Fic: I Dream

Feb 16, 2006 21:21

Haha! Just an Epilogue left to go My Darlings! I love you all for reading and encouraging!! Now I fear I must go to bed.

Title: I Dream part 15/15

Rating: From PG to NC-17

Author: V-Gin (Yeah like anyone but me would want to claim to have written this. Bwahahaha!)

Warnings: This is AU, Bam and Ville never met in my little world. And their is some het-groaping and thoughts going on here. Just close your eyes at those parts and repeat to yourself 'She is going to make it all better later in the story.' Also this is not Beta-ed, cause I am evil, do you here me! EVIL!

Summery: Ville Valo lead singer of the Finnish band HIM is being haunted. (I know crap summery, couldn't think of anything else to say)

Disclaimer: I own nothing but a bunch of CD's and a selection of DVD's featuring the boys, I actually know nothing of their private lives. If I did know all about their secret lives, rest assured I would still be posting on here, only there would be no disclaimer at the top!

Links to previous chapters behind cut.

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Part 10
Part 11
Part 12
Part 13
Part 14

Part 15

Bam’s first instinct was to want to knock the singers feet out from under him so Ville would fall to the floor and he could just crawl all over him, but a close second was the desire to continue holding and tasting him. Surprising the kissing won out against the joy of friction mainly because it didn’t involve any fancy moves, which could cause potential harm.

“Oh God, Bam-Bam,” Ville sighed while pausing for air before resuming the drugging kisses. Bam could get used to this, his heart was thudding in his chest and his brain was in a puddle somewhere at his feet he was sure. Ville’s voice sounded exactly as he had imagined it would when lust roughened, and he had used the same nickname as well.

“Uhhhn, Willa…” he started, unconsciously using his dream Ville’s nickname, his eyes opening wide as he realized what he had said. At the same time he felt Ville start in surprise, and found himself looking into pools of deep green. Bam cringed wondering if perhaps he had said the wrong thing, then he knew he had said the right one, as Ville’s hand became more aggressive, sliding under his clothes and caressing his skin.

He was called back to earth though, by the sound of a throat clearing noisily from somewhere behind him. A moment later and Ville had pulled away from his lips, though apparently not of his own accord. Linde had a hold of the singer’s shirt, and had used it to pull them apart, evil person that he obviously was.

Ville was smiling broadly while Linde had more of an apologetic smile on his face. “I’m sorry for this Vajokki, he still hasn’t learned how to behave in public,” and with that he whapped the singer over the head. Ville looked offended for a moment then started laughing, a look of sheer joy spread across his face.

Even though Ville had been touching him almost constantly in small ways all night, his hand brushing Bam here, shoulders bumping there, a quick kiss pressed against his skin, a lingering kiss to his lips stolen in a dark alcove of the club the guys had taken them to. It was all very exciting and new, Bam had never hoped that things could have moved this fast with Ville, and now all that he wanted was for things to go faster. He had been dreaming of the singer for years, damnit! And now Bam wanted the Dream for real. Strike that he wanted lots more then just what happened in the dreams. He wanted everything.

Bam watched Ville as he sipped his drink, they had wound up sitting together, well they were both sitting at the same corner of the table. Really, Bam was kind of taken aback by his lack of reaction to how Ville acted with him, it wasn’t that he didn’t react, but really it wasn’t the reaction he would have though he would have given. His friends had taken the news that Bam was probably Bi quite well, considering the way they were told, or shown as the case may be.

Dunn had made the smart ass comment that it was to be expected, citing the vast number of posters Bam had of Ville, and how plastered his walls and ceiling were, then he mentioned the fact that bam purchased any magazine that had some mention of the group, Even if it was a little three line blurb with a one inch square picture, Bam had it. He had endured much ribbing when HIM had gotten in the pages of Teen People, and even more when Teen Beat had come out with an article on them.

He found he did have standards, and was unable to purchase the YM that had come out with an article on the ‘Hot Finnish Front Man: Ville Valo’. He had bribed Ape with an entire day of being on his best behavior before she would get the mag for him. But now he had the real thing before him, smiling and talking to him, and Bam was elated. Unfortunately he couldn’t quite concentrate on anything but the way those lips felt, or the way Ville had tasted those few times they had kissed, and he was sure his eyes kept glazing over every time their hands brushed, or spoke to him in that tone that had been so often in his dreams, which surprisingly was quite often so far.

