Adrift--foreign words.

Feb 17, 2006 14:35

Title: Adrift: Foreign words
Author: Amaroqwolf
Rating: pg-13 to NC-17
Pairings: Charon VAM and Jussi/Bam (shrugs)
Synopsis: Ville meets Bam, but its not the Bam we know and love. Something is seriously wrong here, can Ville catch on before its to late.
A/N: Yet another serious AU. Previous Chapter's behind cut.
Thanks for this chapter: To my Aunty for medical terms so I didn't sound like a retard. And to edie_finneran For supplying the name of the doctor with out even realizing. And to everyone else you know who you are for keeping me from getting to depressed. Edit: Okay all Links are current and correct now! (Salutes) AHOY!!














Ville arrived at the hospital, he’d heard from Matt that Bam had been taken to there, someone had attacked the boy in the bathroom, had roughed him up pretty bad, and possibly raped him.

His stomach turned at the thought of some rabid fan raping the boy in an attempt to get closer to the band. He moved towards the front counter to converse with the nurse there but before he could open his mouth someone called his name.

“Ville!” Chad called hurrying towards him. “They won’t let me and Deron into see Bam.” The dark haired man exclaimed.

Ville nodded. “I’m not surprise you’re not family.” He said following him.

Chad shrugged. “But still we brought him in,” He said. “Can you pretend to be family so we can get in?” He asked

Ville thought this over then nodded. “Yeah, I will.” He said.

Deron looked relieved. “Thanks man,” He said softly.

Ville nodded he walked towards the reception desk. “Excuse me Mam?” He said.

The nurse looked up and smiled softly. “Can I help you?” She asked.

Ville nodded. “Yes, I’m Mr. Margera’s brother I was hoping that I could see him.” He said.

She fiddled with the computer for a minute. “Your name?” She asked.

“Ville Valo,” He said with out thinking.

She glanced up. “You said you were Mr. Margera’s brother?” She asked.

He nodded. “That’s right Mam,” He said. “We have different Dads,” He explained.

“Oh,” She smiled. “Of course Sorry,” She said taping a few more keys. She picked up something off the counter and held it out. “Sign here,” She said.

Ville picked up the pen and slowly signed his name on the sheet. “There ya go,” He said smiling.

She smiled back at him and picked up a small card shaped object. “Here this is a Visitor’s pass.” She said. “This will allow you to get into his room,” She said. “I hope he’ll be okay.”

Ville nodded and smiled. “He’s strong I’m sure he’ll be fine.” He said.

“He’s in room 302.” She called.

He nodded. “Thank you,” He quickly rounded the corner and was stopped by Deron and Chad. “Did it work?”

“Yeah, I have a pass,” He said. “What do you guys wanna know?” He asked.

“How he’s doing?” Deron said. “Make sure he’s okay.”

Ville nodded. “I’ll be back shortly,” He said.

“Alright,” Chad said and resumed his pacing outside the door. Ville walked over and slid the pass through the locking mechanism (I’m not sure if they actually have these in Europe or not, they do in the one hospitable I go to, its to assure patients security or something, Note I also live in a REALLY bad Area. LOL) then pushed the door open stepping inside.

Bam was laying in the small sterile room looking paler and smaller then he’d ever looked. The black line of stitches disappeared up into his hair line, a few stitches lay across the bridge of his nose. Both eyes were blacked and his bottom lip was swollen. He looked horrible. A needle drifted lazily into the top of his hand sending nutrients to the still unconscious boy.

He moved slowly further into the room, he paused at the foot of the bed and slowly picked up the clipboard hanging off the foot of the bed. He slowly began scanning the doctors diagnoses. He didn’t understand some of the terms but he understood Cranial Bleeding, which meant he was bleeding in his head, and anal tearing meant exactly what he feared hadn’t happened. He sighed softly and looked up at Bam silently. He placed the clip board back in the slot and slowly walked closer he took Bam’s hand and held it gently. “Hey, come on now lets wake up.” He whispered.

He nearly jumped out of his skin when someone cleared there throat behind him. He whirled around and blinked at the elderly man in the white coat. “Uh..” He stammered.

“Are you family?” He asked.

Ville blinked rapidly then nodded dumbly. “Yes, yes I’m his brother.” He said quickly.

The man who turned out to be the Doctor Salo, who had been the one to sign the medical report he’d been just looking at, nodded thoughtfully. “Perhaps you could tell your brother’s friend to stop accosting me every time I walk past them?” He asked.

Ville laughed shakily. “I’ll talk to them when I go back out,” He said. “There just concerned Bam is like there family to.” He explained.

The doctor nodded in understanding. “Are you his only family?” He asked.

Ville nodded. “Yeah, His parents are dead,” He said. “They died when we were young,” He quickly explained.

Doctor Salo nodded. “Then, I’ll have to tell you the diagnosis.” He said picking up the clip board. “We had to give him 22 stitches on the right cheek bone to close that gash, four across the nose to close that cut,” He paused. “When we did the cat scan there was sign’s of cranial bleeding, but those disappeared rather quickly, so we think it may have only been bruising that will need to be monitored though to be safe.” He paused. “Now come’s the hard part,” He took a deep breath.

Ville licked his lips taking Bam’s hand tighter in his own. “Go ahead,” He whispered.

“Sir, I’m afraid your brother was raped, rather brutally by the tearing and bruising in the rectal area.” He paused. “He’ll heal with time, we did a STD test which came back negative at this time but I do recommend he be tested again in 6 months,”

Ville heart dropped he looked down at Bam who he realized was wake if not coherent. He looked confused and realized he’d be confused to if he woke up and had to people talking in a foreign language over him. “Hey buddy,” Ville said. “Just stay calm I’ll explain everything in a minute.” He said.

Bam nodded slowly relaxing visibly.

“Was there anything else?” He asked the doctor hoping he wouldn’t say anything damning.

The doctor looked over the clip board. “I have a few prescriptions for him,” He said taking a few scraps of paper from his pocket. “For pain and such,” He paused. “Otherwise he can go home in the morning.” He nodded.

Ville nodded taking the slips of paper. “Thank you doctor.” He said smiling grimly.

Doctor Salo nodded again. “Your welcome Mr. Valo.” He paused then spoke again. “My Daughter’s a big fan.” He said quickly and left the room.
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