Forbidden Love - ch.6

Feb 13, 2006 01:52

Hello Sweethearts! Before you all read this, I wanted to thank amaroqwolf_inc for helping me with the idea! Thanks sweetie!! (hugs) Alright, now you can read and ENJOY!! *SMILES*

Title: Forbidden Love
Pairing: Vam
Summary: Bam, a college student, makes a bad first impression and tries to correct his wrong doings. While at the same time finds mixed feelings for a new comer at the college. However, these feelings aren't allowed.
Disclaimer: Don't own, just the ideas. Never happened.

Chapters 1 - 5

Chapter 6

“All you had to do was accept my apology yesterday and I’d show you a little respect.” Ville heard the man’s words as he carefully watched his student reach down to retrieve his backpack. “However, you did not.” he continued at the same time of climbing to his feet. No word was spoken between the two of them as Ville watched the shorter man walk down the aisle towards him.

Ville continued to lean against his desk, arms still crossed as well, as he watched the brunette come to a stop in front of him. “Well I’m sorry you feel that way.” he spoke, deciding to stand his grounds against this student.

It wasn’t long before Bam had gathered himself. “May I go now?” he questioned quickly and Ville knew he was trying to change the subject. “I do have a class I need to be attending.” he added quickly before Ville could think about saying something in return. Ville decided not to lose his temper at his choice of words and nodded his head instead of speaking his mind. So without another word or glance, he watched as the brunette walked out of his classroom.

Although Brandon had not looked back at him, Ville had kept his gaze on the younger man. Even though the two of them could not stand to be within the same room together, it just made Ville interested in him by the end of their little quarrels. Threw the couple years he had been teaching, he never really stumbled across a student like this. Let alone one that fought back.

Sighing softly to himself, he noticed students to his next class start to file into the classroom. Removing himself from his desk, he slowly walked around it. If he wanted to continue this debate in his head, he’d have to do it later when he did not have a class to teach.


Bam had his right elbow propped up onto his desk, and had his chin resting in his right hand. He was trying to pay attention to what his Information Technology - Graphics and Multimedia teacher was trying to lecture, but his mind was defiantly not there at all. A curtain brunette with emerald green eyes just couldn’t leave his mind. How could he think about someone that he hated so much?

“Alright. Before class ends, I want to explain your next assignment.” the voice of his teacher sounded closer to him. Not moving anything but his eyes, he found his teacher was a few feet in front of him and had his back to him. “From now til the week before your winter break, I want you all to work on a film. Think of an idea and get back to me with it. If I approve, then you can get right to work.” the teacher explained as he headed to the front of the room. By the time he reached the front of the room, the bell had rang loudly. “I’ll have more details on the project tomorrow!” he shouted over the students, who were now rushing to leaving school.

Choosing to take his time, Bam was one of the last one’s out of the classroom. Before he knew it, he was already at his locker. Putting the combination in the lock, he pulled he open. With it open, he switched everything in his backpack from what he had to what he needed. Then using his elbow, he closed the locker door while zipping up his backpack. Placing both straps on his shoulders, he turned to face the now almost empty hallway. Stepping back into the hallway, he headed towards the nearest exit.

As he neared the parking lot, that held his car, he reached into his pockets and began fishing around for his keys. Pulling them out of his pocket, he began to pick through them until he landed on the one that belong to his car. Removing his eyes from the keys, he looked at the few cars left in the parking lot. His eyes fell onto his car and he quickly came to a stop. “What the fuck?” he questioned his thoughts aloud.

His car was no long in its parking space. Instead, the back bumper was pushing against the front bumper of another car. Being at a lack of words, he quickened his pace as he tried to figure out what happened. Rounding the car to the driver side, he let out a loud sigh. The top of the driver window was shattered while the bottom half was full of cracks. Glass was on both the seat and the asphalt. “Fuck.” he mumbled as he stepped closer to the door, hearing the glass break under his shoes.

It became obvious that someone had broken into his car and had failed at any other attempts of taking it. Looking through the window into the car, he searched to see if anything was missing. He was missing a couple of cds but nothing to major, then he glanced back into the backseat. “Mother fuckers!” he growled as he noticed an object missing from the back seat. “They took my board.”

“What the hell is going on?” a voice demanded.

Bam pushed away from the car, knowing the voice had to belong to the driver of the other car. “Look, I didn’t-” he started, but stopped himself as he looked over the hood at the other person, only to come to a quick halt. “Just my luck.” he mumbled under his breath as he stared into a familiar set of emerald green eyes.

“Brandon.” His name had rolled off of Ville’s tongue quickly. “Should have known.” he added as he inched closer to the two cars, that were still touching.

“Should have known!?” Bam repeated, the anger he once had over the situation had now doubled. “What the hell does that mean?” he asked quickly as he stared over at his teacher.

Ville crossed his arms over his chest at Bam’s question. “I should have known that you’d do something like this.” he answered sternly as he glanced over at his car before looking over at the slight angered man.

Bam quickly pointed to the now empty parking spot that his car once claimed, but was instantly at a loss for words. He knew exactly what he wanted to say, but he just couldn’t pick out the right words. His eyes were still fixed on Ville’s frame as he watched the taller man walk around the front of Bam’s car and towards him. “Yes, I broke my own window and pushed my car to be against yours.” Bam spoke sarcastically as he gave Ville a slight glare of frustration.

Ville looked at the asphalt, noticing the broken glass, and back up at the window. “Well, after this morning.” he started with a slight shrug of his shoulders.

Bam quickly threw his hands up into the air as frustration continued to race through his body. “Mr. Valo, has anyone ever told you that you’re an ass!?” he growled as his blue eyes stared in Ville’s green ones.

“I think there might have been a time, yes.” Ville answered with a slight smirk, knowing his was pissing this man off even more then he already was.

Immediately all Bam wanted to do was wrap his hands around this man’s throat and choke some sense into him. Not only was he pissing him off, but he also would not listen to a word he was trying to explain about the situation. However, in the back of his mind, while his teacher was setting off his anger level even higher, all he could think about was taking the green eye beauty into his arms and having his way with him. Before he knew what he was doing, his body took the situation into its own hands.

Swiftly, but gently, Bam reached out both of his hands and placed them on both sides of Ville’s face. Then before either of them could react to what was about to happen, Bam closed the small gap between the two of them and let his lips crash on top of Ville’s. What shocked him ever more was when the kiss was returned.

Pulling away, Bam carefully removed his hands from Ville’s delicate face. As shock continued to erase any emotion or anger he might have had, he opened his eyes to look at his teacher. The teacher that he had just kissed. “Sorry.” he whispered while reaching for the handle to the door. Pulling open the driver door, he quickly jumped into the driver’s seat. Before any other actions or words could be released, Bam already had his car started and was leaving the parking lot. As while as leaving a mixed emotion filled man in his trail.

And there you have it! Love it? Like it? Hate it? Feedback please!! Gotta know whatcha guys thought! *smiles* Until next time!! *hugs!*

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