(no subject)

Feb 14, 2006 19:31

This part is a little longer then the last part, but not by much. To make sure I get everything I want to down in the last chapter, I am going to take a few days to write it. I just don’t feel I can get it done in only one day with work, (and work is going to be really short handed for a while ~cries~) But I have a three day weekend, (can we say yay to state jobs I think we can!) so I do believe that while this wont be ‘complete by Thursday, it will be done by this weekend.

Title: I Dream part 14/15

Rating: From PG to NC-17

Author: V-Gin (Yeah like anyone but me would want to claim to have written this. Bwahahaha!)

Warnings: This is AU, Bam and Ville never met in my little world. And their is some het-groaping and thoughts going on here. Just close your eyes at those parts and repeat to yourself 'She is going to make it all better later in the story.' Also this is not Beta-ed, cause I am evil, do you here me! EVIL!

Summery: Ville Valo lead singer of the Finnish band HIM is being haunted. (I know crap summery, couldn't think of anything else to say)

Disclaimer: I own nothing but a bunch of CD's and a selection of DVD's featuring the boys, I actually know nothing of their private lives. If I did know all about their secret lives, rest assured I would still be posting on here, only there would be no disclaimer at the top!

Links to previous chapters behind cut.

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Part 10
Part 11
Part 12
Part 13

Part 14

When his plane had landed in Helsinki, Ville had been the last passenger to leave it, as while he had been staring out the window, he had failed to see that they had landed. It too a few polite inquiries from the flight staff before he had managed to respond, and disembark, and even as he waited in line for his turn at telling the nice man at the customs counter that he had nothing to declare, he didn’t notice what was going on around him. Though he thought he remembered telling the customs guard that he had lost his ghost while in America.

He made his way through the airport and got into a cab, telling the driver his address He really wanted a drink and a cigarette, but the alcohol was at home, and his nicotine was at a store still, having smoked his last waiting for his flight… away. He changed his destination slightly, asking for the driver to stop outside a store and wait, with the promise of a larger fare, and an even bigger tip. He picked up four bottles of his favorite brand of vodka and a carton of cigarettes. He waited till he got to the car before he cracked open a bottle and began draining it

By the time they arrived at the building Vile lived in the bottle was half empty and he was working on opening a pack of cigarettes without dropping the vodka. It wasn’t really working. Paying the driver he stood on the sidewalk for a bit, inhaling the smoke from the little cancer stick gratefully and tried to focus. Slamming the rest of the bottle of expensive Vodka, he figured that maybe now he could handle going home and not seeing Bam-Bam smiling and all but bouncing off the walls, wanting to talk, go out, go into the bedroom and mess about, anything as long as he did it with Ville.

Ville staggered on the steps, the alcohol was hitting him harder then normal, probably due tot the fact that he had been unable to eat anything since leaving the country, his stomach had been in such knots from what had was planning, it was an impossibility to even think of food. Add to that the fact he had not slept since the last time Bam had lay beside him, and he was royally fucked up on what would be a normal nights drinking.

Leaning his forehead on the door with a thump, he tried patting down his pockets looking for keys, and not having much luck, when the door swung open and he fell into Linde’s astonished arms.

Ville managed to hold himself together long enough to hear that the others were out for the night, and the door to click shut before he broke down, crying n his friends shoulder. Linde was wonderful. Linde listened to Ville’s every word, knowing when to read in-between the silences, and what it meant. He was the first one to fully realize that Ville had fallen hard for their Ghost, and what the fact that he had returned alone meant. Ville was more then thankful to be able to hide himself in the blond curtain of Linde’s long hair, and tugged the lightly protesting man with him into his room, then further into his bed, their limbs tangling together, as Ville fell asleep to the sound of his beating heart, imagining it was the beating of anther heart, far across the Atlantic.

Linde was his rock. If not for the fact that Bam still had it, the blond would have had Ville’s heart, but both liked this arrangement better anyway. Linde was the one who helped Ville tell the other guys of the band about Bam still being in America, and pointed out to Ville that he could always keep an eye on Bam, because the little ghost apparently had a flare for the media, and would undoubtedly wind up in it again.

