slowly continued. “Jess hit me,” He whispered hunching his shoulders like he expected the said blow. “He-broke his stick, and hit me.” He whispered.

His stomach clenched as he looked at Bam who was still trying to look him in the eye trying to convey how truthful he was being. “Are you telling me that Jess hit you?” He asked softly.

Bam nodded. “Yes,” He whispered.

Deron closed his eyes. “When?”

“Earlier,” Bam supplied haltingly.

“Oh Jesus,” He whispered. “Are you hurt?” He asked slowly.

Bam shrugged. “Back hurts,” He noted. “But not bad,”

“Bam how long has he been hitting you?” He asked.

Bam licked his lips again slowly nervously he looked around the bus his eyes settling on the door. “Don’t know, long time, can’t remember.” He whispered.

Deron felt ill not just mentally but physically ill. “Oh god,” He whispered. He pulled out his Cell phone and jumped when Bam grabbed his wrist. Not hard enough to hurt but hard enough to keep him from moving.

“I’m going to call Chad,” He said. “Is that okay?” He asked.

Bam looked thoughtful and nodded. “Yeah,”

Deron dialed slowly watching Bam as he waited. When Chad finally answered he spoke calmly. “Hey Man can you come out to the bus,” He asked. “Yeah, I just need your help with something okay.” He said watching Bam. “Alright see you in a few.” He said and hung up. “Don’t worry Bam, no one’s gonna hurt you again I promise.” He whispered.
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