Fic: I Dream

Feb 05, 2006 19:41

Sorry for the long time in posting, but this chapter just didn't want to write itself. Fortunatly the only other chapter I am having birthing troubles with so far is the end chapter, so posts should be more often now, only nine more chapters and one Epilogue to go!

Title: I Dream part 6/15

Rating: From PG to NC-17

Author: V-Gin (Yeah like anyone but me would want to claim to have written this. Bwahahaha!)

Warnings: This is AU, Bam and Ville never met in my little world. And their is some het-groaping and thoughts going on here. Just close your eyes at those parts and repeat to yourself 'She is going to make it all better later in the story.' Also this is not Beta-ed, cause I am evil, do you here me! EVIL!

Summery: Ville Valo lead singer of the Finnish band HIM is being haunted. (I know crap summery, couldn't think of anything else to say)

Disclaimer: I own nothing but a bunch of CD's and a selection of DVD's featuring the boys, I actually know nothing of their private lives. If I did know all about their secret lives, rest assured I would still be posting on here, only there would be no disclaimer at the top!

Links to previous chapters behind cut.

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5

Part 6

Bam found it hard to look at his singer for very long, unaccustomed to the feeling of eyes actually on him, and found himself examining anything else in the small sitting room, from the once cream colored, alcohol stained, second hand couch to the mass of cracked picture frames sitting against one wall, the glass shards having been long since swept up and thrown away.

Apparently the rest of the band had gotten tired of listening to a one sided conversation, and had gone off somewhere. His boy finally found his tongue and drew Bam’s attention back. “Are you attached to me specifically or how can you be attached to the entire band. We are not together all of the time.”

“When you are going in different directions I wind up following one of you. I don’t have to be around all of you all the time.”

“Are you dragged behind the last person to leave your area if you do not follow? I remember seeing a movie where there was a spirit that was attached to a boy, and he could only be a certain distance from the child or he would be pulled along against his will.”

“I wish, no I don’t have to follow, but if I don’t I wind up in a not so pleasant situation where I am quickly deposited back with the band when you are back together.” Bam proceeded to tell him about the flooding street and the blood and the mess he had made all over the carpet, causing it to be thrown out.

“Gas was so upset to loose that to, he kept moaning about it being the one thing that really tied the room together.” And he started laughing.

Bam frowned thoughtfully, realizing something. “So the drummers name is Gas?” he asked, smiling as he got a nod from the other man. “What are the rest of your names?”

“You mean you have been around us for five years and you don’t know?”

“Hey most of the time you guy talk in Finnish, so I have some guesses, but it was always much easier to think of you in terms of your position in the band.”

The singer smiled, “and if you had to guess what would our names be?”

Bam though about it for a moment. “Well if I had to guess I would say your name is Vittu, or Ville, Your Bass guitarist is either Vajokki or Mige, guitarist is Linde or Pimppi. Being as Gas was the drummer, and that the only other person with a vaguely American word associated with them is the keyboardist I will have to guess Burton is his name.”

The laughter that pealed forth from the singer’s mouth was deep and rich, pulling an answering chuckle from Bam. “You are in part right, Mige Linde and Burton are the correct names, I am Ville, Ville Valo, and whom do I have the honor of addressing?”

“Bam Margera.” He waved at the singer sprawled on the couch, from his perch on the coffee table. “Nice to meet ya. So what do the other words mean? You guys call each other by those a lot.”

“Well Vittu would be like calling someone a Cunt, a Pimppi is a Pussy, and Vajokki is a retard.”

Bam smiled, remembering the many times that he and his friends had done similar things like calling each other asshole, or jackass, and he missed it.

“Hey, Willa,” Bam said, the unfamiliar name sticking on his tongue. “Do you think you could do me a favor?”

“Most likely Bam-Bam,” the singer replied, giving his own nickname to the Ghost.

“Could you try and see if you could find out how I died? Like by searching on the Internet, or something?”

“I have to warn you that I am not the most competent person with computers, but if you tell me what to do it can’t be that bad. You would know what your were doing with a computer right?”

“Yeah I was pretty good with computers when I was alive.” Bam stretched and stood up, not paying any attention to the fact that he was once again standing in the table. He casually made his way over to the opposite side of the couch that Ville was sprawled on and settled down, making himself comfortable. He and Ville had a lot to talk about, and Bam could tell they were going to be great friends.


Note: All Finnish curse words were gotten off a website. This website as a matter of fact. So I appologize if they are used improperly.
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