The Kink Meme

Feb 02, 2012 16:53

Round 1

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fill 5/? anonymous March 21 2012, 23:53:51 UTC
liam wakes up a few hours later curled around louis, legs intertwined. he stretches, feeling more rested than he has in weeks, and he takes in louis in his arms: he’s peaceful in sleep, contrasting his boisterous personality in waking hours, and the lines in his face have smoothed out making him look young, boyish. his mouth is slack as he breathes deep, the corners twitching as he dreams and liam imagines himself moving, just shifting the tiniest amount to kiss louis awake, but then louis is cracking open his eyes and yawning, stretching out his arms above his head sleepily and he’s so close, so close, just spread out before liam.

liam’s on the floor before he even knows he’s moved. his legs are tangled in the blankets and he curses himself, twisting free and bolting out of the room without ever looking back at louis, not even when he hears him confusedly calling after him.

he runs to niall’s flat, barely remembering shoes, banging on the door until niall lets him in with a snarling, “have you got any idea what time it is, liam?” but he softens at liam’s hitching breaths and rambling words.

niall sighs and lets liam press his face into his neck, mutters, “mate, how many more times are you gonna do this?”


(one moment, though looking back there are so many he missed, sticks with liam:

liam is in the kitchen doing the dishes, singing along loudly to whatever’s on the radio. he doesn’t actually know the words so he’s making most of them up, laughing at himself.

the sun is going down, light catching on the windows and bouncing around the room and when liam looks up, louis is there with his car keys in his hand, frozen, staring at him with a calculating look.

liam stops singing abruptly and turns back to the plate he was washing, face heating up. when he looks back, louis’ head is ducked down, biting his lip, and liam swears he feels something snap in the air and he goes to say something but then harry is bounding in the door, whooping and clinging to louis.)


they last for over a year - well, seventeen months, but who’s counting? (liam, always.) it is the longest relationship louis’ had, the longest liam has witnessed, and it nearly tears them all apart.

the last few months are filled with fighting, biting arguments and late night phone calls that keep liam up at night, listening from his bed as louis paces in the living room and waiting for the night when he hangs up and doesn’t call back.

he watches louis hollow out, become a shadow of the person he was - his louis, he thinks fiercely. liam watches them slowly slip apart, crashing away from each other, and harry will occasionally bounce back to louis, slinking into their flat, into louis’ room late at night with a bruised mouth and eyes shining with more than their typical party rush. liam will close his eyes and wait, hearing louis’ concerned voice and things breaking (picture frames and phones and louis and harry), hearing no, don’t, harry, don’t and harry’s floaty love you louis, i love you and he covers his ears before the moaning starts.

in the morning, over tea and louis’ bruised face, louis will say harry is restless (liam thinks dangerous, thinks of harry’s mad grin at that party so long ago) and liam wants to shake him.

it ends with harry leaving, packing up his own flat and moving out without telling anyone. louis goes to see him one day and comes back with a blank face and stoney eyes, and liam doesn’t see him for a few days after the door to his room slams shut. liam himself only finds out what happens when ed of all people calls him and says harry’d shown up at his place and he let him stay there until he came back one night half out of his mind and ed had to take him to get his stomach pumped.


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