Bam listened to that voice, each syllable was licking at his ears and stroking his skin, it was almost the best thing he had ever heard, or felt at this point, though the kisses were still the top of that list. Then he heard what that voice was actually saying, low and intimately, so that only Bam would hear.

“I remember the look of shock on your face just after finding you standing inside my bedroom doorway, watching me come. Your name slipping from my lips, as I arched off the bed, one hand pulling desperately on my cock, one of my fingers pressing deeply inside my ass to play with that spot to enhance my pleasure. It was amazingly hot to see such a look on your face, and it was really reminiscent of the look you are wearing now. Welcome back to the conversation Bam-Bam.”

Bam felt a rush of heat split and flush his face, while also hardening his cock fully, from the half-mast it had been most of the night. He had dreams like what Ville had just said, Bam watching from just inside a closed bedroom door, Ville naked on a bed, pleasuring himself. Bam paled slightly; maybe it was a common fantasy among gay men…

“I am just teasing you Bam-Bam, You just seemed to be uninterested in the conversation and sought to liven it up a bit. Am I boring you?”

Bam shook his head, “No! Nothing like that! I just have been having a bit of problem trying to concentrate ever since you kissed me, nothing major or anything, it just caught me off guard.”

Ville straightened up a bit, giving Bam a little bit more room, a flash of what looked like worry in his eyes. “I did not think… I apologize if I am moving too fast, I just thought…”

Bam laughed a little nervously, it was now or never. “Too fast? I don’t even think that’s possible!” Bam leaned forward, motioning the singer to lean in as well. “Look this is kind of embarrassing for me, but I want to start out on the right foot, so…

“I’ve been having these dream about you,” Ville opened his mouth, but was stopped before he could make a sound, “No I know it sounds obsessive, but I had these dreams before I even had ever heard of your band, and I think it might mean something. Which of course sounds totally crazy, but I like you, a lot, and I want to see if maybe we can have some sort of, I don’t know, relationship, I don’t want this to be just a one-night thing.”

Ville smiled sweetly at him, as he said, “Tomorrow we will have to have a long conversation about an interesting thing that happened to me while you were in a coma, but for tonight, would you like to join me at my hotel room?”

Bam shook his head. “Not when my bed is so close. I promise that it will be better then one of those foam covered boards, they pass as beds at hotels now a days.” If anything Ville’s smile got bigger, and amidst leers, jeers and the odd secretive smile, the two made their way out to hale a cab.

They were good in the cab, not groping each other openly, nor were they kissing and making out, which kind of surprised Bam. Apparently now that they had met and Bam had reviled his crush, Ville seemed to not mind, and they had talked of tomorrow, not in an ‘I’ll leave by first light’ way, Bam’s desperation had cooled. They talked of odds and ends, of what was cool now, of Bam’s many hand made beanies and scarves, and what Ville thought of West Chester. All the while Ville’s hand stroked Bam’s leg in a reassuring way, though for whose benefit it was done, was anyone’s guess.

They arrived at arrived at Bam’s house, and Bam paused on his door step, suddenly wishing that he had a maid, as opposed to his mom who tidied up the place when she though that it was most likely to remain clean for more then a few seconds. He grimaced and looked at Ville Smiling shakily. “Okay, now just to warn you this place may be a bit on the messy side he said as he unlocked the massive door. “And please don’t freak out over the amount of HIM stuff I have.”

“Do not worry about that Bammie, when you come to visit my apartment in Helsinki, you will have to remember what you just said, only about your skateboarding carrier instead of HIM memorabilia.”

Bam let out a bark of laughter, and pushed open the door, his brain cataloging Ville’s reaction to the main room, or rather the lack of, before their lips were pressed together and his brain stopped al unnecessary thoughts.

Then Ville’s lips moved, and Bam wanted to have them back, but they felt very nice as they moved over to his ear and asked where his room was, licking and nipping at his skin all the while. Bam managed to give directions, and not fall over as Ville guided him up the stairs and to the room that he indicated. Then pressed against the door as Ville attempted to work the handle, Bam’s brain kicked on, and he pulled Ville’s lips to his, plunging his tongue into his mouth, and letting his hands roam over the lithe body.

His hands found their way under the t-shirt Ville wore, and his fingers ghosted over the places he knew Ville’s tattoos to be, wanting to see and taste the skin they marked, but also not wanting to relinquish his claim on the mouth or the erotic tongue playing with his own. He had to stop though, however briefly so they wouldn’t pass out from lack of oxygen, and in that small amount of time, Ville acted. The door opened and they stumbled into the room, somehow managing to land of the bed in a tangled heap of arms and legs, laughing breathlessly, dissolving into moans of pleasure as they began kissing, and removing garments.

