Adrift: Ghost in your eyes.

Feb 13, 2006 00:29

Title: Adrift: Ghost in your eyes.
Author: Amaroqwolf
Rating: pg-13 to NC-17
Synopsis: Ville meets Bam, but its not the Bam we know and love. Something is seriously wrong here, can Ville catch on before its to late.
A/N: Yet another serious AU. Previous Chapter's behind cut.



Chapter2 :

Chapter3 :

Chapter4 :

Chapter5 :

Chapter6 :

Chapter8 :


The cops had questioned Bam till he had curled up in the corner of the room shaking and crying. Rocking himself, they had continued questioning him making him retell everything about Jess he could remember. Forcing him to talk. When he refused they got angry with him yelling at him.

Finally Chad stepped in and told them they had all the information they needed and to go arrest Jess which just made him cry harder cause now Jess was going to get in trouble.

Deron helped him up gently, hugging him just as gently. “Come on Buddy,” He said softly. “Lets go get some sleep okay?”

Bam nodded slowly allowing himself being led away. Deron tucked him in bed he patted him on the head smiling lightly. “Its okay Bammie, get some sleep now okay.” He smiled softly.

Bam sighed softly and closed his eyes lightly and a short time later he drifted off with Deron sitting on the edge of the bed watching him silently. He didn’t leave until he heard the door open in the main room and the sound of two people coming in. He got up and stepped into the room, closing the door into Bam’s room only part way. So if Bam needed anything he could need them for.

Chad looked up first looking concerned. “He asleep?” He asked.

Deron nodded. “Yeah, he is.” He said softly.

Chad sighed and finally looked at Matt then to Deron. “You know were screwed right,” he said.

Matt nodded and Deron took a deep breath. “Maybe we can find a drummer before tomorrow,” He said slowly.

Matt scoffed and shook his head. “Not on this short of notice we won’t.” He said as he played with the yo yo.

Deron sighed and nodded. “He’s right,”

“Well,” Ville said suddenly causing the three members to look up at the same time. “I may have someone to help you out,” He said slowly.

Deron blinked. “Who?” He asked.

Ville sighed. “His name is Jussi,” He paused. “He’s the drummer from a band called The 69 eyes.” He said.

Deron blinked. “Would help us out?” He asked.

“He’s a good friend I think he would,” Ville supplied.

Chad chewed on the inside of his lip. “Well, we really don’t have any other options.” He said.

Deron nodded in agreement. “Can you call him Ville?” He asked.

Ville nodded. “I’ll get right on it,” he said.


A/N: okay I think I need to clear a few things up here. In this fic, The ages of The characters are as follows. Bam is 19 will be 20 with in the next few chapters, Ville is 24, Jess is 35 (Yes I know he’s old LOL) , Deron is 23, Chad is 28 and Jussi is 29. Hopefully that should clear the age thing up LOL. Oh and as a Sidenote.....morphine300mg Hearts Chad so Hardcore!!!!!! and so do I......

The crowd was rocking, they were into the music and they didn’t even seem to care that he wasn’t the regular drummer. They loved the band and that’s all that seemed to matter. It wasn’t like he’d replaced the lead singer. Not that he could sing. His gaze drifted around the stage watching the Singer Deron as he sang the words to one of his songs, to Chad as he rocked on the guitar as did Matt. But his eyes were drawn off stage....

He was standing there, no not standing there, he was rocking. He had met him earlier but the boy had been so shy withdrawn and it intreiguied him. The protectiveness of this group to that boy was amazing.

He slowed down and set the drum sticks aside as the song ened on the last song. He could hear the fans screaming they wanted HIM they liked the opening act but they had come to see HIM.

He followed the three other’s off stage and shot a look to Ville just before the singer went on stage.

Deron smiled at him. “Man, you picked that up fast.” He said grabbing up a beer.

He nodded slowly. “I did my best,” He responded calmly

Chad grinned. “You did Awsome!” He said shoving a Beer at the finnish man. “Come on lets go hang out or some shit.”

The dark haired boy looked at the four men. Chad suddenly grinned. “Hey Bammie want a beer?” He asked.

Bam’s eyes went wide what a name for a boy. Bam he had to restrain himself from laughing but grinned none the less when the boy nodded rapidly. “Yeah, can I?” He asked.

“Sure were in Europe!” Chad said handing Bam a beer.

Bam grinned brightly taking the offered Beer. He watched the boy silently studying the haunted look that burned through everything else in the blue depths. Was it bad that he had just met this man-child, and he knew he wasn’t all there but something in him made him want him, badly. He wanted to hold the boy, kiss away his hurts. He was a dirty old man yes he was indeed. He thought as he took the offered beer from Deron. “Thank you,” He said calmly.
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