[[SP Planning Thread]]

May 31, 2011 20:47

So here's the planning/discussion post for the pre-battle CR log. It's pretty loose and informal.

Post will be updated/edited with what's being discussed and what people want covered.

Post in your plurk so the light kids + allies know where this is.

Who: Possibly Aqua, Ventus, Riku, Sora, Roxas, Xion, Kairi, Joe, Soul, Stein, Leon (?), BIG SUIT OF ARMOR, any other KH Light side
Where: TBA
When: TBA

Under Discussion:
  • How this thread works:
    • We'll be deciding plan of action and preparation here in this post and handwaving what was discussed in the meeting in the actual log thread.
    • Each character can OOCly say what their characters would suggest here in the thread.
  • The log itself
    • Will begin with Riku and Aqua possibly starting the meeting
    • Can have anything from training/sparring, to private one on one conversations
    • Will be in the style of a party post (?)
Final Details:
  • Final Details
    • Handwaved battle meeting
    • Log consists instead of training, one one one conversations, any pre-battle CR
    • Location: woods, abandoned warehouse or slums
    • Places to stay: Riku's apartment (the trio), Lion's Gate (paid for by Riku)
    • Aslan-log format
    • Reactions and explanations can be referenced and looked back on in this post
  • Final battle Plans
    • Keyblade must be used on Terra's heart to free him
    • 2-3 people patrolling outside to keep an eye out for Terranort
    • daily training/sparring
    • Battle Tactics
  • Threads to keep tabs on


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