The Kink Meme

Feb 02, 2012 16:53

Round 1

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kink meme

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fill 1/? anonymous March 21 2012, 23:38:45 UTC
(oh, i am less than confident and op, i know this isn't really what you asked for but i hope you still like it)

4 times louis fell in and out of love and 1 time he stayed



at sixteen, liam is all gangly limbs and fringed hair, clumsy and reserved and his best friend is louis.

at sixteen, louis is golden skin and scratchy stubble, charming and careless with his heart on his sleeve, and eleanor swipes it off in three days flat. neither liam nor louis know it at the time, but she’s the first of many.

she’s the prettiest girl in their year and louis’ eyes constantly trail after her long legs and cute smile, and even though he bores liam to pieces, chattering on about her day after day, and even though liam’s hardly looked in the direction of a girl for a few years now, his timid gaze usually cast upon the boys in PE, liam isn’t blind - she’s beautiful and laid back and when her laugh rings out liam knows she’s perfect for louis.

and louis is completely smitten, going beet red when he finally asks her out, stuttering and stammering when she giggles at him, something liam thought louis was incapable of doing. they’ve only been going out for a few weeks when the football boys are surrounding louis, clapping their hands on his back and laughing, you’re fucked, mate.

louis laughs with them, shrugging them off and blushing to himself, and after practice he walks home with liam, giving him the dirty details of his and eleanor’s latest rendezvous in his mum’s car and cackling when liam shoves off his kissy faces. liam doesn’t understand it at the time, but every little word and soft touch from louis has his heart stuttering, like even the blood in his veins flows on from every tiny look he gets.

a few days into their christmas holidays, louis walks in on one of the guys on his football team going down on her and stomps right back out of the room and into liam’s waiting arms. he watches louis’ shut down, face withdrawn and he hates how louis doesn’t cry, never cries when he should, when things fall apart like this and liam holds him in his bed and wants to scream at her, at the other guy, at himself for the tiny bit of guilty satisfaction he feels.

liam wonders just exactly how fucked he is.


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