Fic: I Dream

Feb 13, 2006 19:04

Right, short, this is rather short. The next part will probably be fairly short as well. The Part after that is still completely unwritten, (damn final chapter!) I am debating if plot is really necessary for it. Then I tell myself, yeah it is, ~sigh~ so I have much to write, but the Epilogue is mostly done, so we are almost to the end! ~dances~ I have never finished a story this long before, and lets hope I didn’t just jinx myself by saying that!

Title: I Dream part 13/15

Rating: From PG to NC-17

Author: V-Gin (Yeah like anyone but me would want to claim to have written this. Bwahahaha!)

Warnings: This is AU, Bam and Ville never met in my little world. And their is some het-groaping and thoughts going on here. Just close your eyes at those parts and repeat to yourself 'She is going to make it all better later in the story.' Also this is not Beta-ed, cause I am evil, do you here me! EVIL!

Summery: Ville Valo lead singer of the Finnish band HIM is being haunted. (I know crap summery, couldn't think of anything else to say)

Disclaimer: I own nothing but a bunch of CD's and a selection of DVD's featuring the boys, I actually know nothing of their private lives. If I did know all about their secret lives, rest assured I would still be posting on here, only there would be no disclaimer at the top!

Links to previous chapters behind cut.

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Part 10
Part 11
Part 12

Part 13

It didn’t seem to matter what Bam did, the dreams wouldn’t stop. Ever since he had woken from his over five years long coma, he had these realistic dreams. Dreams that made him feel like he had regressed to the physical maturity of a pre-teen, having his first dealings with a wet dream. The fact that these dreams were about a man had given waking up and remembering, a kind of nightmarish quality at first, followed by a bout of the mantra “I’m not fuckin Gay.”

After a few weeks he had calmed himself with the realization that it wasn’t ‘men’ that excited him, but rather his ‘dream man’. Girls, clothed or unclothed, still had the ability to give him a stiffy at fifty paces; where as the sight of Raab’s pale ass mooning a bus of seniors sent his balls all but running to hide in fear. So Bam settled on not thinking about it and threw himself into re-learning how to move his body, and building back his strength after so many years of disuse.

Thankfully his muscles hadn’t atrophied, due to an exercise regiment that his body was manipulated through a few times weekly. His recovery would have taken ages longer if not for that. Despite his rapid recovery he didn’t get back on a board till a few months had passed, and then he only was able to, by sneaking out and practicing on his own. After about the fifth time he had gotten caught, Ape had miserably relented her stance on him skating, and declared he had better always have someone else around, just in case something happened. The doctors gave him the all clear and Bam became like a man possessed as he worked to get back to the point he was at before the accident. He knew he had finally made it when he started winning at competitions again.

With everything in his life looking up, Jenn came back to him after breaking up with him while he was in the coma, a new contract with MTV for the show he had pitched to them before his accident, and sponsorships from a few of the major boarding companies, Bam finally felt his life was sliding back into place. And through it all the dreams persisted.

Quite often it was the same dream, a dark bedroom, with a streetlight spilling it’s way through a window onto a bed where a man lay, his mouth open in little gasps of pleasure, his back arched as he stroked his hard cock.

Bam wanted to touch this man so badly, even though he knew he couldn’t. His messy spill of dark hair on the pillow begged to be touched. Every time he still tried though, his hand always ghosted through the man’s heated flesh. The breathing would hitch and Bam would look up to see the man looking straight at him, his brilliant green eyes practically glowing in the darkness.

“Bam-Bam,” he would say breathily in an accented voice, though Bam couldn’t tell where he was from. “Nnnn, God you are so beautiful… Fuck… I want to touch you so badly.” Bam could never understand why, but he knew that they couldn’t really touch, and though he was turned on a hell of a lot by what was happening, he never touched himself. Instead he found himself whispering sweet, dirty, words of want and longing, savoring every moan torn from his dream lover’s mouth, every writhing, twisting, arch he would make as his pale and perfect body alternately fought for and against coming. It never really lasted to long, and Bam would lay down next to the man, memorizing everything he could about this man.

He had long since decided that he was going to get that tattoo with the odd pentagram thingy in the same place his dream lover had it. And he had talked to an artist at one of the local studio’s and he was drawing up something truly awesome with the, what Bam had come to call a heartagram, as the focal point. It was perfect, and he didn’t hesitate for a second to pay the hefty thousand-dollar price tag that came with it. In fact he would have gladly paid more.

The first inkling that bam got that his Dream man might be more then just a dream was on the first birthday he celebrated after waking. It was a small affair, only his friends, family and of course Jenn, who seemed to nag quite a bit more then he was remembering, attended. On the table was a plainly wrapped box that had been mailed to him, it had no return address and nothing to indicate whom it was from. But it was postmarked from Spain. Inside the box was a collection of CD’s from a band called HIM.

He had been intrigued as soon as he noticed the design on the CD’s jewel case insert, it was a picture of a heartagram, like the one that was the center of the tattoo now gracing the right side of his torso. The next had a vaguely familiar figure, but it was not the one that made his heart still in his chest and mouth drop open. For there, third down in the pile of CD’s, was the man in his dreams. The same smooth pale chest, the same green eyes, and there just above his low riding pants was the top of the tattoo that Bam was planning on getting next week.

The rest of the evening had been a complete wash. Bam’s mind had been millions of light-years away, trying to think of why he had been dreaming of this guy for the past few months. Jenn had gotten upset with him and he was pretty sure that he had broken up with her, causing her to storm off in an angry huff. It was either that or the girl had just dropped off the face of the earth and never called him again. Which ever was the case Bam didn’t care, she was annoying anyway.

He blew off the nights festivities, including the part where he normally would have been getting completely drunk off his ass, and instead found himself sitting in front of his computer, researching the band HIM, while listening to their CD’s that he had just gotten. The songs were comfortably familiar, and the pictures of the band brought voices to his mind.

He must have seen them before, in an interview, or something, and that was how they had gotten into his mind, things had just progressed from there was all. It still freaked Bam to no end that this Ville Valo, or as his brain supplied a few seconds after reading the name, Willa Walo, was such a main star in his dreams, but he took it as a sign.

Yes, once Bam was back at the top, he would find this Ville, and introduce himself. And once that happened, he was positive they would be best friends. At the very least, more if he had anything to say about it, and Bam planned to have a lot to say about it.

Comments and criticisms welcome!
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