Bam had Ville naked first, being as he had only one shirt and his tight pants on, his outfit for the show allowing nothing else to be hidden beneath the sexy attire. He had gotten hung up once on Ville’s shoes, but with a little help he had persevered and Bam had literally stood back away from the bed in awe, drinking in the sight of Ville, naked, sprawled on his bed, looking at him with those sexier then hell eyes. There were more tattoos then Bam remembered from his dreams, but the rest was just as he had pictured. Absolutely perfect.

Ville reached out, moving slowly, and undid Bam’s belt, pulling it slowly though the loops of his jeans, then he undid the fly and pulled them and the boxers down to mid thigh. Never breaking eye contact, Bam shivered as he took hold of his cock, and stroked it experimentally, grinning as Bam leaned into the feeling, gasping slightly.

“There is so much I have dreamed of doing with you Bam-Bam. I almost don’t know where to begin. But I think I will have to start here. It is very beautiful like this... I had always wondered what you would look like, all hard with desire…”

Bam groaned, as Ville broke his gaze, concentrated instead on a different area, and licked the head of his cock. He knew he should probably be laying down for this, but maybe it was better that he stood, otherwise this might be even shorter then it was promising to be. He steadied his suddenly unbalanced body by grabbing onto Ville’s shoulders, just as a warm mouth engulfed his cock.

Bam arched his back, feeling it pop a few times in the process. “oh fuck, Ville…” He rocked unsteadily on his feet, hoping that if he fell he wouldn’t fall and hurt anything, or one.

Ville pulled himself off of Bam’s cock, his hand taking over the stroking motion for the time. “Lay down on the bed Bam-Bam.” He said his hand suddenly gone.

With a whimper of need, Bam found himself on the bed, his breathing rather erratic, and a hand running down his torso to his cock, which waved almost painfully hard in the air.

Ville shook his head at Bam and swatted his hand away before it could reach it’s destination, “No, no, my little Bammie. We are going to play a different game, but first you need to tell me where I can find lube and some condoms, I fear I have neither one on me, I was not expecting tonight to go so well.”

Bam gave a pained groan, his head falling onto the bed heavily. “Jesus Ville, I don’t… I never expected… Fuck! Do we really need them? Aren’t there some other things we can use as substitutes?”

Ville frowned lightly as he ran a hand over Bam’s cock, keeping it hard. “Yes there are substitutes, but I will not let my Bam-Bam’s first time fucking or being fucked by a man be anything less then as perfect as I can make it. And I will not take any chances with his safety.”

Bam groaned again, thrusting up into Ville’s palm. “Ville, please, I want you so badly.”

“Don’t worry, we will still play, we just have to adjust the rules a little bit.” And with that Ville stood and shucked Bam’s pants off the rest of the way, then climbed onto of the younger man, settling on his thighs so that their cocks nestled together. With one hand he reached down and grasped both cocks, sliding them together slowly in his fist, leaning forward so that most of his weight was distributed between his legs and one arm that held him over Bam’s writhing form.

Bam ran his hands along Ville’s chest, teasing his nipples, and lightly scratching at the skin with his blunt nails. His hips thrust upwards as best as they could without disrupting the man above him. Soon though it wasn’t enough, he wanted more, he needed to feel Ville moving against him, not just a hand stroking him. He grabbed Ville by the neck, and pulled him down, his lips, teeth and tongue working over any area that they came into contact with, causing Ville to loose his grip, as the space between them disappeared, Ville instead bracing himself on his elbows, giving the man beneath him room to maneuver.

Their hips thrust together franticly, as their mouths met, lips mashing together only to slide over slick skin. Bam finally losing out and coming with an almost pained sounding groan, thrusting up hard against Ville, and causing him to collapse in his own release, his voice muffled against Bam’s throat as he cried out, before biting down sharply, then laving the hurt but unbroken skin with his tongue as an apology.

Bam held Ville in place on top of him, as he tried to slide off, reaching blindly for something to cover them with, tomorrow would be soon enough to worry about what happened next. Besides so far things were going just great, and Bam had a feeling that regardless of what tomorrows ‘talk’ Ville wanted to have would really have that much of an impact on what they shared tonight. Bam smiled at the feeling of Ville snuggling in closer to his body. The only other place he had ever felt this happy had been in his dreams, and he wasn’t about to let this one go.

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