The Kink Meme

Feb 02, 2012 16:53

Round 1

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kink meme

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fill 2/? anonymous March 21 2012, 23:41:18 UTC

when they’re eighteen, louis falls for a painter.

they’re on summer holidays, anxiously awaiting university in the fall and they fall asleep outside more nights than not, looking up at the stars while louis whispers words full of promises and potential and liam never doubts him for a second.

the beginning of july, matt starts painting the house next door to louis and suddenly liam rarely sees his best friend anymore. they still hang out, but not nearly as often as before, and liam slowly watches as bruises form on louis’ wrists, his hips when liam glances over as they change or go swimming, paint slowly staining his clothes as the summer wears on.

louis comes around sometimes, late at night sneaking into liam’s open window and they lay on the floor of liam’s room together. now louis whispers about matt, telling liam about the house he’s working on and how he plays guitar and how he let louis suck him off in a freshly painted bathroom the week before.

it’s shit, and liam knows it, and he doesn’t care; he’ll take whatever he can get of louis and that feeling almost scares him more than the raging jealousy he gets when he sees colors on louis’ skin, thoughtlessly smeared there and haphazardly wiped away.

louis only mentions leaving with matt once, mostly (not to liam) a joke, but liam still felt like he was drowning, burning from the inside out.

after all that, the break up is almost amusing. well, to liam.

matt moves onto other houses, as house painters do, and for some reason this comes as a shock to louis. he trudges into liam’s room after everyone’s asleep and tells him what happened with teary eyes, more from anger, liam thinks, than anguish.

“and he kissed me on the cheek and patted me on the fucking head, liam, like i’m a toddler.” louis finishes his story with a hmph, arms crossed and pouting and liam tries, he really does, tries so hard to quell his snorting laughter, but it bubbles out of him, giddy, and liam claps a hand over his mouth.

louis stares and liam almost worries that he’s gone too far, actually hurt louis, but then louis’ mouth is twitching, “you think my suffering is funny, payne?” his hands come up to tickle liam, fingers digging into his sides and liam actually squeals before he remembers he’s supposed to be quiet.

after much protesting and a horrific promise that louis can name liam’s first born if he just stops, please, he relents and they lie there panting, flushed and still giggling.

“you know,” louis starts flippantly, resting his head on liam’s pillow next to him and covering them both up in the blankets, “you, liam, are my favorite, forever, okay?” and liam nods and his heart swells.


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