Fic: I Dream

Feb 12, 2006 16:03

Title: I Dream part 12/15

Rating: From PG to NC-17

Author: V-Gin (Yeah like anyone but me would want to claim to have written this. Bwahahaha!)

Warnings: This is AU, Bam and Ville never met in my little world. And their is some het-groaping and thoughts going on here. Just close your eyes at those parts and repeat to yourself 'She is going to make it all better later in the story.' Also this is not Beta-ed, cause I am evil, do you here me! EVIL!

Summery: Ville Valo lead singer of the Finnish band HIM is being haunted. (I know crap summery, couldn't think of anything else to say)

Disclaimer: I own nothing but a bunch of CD's and a selection of DVD's featuring the boys, I actually know nothing of their private lives. If I did know all about their secret lives, rest assured I would still be posting on here, only there would be no disclaimer at the top!

Links to previous chapters behind cut.

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Part 10
Part 11

Part 12

Ville watched from his position leaning against the far wall as Bam aligned his lower body exactly with his body on the bed, which would make it easier to just lie back and fall into the right position.

It had been an overly emotional day once again; upon waking he had walked in silence with Bam to the hospital, making a brief stop in a convenience store that they passed for a pack of cigarettes. The had stood outside the hospital while discussing a plan, and Ville smoked, his mind partially on what had happened this morning, and also on what they might find within the hospital.

He wasn’t sure why he had agreed to go inside, and start a conversation up with one of the nurses on staff, their was nothing that he needed to know, and he wasn’t really feeling up to flirt and flatter, but he some how managed to have the girl he was talking to blushing and looking at him from under he lashes in only one sentence. He figured it was the accent more then what he said.

When she had reluctantly pried herself away from him, he had her home address, phone number, cell phone number, and work schedule. He had then gone outside to smoke. He would periodically wander inside, and look around nervously, wondering what would possibly be taking Bam so long, every now and again pondering the thought that maybe he had gotten overly excited and had already re entered his body, but then he remonstrated himself, knowing that Bam had promised him, and thus he would not just leave him. He left the hospital grounds once all but running to the convenience store and purchasing a carton of cigarettes, and rushing back.

Ville had gotten a few glares as he smoked near the hospital front doors, but most people just seemed to assume he was an expectant father who had been banned from the delivery room, one man going so far as to light you and share his own story of commiseration. When Bam finally appeared he wasn’t sure how he had managed to stay calm, especially when Bam had told him what the fits he had been having were, and he had immediately agreed on sneaking into the hospital a little later that night. Bam had kept an eye out for anyone, and lead the singer to the room, where the comatose body lay.

“Now you’re sure that all I have to do is lay back and stay still for a bit and I will rejoin with my body?” The ghost on the bed asked trustingly, after all Ville would never lie to him right?

Ville swallowed, forcing an easy smile to cross his face as he replied. “Yes, that is what the old man told me. The reason why you get that uncomfortable tingling all over yourself when you share the same space with someone while most of your ‘bodies’ are interacting, is because your spirit is trying to find your body, and failing a perfect match is trying to a tune itself with the body you are mostly aligned with, or inside for lack of a better term. Because you are already synced with your body, it shouldn’t take more then a few seconds to join back together with it.”

Bam started to lie back, then stopped and sat up again. “Hey, Ville, did you ever get the name of the old guy who helped us out?”

Ville thought for a moment before he remembered the initial conversation with Mige when he brought up the possibility of a solution to their ghost problem. “I believe his name was Ron. I don’t remember much of any other stuff about him though.”

“We’ll have to try and track him down when I get out of here, I want to thank him for everything he’s done.” Ville nodded in agreement, wanting Bam to just lie back and get it over with, he wasn’t sure how much longer he could hold back his tears, and keep the smile on his face. “You’ll be here when I wake up, right Willa?” Bam checked one more time.

He had asked the question a few times since Ville had reviled how he really felt about his Ghost. “Of course I will be,” Ville replied, the lie getting easier to tell with every utterance.

Bam smiled, blew a kiss to Ville, and flopped backwards, the spiritual body vanishing easily into the flesh and blood. It seemed really anti climactic, no spells, no rituals, no final words, just a lie that had fallen from his lips to make his love get back into the body that needed his spirit so badly.

Ville watched the body for a full minute before walking over to the side of the bed, leaning over and kissing the warm chapped lips of the man he loved for the first time, before turning on his heel and leaving the room, the hospital, and after a brief stop at the hotel, followed by a longer wait at the airport, and a few arguments with the on-staff air hostesses, he left the country. The entire time, the previous conversation he had with the Mystic was ringing in his ears.

He had dropped a bomb in Ville’s lap just after telling him how to get Bam back into his body.

“Something must have really wanted you two to meet if it went to all this trouble.”

Ville narrowed his eyes. “What do you mean?”

“Spirits can’t just displace themselves halfway around the world, especially if they have no ties to any thing or any one there. That in it self would have taken quite a bit of power. But then also, if, as you said, he is in a coma, then their must be wards of some sort not allowing other ghosts to enter him and use his body.”

Ville was unsure what he was supposed to say; this was not a good turn to the conversation.

“You do realize, he will not know you when he first wakes up.” The mystic said between sips of Chai.

“Then I will have to remind him of who I am.” Ville replied calmly, “I am his boyfriend.”

“And when his parents, who he remembers clearly, asks who you are, and they tell him that they do not know you, what will you do?” The man had spoken not unkindly, and Ville could recognize that, but the words hurt like stab wounds. “Even if you tell him the truth and he believes your tale of the past five year that he spent as a ghost in Helsinki Finland, do you want him to start out loving you because he thinks he should, or do you want him to love you because he fell in love with you after he woke up?”

“But Bam loves me, he has already said this.”

“You have to remember, people who have been in coma’s for long periods of time wake up as if the years had never happened. While most are not lost souls for the duration of their time, none who have been carry their experiences consciously to their waking. Yes Bam loves you, but he will be a different person when he wakes, he will not have five years of solitude, with only you and the band for a one sided type of company. He will not have spent the last few weeks finally having interaction with only you…He will not completely forget, but what he remembers will be as he remembers a dream.”

“So you are saying I should give him up?”

“No, I am saying you should give him time.”

“But what if, while I am giving him time, he finds someone else?”

“And that, my friend, is the main reason why you should give him time. I can hear it in your voice. You are worried that one of the only reasons he loves you is because you are the only one he can interact with on a mostly equal basis. Unless you let him choose you again after he wakes, you will never know if that is how he really feels.”

Ville cringed at the words, how could this man so easily point out what Ville was feeling, especially as he hadn’t even recognized it for what it was. “How long should I give him before I re-introduce myself?”

“The how’s, why’s, when’s, and where’s are all up to you. After all, it is you who has to live with the decisions.” Not another word was spoken between the men. Ville sat there and idly traced designed into the table top, not even noticing when his companion silently stole away. When he finally stood to leave, he had half of his plan formed, the harder half, in his opinion. The part where he took Bam home and put him back in his body, then left.

Ville smiled mirthlessly out the window of the airplane. Now all he had to do was plan how they would meet again. And he hoped beyond anything else that Bam would still be his when that time came, cause he wasn’t sure if he could just be a friend.

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