Werewolf FAQ

Dec 10, 2010 05:00

Questions about the werewolves.

Q: What happens when a human is bitten?
A: They go through a lot of changes. Their body heats up while it's readjusting, they start sensing things more than they could before (no spidey-sense; it simply means they smell more, hear more, etc.). They develop their enhanced speed and strength during this time, but as it's new to them, they'll likely make a lot of mistakes. This time period is characterized by a lot of confusion, and weird looks from other people. Fortunately, for the most part, the turnee's sire is there for them throughout this time, as well as the sire's pack. It's usually rare for a sire to just abandon their sireling.

Q: If two werewolves have sex, are they mated?
A: Not necessarily. There aren't a lot of souls on this earth that will go a few hundred years without having sex. Therefore, it's allowed. However, if the coupling results in a pregnancy, there will be a shotgun mating; after all, werewolves are all about packs and families. So keep that in mind.

Q: If a werewolf is mated, can they still have sex with other wolves?
A: Absolutely not. Two wolves can't have sex if one is mated and the other is not their mate. Basically, an affair would emotionally destroy a mated wolf, supposing they could even go through with it. Lust and sex in the wolf world are not stronger than a mating bond.

Q: How does this aging thing work? Is there a formula?
A: No, there is no universal answer about the aging. It varies from individual to individual. It also depends on if they were bitten. A person bitten doesn't have their age subtracted from 1,000 or anything of that sort. Generally werewolves can live for 1,000 years. Their ages and looks depend on them. Just like any regular person might have stunted growth or age well, werewolves can as well. We do, however, think that this shouldn't be tried to stretch to an outrageous degree. Obvious teenage played-bys do not fit as elders and will not pass for extremely old. Use judgment and if you really aren't sure, ask.

Q: What happens with silver?
A: Not only does it hurt, it burns, and not in a cauterizing way. It's like being stabbed/shot, poisoned, and burning at the same time. As you can imagine, it's quite painful and quite deadly. Getting cut/slashed/grazed with silver will hurt like the dickens but will heal eventually, supposing the werewolf gets away with only that injury. However, if the silver remains in the body for too long, the wolf will die of poisoning, bleed to death, die of shock, etc. Wounds don't heal with the silver still in the body.

Q: Healing? What's that process like? Does it carry over into wolf and human form? How fast do they heal?
A: The healing process is heightened like the senses. The wolves bodies repair themselves quickly. While some human might have a gash and have it for weeks a werewolves heals over the course of a few days. Ask for the forms, if you're injured in either form it carries over. There is no magical way to get rid of your wounds. The healing process and how long it takes to heal depends on the severity of the wound and the level of strength of the wolf, but it sped up much faster than it would be for a human.

Q: How do werepups age?
A: The human portion ages just like a human would until adulthood where the aging slows. The wolf portion, however, ages more slowly. A ten-year-old who turns into a wolf will only look a few months, if that, older than a baby pup. In their teenage years, the wolves will look more like adolescents, and will continue to look that young/small until they are well into their 20s. This only applies, of course, to born wolves and humans who were bitten at a very young age.

Q: Speaking of puppies...Or, what about litters?
A: Werewolf pregnancies aren't terribly different from human pregnancies. Usually they will have one baby per pregnancy. HOWEVER, there is a significantly increased occurance of fraternal twins and triplets among werewolves--meaning, the babies do not have to look alike, do not have to be the same gender, etc., unless the player particularly wants them to be (please limit that).

Q: Do werewolves have control over themselves when they've transformed on the full moon?
A: The experienced ones do, the noobs don't.

Q: Does the transformation hurt on the full moon?
A: Until they get used to it, yes.

Q: What happens if a human gets a werewolf pregnant and can it happen?
A: It can happen and the baby has a 50% chance of becoming a werewolf.

Q: How long are werewolves pregnant, regular nine months?
A: Regular wolves are pregnant about 63 days and humans take about 40 weeks. Werewolves are something of a compromise at 4-5 months.

Q. What happens to a werewolf's clothes when they shift?
A. If they're wearing them during the shift, then they'll probably end up ripped/teared/ruined/whatever. When the therianthrope shifts back to their human form, they will be naked.

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