What could Ville say other then the fact that he loved his band mates for not saying anything when he took up the hobby of following the American Skateboarding competitions, nor did they comment on the fact that a skater named Bam seemed to turn up in most of the paper clippings laying around the house. Ville loved them all so much.

It had taken a little over two years, but Ville Valo had finally managed to get back to West Chester, Pennsylvania. This time however he wasn’t skulking about in hospital corridors. This time he was there as the front man for the internationally famous band, HIM.

He should have been on top of the world, but Ville was tired and sad, and he wanted nothing more then to be able to call Bam up and tell him everything, to drag the other man to him and chain their bodies together, which really was something he should keep in mind for when they did get together, just because it sounded really fun. He kept telling himself that Bam had spent five years all by himself; surely he could spend a few more months without the much proclaimed ‘Hottest thing in skateboarding’ (according to American Magazines) knowing he existed outside of a CD or four he may have gotten as a mysterious birthday gift, which was of course not mailed from Finland. After all Ville had been touring when the inspiration to send the gift had struck, so it was mailed from somewhere in Spain, he couldn’t quite remember where though.

It had all been so carefully planned, Ville had arranged everything in the bands schedule just so that this gig would be played with a week of down time after, which would be used to capture a certain skaters heart. Of course with as big a fan of the sport as he was, Ville would of course give complimentary tickets to Bam and his crew, and from there they would be invited to have a few drinks with the band, and after that…

And it would have been a perfect plan, if it hadn’t been for the fact that Bam had signed up for a skate competition in Vancouver, Canada. The rest of the guys had been left behind with strict orders to make sure that Ape got no sleep, Don Vito was thoroughly harassed and to have a blast at the concert. To which end they had been hanging out with the band for most of the day.

Ville was completely heartbroken. This had been his big gambit, his master plan; this was going to bring Bam together with the person whose heart he had unknowingly stolen, and give Ville a chance to win back the one Bam had taken away from him, albeit unintentionally, when the skateboarder had woken from his coma. Now it was ruined.

He sighed deeply and stared at his reflection in the mirror before him, and further into the empty dressing room beyond. It was going to be a long night, but he had to get ready, and give it his all, cause this was Bam’s town, and those were Bam’s friends, and he had to make a killer impression for when the skater returned. Picking up his pencil liner he began to outline his eyes.

Ville beamed at his band mates, the show had been great, the audience was absolutely wonderful, and the only dark spot had been the absences of one Bam Margera from the building. At least when he came back their would be nothing but rave reviews to return to. Ville lit another cigarette and took an offered beer from a roadie as he was predictably separated from the other guys by a mob of excited and bouncy girls each clamoring for attention, asking for autographs (either on paper, or conveniently bare areas of skin), and gushing about how great the concert had been.

Ville smiled, flirted, flattered and teased, making no progress towards the dressing room and Bam’s friends then a few half-hearted steps, until Linde appeared by his side. Dragging Ville away, declaring over the voices of the protesting girls that there was a great surprise in the Dressing room, and Ville was going to love it.

The door opened and Linde shove him inside, following after, and shutting the door firmly in the faces of the fan-girls who had followed. Ville stopped dead in his tracks at what he saw. Bam Margera, his Bam-Bam, was standing in his dressing room; being poked prodded and teased by his friends. He looked around the room, trying to verify that everyone else could see the skater. That this wasn’t some really bizarre hallucination, and from the look of things, Bam was here.

Ville gulped audibly as he felt those eyes turn to him, and the horseplay suddenly stopped, as Bam smiled. “Hey, I’m Bam, I hear that you are a big fan of the element team I skate with. It is so cool that I finally have a chance to meet you cause I am a huge fan of your music as well!” Bam extended his hand, and all Ville could do for a moment was look at it.

Then he felt Linde’s hand at the small of his back, giving him a small push forward, and he remembered that he had something that he was supposed to do now, and with a smile he extended his hand.

He swiftly cupped the back of Bam’s neck and pulled the skater forward, their lips meeting sending shivers down Ville’s spine as he felt Bam’s mouth open slightly and he finally got to taste the man he had been dreaming for two long years.

Comments and criticisms welcome!
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