Adrift: Childhood memories and painful thoughts.

Feb 10, 2006 15:16

Title: Adrift: Childhood memories and painful thoughts.
Author: Amaroqwolf
Rating: pg-13 to NC-17
Synopsis: Ville meets Bam, but its not the Bam we know and love. Something is seriously wrong here, can Ville catch on before its to late.
A/N: Yet another serious AU. Previous Chapter's behind cut.


Chapter1 :

Chapter2 :

Chapter3 :

Chapter4 :

Chapter5 :

Chapter6 :


Bam hunched his shoulders after taking off his shirt. He shivered he wasn’t cold just scared. He felt something warm and wet run down his back. One of his cuts must of opened up again. They hadn’t believed him and now he was standing here ashamed. He could hear the silence and it was driving him back into himself.

“Oh Bam-Bam,” He heard Chad state then he gently placed a hand on his shoulder. “Hey, Ville do you guys have any peroxide?” He asked.

He heard someone move from behind him and he tensed even more bending slightly at the waist. His hands still hung limply at his sides his finger’s curled upwards lightly. He focused on the wall letting his mind slip as Ville walked past him and into the bathroom.

“Dear god,” He heard the blonde man whisperer softly from somewhere to his left and slightly behind him. “How could anyone do this to someone?”

“I don’t know,” Chad said softly. “But he’s never doing it again,”

Bam slowly lifted his head turning it slightly to look at Chad. He was looking at him sadness in his eyes. “What’s going on Bam-Bam,” he whispered softly.”

Bam just blinked and looked down again studying the carpet below his shoes. He heard Deron speak softly and Chad was gently guiding him somewhere. “Sit here buddy,” Deron said softly smiling at him.

Bam was grateful to be able to sink into the couch and hide himself. It didn’t last long because Ville returned holding an all to familiar brown bottle. “Here,” He said softly.

Deron took the bottle and bag of Cotton balls from him. “Thanks,” He said slowly.

“We should call the police,” Gas finally said.

“Why?” Chad said looking up as Deron slowly began cleaning the cuts.

“Because this need’s to be reported.” He pushed.

Bam lifted his head it was like he didn’t even feel the peroxide on his back. His eyes studied Gas for a second then he turned his head and looked at Chad who spoke next.

“But why?” He said slowly. “Jess is gone he can’t hurt Bam anymore.” He pointed out.

“Yeah,” Gas said. “That’s true,”

“But,” Mige interrupted. “Jess could report you guys to the police, Bam is most likely labeled as not all there in record, and most like Jess has legal rights to him somehow.” He paused. “If you don’t report this, most likely you two are going to get arrested.” He finished.

Bam watched Chad and Deron silently he understood what they were saying he started shaking at the thought of having to go back to Jess. He pulled away and slowly sliding his feet across the carpet like he felt he would fall he slowly walked to the phone and picked it up. He turned slowly and looked at Chad and Deron who were watching him silently. He held the phone out to them. “Call, I--I--I don’t--want to go--back to--to--him,” He stammered out painfully.

Chad nodded. “Deron you make the call,” He said.

Deron nodded. “Alright, Bam will call come sit down.” He said patting the couch gently.

Bam slowly set the phone down and shuffled back over sitting down he lifted his blue eyes to study the men in the room. They all either looked directly at him like Ville and Linde did or ignored him completely like Matt and Burton did. Bam smiled tiredly and with even thinking about it cuddled up against Chad closing his eyes to the soothing feel of finger’s running across his scalp. He remembered his mother doing that when he was little before she had died and his world had gone upside down. He remember Jess doing that, before something happened and Jess had changed. Everyone who did that, something happened. He reached up suddenly and grabbed Chad’s wrist. “Don’t,” He whispered softly.

“Okay Bam-Bam,” Chad said. “I won’t, you rest okay” He said.

Bam nodded closing his eyes again letting himself drift to sleep slowly.


A/N: I’m nice you get a double Chapter today. A. Wolf.

Linde watched the three men on the couch, the boy who wasn’t really a boy but by all sense’s of the word but one was a boy. A very young, very frightened boy was curled up now with a blanket around him. His head was in Chad’s lap and he looked so peaceful. Deron was just finishing his call to the police they would be there shortly by what Linde could gather from the conversation.

Chad was making sure not to touch Bam because obviously this had upset him in someway even though it was meant to be soothing. Linde got up. “Hey, Ville can we talk?” He asked.

Ville arched an eyebrow and climbed to his feet, “Sure,” He said following the blonde from the hotel room. “What’s up?” He asked

“Do you realize that they lost there drummer?” He asked slowly.

“So,” Ville said then froze. “Fuck,”

“Yeah, fuck is right the screwed themselves for this tour.” He said slowly.

“That dosn’t matter right now.” Ville stated calmly. “Right now what matter’s is making sure there previous Drummer dosn’t come back.” He said.

Linde nodded and sighed. “Your right, I’m sorry.” He said. “I wasn’t thinking.” He said looking back through the door.

“Its alright Lily,” He said softly patting him on the shoulder. “Look everything will work out for the better.”

Linde nodded slowly then looked back at Ville. “To think this shit was going on right on our own bus, it had to of been.” He said

Ville nodded slowly. “Yeah, I know.” He said softly.

The two men stepped back as two bobbies came into veiw. Ville waved them into the room and they went in with out speaking to either man. “You want to go get a drink?” Linde asked hopefully.

Ville nodded. “Yeah come on Lily,” He said softly.
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