The Kink Meme

Feb 02, 2012 16:53

Round 1

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kink meme

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liam/louis, 5 times and 1 time, based on these lyrics anonymous March 19 2012, 01:52:09 UTC
based on the lyric, "you kept falling in love and then one day, when you fell, you fell towards me" from the song "please don't go" by barcelona ( ... )


Re: liam/louis, 5 times and 1 time, based on these lyrics anonymous March 19 2012, 02:13:35 UTC
This sounds absolutely wonderful. Flawless.


Re: liam/louis, 5 times and 1 time, based on these lyrics anonymous March 20 2012, 17:25:43 UTC
i want this so badly!
i really, really hope someone fills this omg


fill 1/? anonymous March 21 2012, 23:38:45 UTC
(oh, i am less than confident and op, i know this isn't really what you asked for but i hope you still like it)

4 times louis fell in and out of love and 1 time he stayed



at sixteen, liam is all gangly limbs and fringed hair, clumsy and reserved and his best friend is louis.

at sixteen, louis is golden skin and scratchy stubble, charming and careless with his heart on his sleeve, and eleanor swipes it off in three days flat. neither liam nor louis know it at the time, but she’s the first of many.

she’s the prettiest girl in their year and louis’ eyes constantly trail after her long legs and cute smile, and even though he bores liam to pieces, chattering on about her day after day, and even though liam’s hardly looked in the direction of a girl for a few years now, his timid gaze usually cast upon the boys in PE, liam isn’t blind - she’s beautiful and laid back and when her laugh rings out liam knows she’s perfect for louis.

and louis is completely smitten, going beet red when he finally asks her out, stuttering and ( ... )


fill 2/? anonymous March 21 2012, 23:41:18 UTC
2 ( ... )


fill 3/? anonymous March 21 2012, 23:43:14 UTC

zayn, and fuck if he wasn’t the worst, because he was the one person liam thought he could have, the one person he thought could make him forget about louis, completely ( ... )


fill 4/? anonymous March 21 2012, 23:50:05 UTC

harry comes along with his bouncy curls and dangerous grin and liam only has to take one look at him before he thinks oh shit, but he’s too late.

apparently only just too late, as he meets harry just after louis does:

“we’ve just met!” louis yells over the music as he saunters over to liam in the corner - his typical place at these parties - with harry, arms around shoulders and leaning on each other. “liam, this is harry. harry, this is liam, the one i was just telling you about!”

harry puts out his hand and smiles, all dimples and drunken flush and gleaming eyes and then they’re stumbling away again, whispering into each other’s ears and honest to god gigglingliam decides right then that he hates harry and it must show on his face because niall comes back with two drinks and a sympathetic look ( ... )


fill 5/? anonymous March 21 2012, 23:53:51 UTC
liam wakes up a few hours later curled around louis, legs intertwined. he stretches, feeling more rested than he has in weeks, and he takes in louis in his arms: he’s peaceful in sleep, contrasting his boisterous personality in waking hours, and the lines in his face have smoothed out making him look young, boyish. his mouth is slack as he breathes deep, the corners twitching as he dreams and liam imagines himself moving, just shifting the tiniest amount to kiss louis awake, but then louis is cracking open his eyes and yawning, stretching out his arms above his head sleepily and he’s so close, so close, just spread out before liam ( ... )


fill 6/7 anonymous March 21 2012, 23:59:47 UTC
louis finally emerges and goes out with niall and aiden in tow, comes back more pissed than liam’s ever seen him.

he rubs his back as louis retches into the toilet, tears and snot running down his face, a complete mess. when he starts sobbing, liam gathers him up and pulls him to his chest, squeezing him too tight on their dirty bathroom floor.

louis’ breath hitches terrifyingly fast, and liam grips him closer. he calms a little, starts rambling into liam’s ear and whispers, “why’s everyone got to leave me, liam?” before he finally passes out.

liam thinks never me, fuck you, never me angrily, elated once more at having louis in his arms again ( ... )


fill 7/7 anonymous March 22 2012, 00:00:45 UTC
“i don’t, liam, i can go if you want, i don’t-”

“shut up and say it again,” liam snaps and it makes no sense and then liam feels the second understanding comes to louis, snapping to awareness and they’re kissing again, clacking teeth and lips splitting and louis’ voice rumbles through him anytime they come up for air, “i love you, liam, love you love you love you.”

“you fucking twat,” liam chokes out, pushing away again but not far, because is this even fucking real, “how, louis, you never,” but he can’t finish that sentence so louis does for him, “i did, i did, i realized i felt something, but it wasn’t like with anyone else, nothing like any of them, and, it fucking terrified me, liam, so i ignored it, for a long time i tried to brush it off, but i can’t, i just can’t any more.”

liam is quiet for a minute and then he mumbles, “you fucking idiot,” hands coming to louis’ head, sliding into his hair and gripping hard enough to hurt. “since we were sixteen, louis ( ... )


(The comment has been removed)

Re: fill 7/7 anonymous March 22 2012, 17:30:53 UTC
oh this makes me so happy! i was quite worried about it, i'm so pleased you like it! and thank YOU for the gorgeous prompt and this lovely comment <3


Re: fill 7/7 k_sewell1d March 23 2012, 19:57:55 UTC
oh my dear 'nonnie, this is beautiful. simply stunning.


Re: fill 7/7 anonymous March 22 2012, 17:15:56 UTC
THIS IS PERFECT. i wish i knew who you were dear anon. pls never stop writing (esp lilo)


Re: fill 7/7 sophi3g March 24 2012, 00:44:16 UTC
oh my god, WHO ARE YOU?! I want to know so I can hug and possibly kidnap you.
THIS WAS AMAZING. no seriously I loved it so so much. it had all my favourite lilo things in it, it was perfect. ahhhh!


Re: fill 7/7 loribeast March 25 2012, 20:04:00 UTC
this was so so perfect, I absolutely adore this


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